Spotlight on You

ok, now i've had a few PMs and some email. YEA! me :)
And how do you know who is sending me PMs when its not you... never you - never ever you? And all I want is to hear from you - know you're ok? You never call, you never write. Is this the way I raised you?
Dillinger said:
And all I want is to hear from you - know you're ok? You never call, you never write. Is this the way I raised you?

Stop channeling my grandmother.

Dillinger said:
I'd rather find your channel.

You know, lame cracks like that could get you busted back down to newbie status.

that was really bad...losing sleep?
Re: phew!

Silverlily said:

You know, lame cracks like that could get you busted back down to newbie status.

that was really bad...losing sleep?

With over 16,000 posts there is no way to bust me back to newbie - however you can bust me back to lame... *lol* - Yeah, I know it was bad - but I also know how much you hate lame cracks like that... *weg*
I'll stick to the theme just for you

Dillinger said:
With over 16,000 posts there is no way to bust me back to newbie -

Darlin', it isn't the size of the stick, it's how you swing it.

totals snob :p