Southern California


Really Experienced
Jul 7, 2002
We all should have a get together, if anyone wants to participate write it here or pm me.

Talk to you all later and have a good weekend ahead of you!
It can, if I get in the planning mood sure of course. If not people who want to show up will show up. The people that miss out are the people who miss out.
well yes it is, grew up there so not really interested in meeting up "in" seal beach...long beach is just fine close but not in the town
Screw it let's all meet up at the saddle ranch and take turns riding the mechanical bull.
pocket73 said:
well yes it is, grew up there so not really interested in meeting up "in" seal beach...long beach is just fine close but not in the town

im in New England so it will take me a while to git there...

I used to shoot the pier in Seal...

break on thru to the other side...;)
"Screw it let's all meet up at the saddle ranch and take turns riding the mechanical bull."

too much fun in the summer sun... who has twister and some alcyhol? badass?
pocket73 said:

too much fun in the summer sun... who has twister and some alcyhol? badass?

Dunno, but there's a tub of Crisco in the cupboard.
badasschick said:
Screw it let's all meet up at the saddle ranch and take turns riding the mechanical bull.

bowling balls falling out the car...
bring on the crisco I always like a challenge, and can we get a slip and slide tooo bowling with aslip and slide is always a recipe for fun
I'd show up for a Litogether
We had a small one last year with 4 of us in Westwood
It was great
I've recovered enough for another
just pet said:
I'd show up for a Litogether
We had a small one last year with 4 of us in Westwood
It was great
I've recovered enough for another

I would love to visit the area again...

crawl around in the hills...
eagleyez said:
I would love to visit the area again...

crawl around in the hills...

They're calling your name

(Why am I having visions of The Sound of Music ?)

Leave the lederhosen at home
I'd show up for a Litogether
We had a small one last year with 4 of us in Westwood
It was great
I've recovered enough for another


Well right on, mama san think you can get the other three in the group to come along, would be nice for an expanded service.

I wonder if you have crisco, twister, and alchyhol, what does that make?

Leaving messages with you all for the fun of it.
pocket73 said:

Well right on, mama san think you can get the other three in the group to come along, would be nice for an expanded service.

I wonder if you have crisco, twister, and alchyhol, what does that make?

Add duct tape and a great imagination and you have a party.
One lives in Florida, but if timing is right, I am sure he would join us.
if you make it in June I can come out
I have to come out for a race so I would love to show up

I was born in Los Angeles
Ahhh the workings of a good time

I was thinking of doing one soon and then we could set up another one, June would be good I am sure that we would recover from the fun to be had then.

I think duct tape is pushing it, but velvet ropes/silk ties could very easily be used instead.

Imagination is always around you just have to spark it in some people.
Another SoCal Lit member willing to join the party. Just let me know where and when.