Sorry to get political on your ass, but...


Really Experienced
Nov 25, 2001
I'd love to hear from some of the sixty percent (apparently) supporting Bush in his rantings.
Surely the figure is bullshit, I know Americans have more sense than that!
As writers, we should discuss this issue.
If it's too heavy for anyone, sorry, please disregard this.
NorthwestRain said:
I'd love to hear from some of the sixty percent (apparently) supporting Bush in his rantings.


this really is the end of America as a country. I'm fleeing to Canada ASAP. I hear they have affordable healthcare.
Re: Re: Sorry to get political on your ass, but...

Chicklet said:

this really is the end of America as a country. I'm fleeing to Canada ASAP. I hear they have affordable healthcare.

Welcome to Canada, please have your passport and identification ready for inspection at the border.

Please remember, on the roads, 60mph = 100 kph.

You're limited to sending one case of smarties(apparently ours are better, according to my bro-in-law) or coffee crisp home to the family per month, that's so there's some left for us.

Oh, and adjust your spelling to add a few "u" 's after "o", neighbour, colour, etc. Not to mention it's a chequing account, not a checking account.

Are you up for the challenge should you accept it? :D

Come right in and get affordable health care while you can, politicians here are in a real rush to privatize it to American corporations (thank you NAFTA) and dismantling the 'social safety net'.
i already add the "u" to most words - just makes more sense. as for kmh and the metric system...i'll get used to it ;) I've been told that in as little as 2 years i could be a citizen. hurah!
That sixty percent is the biggest bullshit number around. (I think they polled Bush's cabinet.)

Chicklett, don't go to Canada. We need all the intelligent people we can get to vote him out of office next term. Hell, is there any way we can get him out early?
Nice country Canada, eh...

The beer is so much better in Canada, than America, and they even show breasts on their regular TV channels, eh. If you are bi-lingual, that is to say, you speak French, as well as English, then you're pretty much welcome every where in Canada. If you only speak English, stay out of K-beck(Quebec), and if you only speak French, well, then you also learn English just the same for the better jobs in K-beck. The French Canadians though aren't half as arogant as the French in France, and neither understands the others French anyway. Still, people are people, and for the most part very friendly all over Canada if you don't try to tell them that they are about to be added to the USA any year now once they're broke from their socialist medical plan. The winters are well below zero for the most part, and the summers unbearably humid hot around August. But at present their maritime is larger than America's shrinking merchant fleet, because US Companies have gone foreign flag. LOL

PS: Bush stole the Presidencey once already, so what makes anyone think his family won't do it again once he's up for re-election? Oh, and is it me, or did we already do Iraq once before with his daddy? And what kind of name is Bush anyway? Is it short for pussy, or bush whacker?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
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NorthwestRain said:
I'd love to hear from some of the sixty percent (apparently) supporting Bush in his rantings.
Surely the figure is bullshit, I know Americans have more sense than that!
As writers, we should discuss this issue.
If it's too heavy for anyone, sorry, please disregard this.

You'll never go broke by underestimating the stupidity of the American people.
Re: Nice country Canada, eh...

Dirt Man said:
PS: Bush stole the Presidencey once already, so what makes anyone think his family won't do it again once he's up for re-election? Oh, and is it me, or did we already do Iraq once before with his daddy?

If he continue to listen to his father, I'm expecting a lot of racistic propaganda on TV, and a lot of sexistic bullshit, too.
All this confusion about votes... I wonder if Bush doesn't have a finger in it...

How about next time you guys vote, you skip the ballot things and just write the name of the candidate you want for president on a piece of paper?


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same old same old

I have been biting my tongue with all of the name calling and president bashing...

I have friends that fled from Iraq after their family was blacklisted by Sadaam Hussein. The family members that chose to stay were executed.

We have no clue what evil really is. If one of us had posted these statements about Sadaam Hussein in Iraq, we would already be arrested, if not executed.

The wholesale slaughter of people groups has been instituted and executed by Sadaam Hussein. Genocide is part of his "solution".

I have four children. I have friends that have already been deployed to the Gulf. Do I "want" war... NO! No caring decent person "wants" war.

Do I want a documented genocidal maniac to have weapons of mass destruction? Absolutely not. The casualties would be more than just people, he would be able to blackmail the world into dehumanizing people groups so that some would be "safe".

hmmmm... sounds like another man who was "appeased" even as he oppressed and murdered his own countrymen and marched across Europe killing people just based on their ethnic background.

And... finally, regarding healthcare... it doesn't matter how cheap it is if you can't get it.. In upper New York the hospitals are filled with Canadians getting by-pass surgery and paying for it out of their own pockets because they are on very long waiting lists.

Re: same old same old

bridgetkeeney said:
Do I want a documented genocidal maniac to have weapons of mass destruction? Absolutely not. The casualties would be more than just people, he would be able to blackmail the world into dehumanizing people groups so that some would be "safe".

Indians in the 1800. Blacks during the slave period. Asian americans after Pearl Harbor. Blacks again during the colour wars. Socialists and communists during the cold war. Women during the 80'ies.

