Soul mates?

There are enought people out there that someone is going to be your perfect match. It's a numbers game.


I think you have one. Not only do you have to find tha tperson but you hae to make sure it works, because it's not automatic.
Yes, but I don't think that means we will neccessarily be with them.
"Lasting harmony with a woman was an undertaking in which I twice failed rather disgracefully."

- Einstein
Well I found most of the wrong ones before, hopefully I'm getting closer to the right one.
Yeah, but not neccessarily in the mate form. Mine could be a seventy year old woman playing bingo for box's of tissue.
I think there can be one to do my laundry, and one to lick my left tit, and one to feed my artist, and one .....
but that's "mates" not just one "mate".

I pretty much agree with deep connections on that level. But the knight? the princess?

not in my fairytale.
Yes, I believe you do.

BUT, that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to always be with that person.

It is nice though when you find that person and connect to that level. Hopefully you can mesh your lives together and make the rest of it work too.

Good luck on finding yours...
It is way too late for me to get into my thoughts on Soul Mates and Twin Flames but this is something I read the other day and found it quite interesting. Thought I'd share...

"Selves also form Soul Acquaintances, relationships with others that are usually a few incarnations long and continue because they have a pattern between them to heal. Instant dislike of someone you barely know on a deep level can sometimes be a Soul Acquaintance or someone that you have a difficult relationship with over time and yet can’t seem to break it off is another possibility. There is no guarantee that one will heal the pattern if you meet up with a Soul Acquaintance also involved in such. One can want to, the other doesn’t or both can decide not to. Nor is it the only circumstances that one or both can heal the pattern, just the easiest. The more people in the pattern, the more complex the healing can be.

While in-between incarnations, Selves can agree for one to become a Soul Visitor to the other. Their paths cross once (a single event or a space of time) and the purpose of the Soul Visitor is to provide a message at a pivotal or transformational point in the other’s life. Then they are gone on their way in this incarnation and in past lives. "
Sounds fascinating Erosman.
Do tell.

The Anam cara is deep stuff Miles.