SPOUSE PROTECTION: What about it faggots?

You sure seem to fixate on stories involving homosexuals.

Even more than Koalabear.
This message is hidden because RobDownSouth is on your ignore list cuz his mouth is an incubator for alien life forms.
I'll take one for 7,000

This message is hidden because RobDownSouth is on your ignore list cuz his mouth is an incubator for alien life forms.

KRAFT RULEZ #99: Whenever things aren't going well in a political discussion, and all else fails, brag that you have your political opponent on ignore, because that will prove that you have a superior argument!
Lifting pedestrian trolling to an art form is my calling. One day, many years from now, you can proudly tell your grandkids, I WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED.

The most effective trolling necessitates knowing the target's ticks and drives. It's an insight into human nature, in a sense.
The most effective trolling necessitates knowing the target's ticks and drives. It's an insight into human nature, in a sense.

Ever talk someone outta shooting themselves?

Ever talk a frog into being a princess?

Ninety-five percent of it is getting them to pay attention.