I'd say that US has a history of stalking certain groups of people. I think that you have a non-documented genocidal maniac, with his hands full of weapons of mass destruction, right now.:(
imho bush is acting a lot like hitler

and hitler got *2* countries to agree with many does bush have?

hitler was also a lot more charismatic.
Re: Re: same old same old

Svenskaflicka said:
Indians in the 1800. Blacks during the slave period. Asian americans after Pearl Harbor. Blacks again during the colour wars. Socialists and communists during the cold war. Women during the 80'ies.

I'd say that US has a history of stalking certain groups of people. I think that you have a non-documented genocidal maniac, with his hands full of weapons of mass destruction, right now.:(

You'll be hard pressed to get a majority "American" to admit how evil the U.S. really is. One need only see the Disney movie "Pocahontas" or the vitriolically racist "Gone With The Wind" (an American favorite) to see how deluded America is about it's sordid murderous history. "Americans" believe that it's our "god" given right to use 99% of the worlds resources, violate the sovereignty of other nations on a whim, and hold the rest of the world hostage. Most people in this country were actually surprised on 09/11/2001. I was not. I saw it coming. Of course I didn't know the particulars of when where and what. But, when that Maniac G.W. Bush ordered Colin Powell to walk out of the Durban South Africa U.N. conference on world racism (on 09/04/2001) I knew that there would be a response.

The Right wing nutters in this country often compare Saddam Hussein to Hitler. Their assertion is that Saddam is on the verge of becoming the next Hitler. Well, that is of course Bullshit. Iraq is no threat to the U.S. Israel could take out Iraq by itself. The true next Hitler/Napoleon/Caesar is the usurper president George Bush. And, mark my words, before he's thrown out of office, he is going to have the whole world in lock-step against America.
Pookie_grrl said:

Very well said!

Sometimes war is unavoidable. Freedom and safety have their price too. Sadaam Hussein has already proven himself to be a ruthless killer of his own people ... not to mention his own family. There already is hard evidence that he has tried to build weapons of mass destruction. He won't fully cooperate with the "World" when it comes to inspections. He has proven he can't be trusted.

Do we stop Sadaam Hussein now when he can't use weapons of mass destruction? Or do we wait until he can?

What's the old saying about maintaining your car? Pay me now ... or pay me later. I think the same applies even more so in situations and with people like Sadaam Hussein.

Funny how none of this crap applies to China, North Korea or Saudi Arabia (where every dime that Al Qaeda has comes from).
Chicklet said:
imho bush is acting a lot like hitler

and hitler got *2* countries to agree with many does bush have?

hitler was also a lot more charismatic.

Don't forget Caesar ...
Bush wasn't elected after all. He was installed, and has since ostensibly declared himself the Emperor of the world, since it's now his decision as to which leaders other sovereign nations can have.

And why shouldn't he be like Hitler. Both of his grandfathers were big Hitler supporters before the U.S. entered the war. They even had assets seized by the U.S. because of their dealings with the Nazis. Any one who doubts it, look it up. Their names were Prescott Bush and Hebert Walker ... it's well documented by many many legitimate sources.
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Bridget, I don't disagree that Saddam is an evil person and I don't necessarily disagree with the idea of going to war against him. The problem I have is initiating an unprovoked attack on another country for something that may or may not happen (weapons of mass destruction). It sets a bad precident.

I mean what do you then tell China when they go to war with Taiwan? What about Russia and all those little countries sitting around it?

What about Korea? They are openly pursuing weapons of mass destruction.

The point is, is that there is no sure thing in life. You can never be totally safe. All you can do is treat people the way you want to be treated and wait until someone makes the first move, as hard as it is to stomach, before making war on them.

And Pookie, the US supported Saddam when he was doing most of the shit we are accusing him of now. We turned a blind eye to chemical warfare with the war with Iran. We need to start taking responsibilty for our decisions. At least if we make the righteous decision, we can always know in our hearts we did the right thing.
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Meanwhile, down here in Godzone, petrol is already rising in price...

One thing that bugs me is that we are meant to have evolved into a civilized species. We have the skills of communication at our fingertips and yet we still prefer to resort to guns and killing.

What kind of world is this that we are living in and bringing our children up in that allows death and destruction to speak for us?
i'm just waiting for Bush to change the laws so we can't elect someone else <sigh>

i was watching Star Wars Ep 2 - the part where the chancellor takes all control of the republic and says he'll give it back when things settle down - what you wanna bet that bush'll use the exact same speech?
Chicklet said:
i'm just waiting for Bush to change the laws so we can't elect someone else <sigh>

i was watching Star Wars Ep 2 - the part where the chancellor takes all control of the republic and says he'll give it back when things settle down - what you wanna bet that bush'll use the exact same speech?

He basically already has. He's taken away a good deal of our liberties in the name of "homeland security." It's almost as if he's calling his shots right out of a fascist handbook

"...of course the people don't want war....Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country
—Hermann Goering, Reichsmarschall, Luftwaffe-Chief, and President of the Reichstag
Pookie_grrl said:
Chicklet ... remeber that little thing called the "Constitution".

That little thing was no impediment to his stealing of the 2000 election. Bushes are never bothered by the constitution, or have you forgotten the Iran/contra affair?