Hi Lilbunch.
Just my luck. I'm in the upstate area tonight. I was in myrtle beach over the weekend. Please keep posting and maybe we can hook up.
Schedule for the Asheville Litogether
Date Sept 12- 14
Place Asheville NC
Ramada INN west
Phone # 828-665-2161
Make sure to tell them your with the Litogether
(They have no idea what that is) "Chuckle"
You also need to give them this code # 865
if you check in without this code you will be charged the full price, so keep it.
That code gets you a King sized room any # of occupants
For $68.00 plus tax You need to make your reservations as soon as possible. You only need a credit card to do so, and they don't place the room on the card till you actually check in. I just this min called the hotel and they have plenty of rooms right now. However they did say that if we all get separate rooms (we have 48 on the list) the availability will go down quickly. Remember Asheville will be entering leaf season then.
Fri. arrival when ever you want
Meet in bar at 7:00 and move to restaurant at 7:30
Fri. night Dinner at the hotel 7:30PM
Fri. 9:00PM Bar at hotel meeting
Sat. morning Breakfast at your pace (hotel has Breakfast bar available or Shoney's is next door)
10:30 meet to take Parkway trip & Picnic lunch (I'm working on a place to get a good picnic lunch)
2:00 back at hotel
4:00 till 6:00 Toy party location to be announced
6:00 till 7:00 getting ready for dinner
7:00 till 9:00 Dinner At TGI Fridays
9:00 bar for fun
Sun Free time any Sunday activities are on hold till
we find out what time people need to leave to head home.
We also have one leather toy maker coming for the weekend. Right now the plans are to have those available at all times in their room. You may visit as often as you like to buy, and don't forget to go by her web page and look around. She will make available anything your interested in if we let her know ahead of time.
You will be added to the final count as you make your
Reservations so let me know that you have.
This is so we can make reservations and such for restaurants