"Sorry Son, you're a Succubus!"


Just a Guy
Mar 26, 2022
Greg wakes up Sunday morning, with the worst headache he's ever had in his life. Initially he attributes it to the last 2 days of partying, for his 18th birthday on Friday. He stumbles to the bathroom, to relieve himself, and to get some water.

After he finishes his morning pee, he makes his way to the sink to wash up and grab a swig of water. However when he looks up into the mirror he sees a demonic visage staring back at him. He screams and falls backwards.

Hearing the commotion, his parents rush into the bathroom to see what's the matter. Upon seeing their son's horned and winged form, they sigh.

"Well, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later." His father says. "Sorry son, you're a succubus!"

I know that a male version is an Incubus, however Greg is a male succubus. Just because I like the concept.
Succubus (female) or incubus (male)?
I think by OP intent, it's part of the joke he's more gender fluid as he realized until then. In human form he's, well, a guy by default, but get him going and the female side comes out, so he is a guy who's (also) a succubus, magically female.

Perhaps based on that he can develop to be a gender switcher. With some training, so he finds his human form female body too.

In that form he may play with his pals he would have not a slightest sexual interest in while he's a guy, and then hear them bragging about fucking her over the beer with them, while contemplating whom of them to eat first.
Could also do a shapeshifter tale with variable genders. If a curse, take the shape most a rousing to your audience, or alternate between orgasms perhaps
and then...???

I was thinking that Dad tells son that himself and son are from a long line of succubuses. However he and son are the only recorded males ever born into the family.

Being a succubus, they must feed on male essence (seamen). This is troubling for the at this point straight Greg. He also learns that with his awakening, he also gets powers. He is able to charm and seduce, he is also able to make people forget. Not to mention his sexual powers, he has almost unlimited stamina and no refractory period. So he goes on a sex spree with his new powers, but then learns that they have a cost. So he has to come to terms with the fact that he's going to have to suck some dick (to start) or he will die.

So first he is only doing enough to survive, but he slowly starts having more and more gay encounters.

As to the shape shifting, he only has rudimentary shape shifting abilities. I.e able to hide his horns and wings, and able to make himself slightly more appealing but nothing drastic. He still stays a man, he just wrestles with a radical unplanned change.
Not an expert on this, but I believe from terminology standpoint a gay incubus would still be called incubus nevertheless. I would expect any being of that species (incubus/succubus) to be pansexual by default, but specialization is of course possible.
An interesting problem, being a guy then, out of nowhere, suddenly getting strange, cool powers - and needing fresh hot cum to survive. Do you fight to return to what you once were, or do you jump in and learn to enjoy your new life? Do you go for anonymity while feeding, offer up a ‘stage name’ or porn name, or do you take on all cummers?
Not an expert on this, but I believe from terminology standpoint a gay incubus would still be called incubus nevertheless. I would expect any being of that species (incubus/succubus) to be pansexual by default, but specialization is of course possible.

In my story sucubi and incubi are distinctly separate beings. Succubi would feed on men and incubi would feed on women. Hence why Greg's situation would be abnormal. He is then sucked into this hedonistic paranormal life that he never imagined. He's an average straight young man that finds out he need to feed on jizz to live. Not only that, but he finds out that feeding is also euphoric. So now he has more confusion heaped on him.
An interesting problem, being a guy then, out of nowhere, suddenly getting strange, cool powers - and needing fresh hot cum to survive. Do you fight to return to what you once were, or do you jump in and learn to enjoy your new life? Do you go for anonymity while feeding, offer up a ‘stage name’ or porn name, or do you take on all cummers?

The thing is there is no return to what he once was. He was always this, he just hadn't manifested yet. Probably with intervention from his parents. I would have had him manifest at the onset of puberty, but for multiple non story reasons won't, His parents used their powers to suppress his as long as they could i.e. after he becomes an adult.

Also his powers negate any need for theatrics. He literally has powers of seduction, he's already been lead to the watering hole but now he has to struggle to make himself drink. Also literally.
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In my story sucubi and incubi are distinctly separate beings. Succubi would feed on men and incubi would feed on women. Hence why Greg's situation would be abnormal. He is then sucked into this hedonistic paranormal life that he never imagined. He's an average straight young man that finds out he need to feed on jizz to live. Not only that, but he finds out that feeding is also euphoric. So now he has more confusion heaped on him.

The thing is there is no return to what he once was. He was always this, he just hadn't manifested yet. Probably with intervention from his parents. I would have had him manifest at the onset of puberty, but for multiple non story reasons, His parents used their powers to suppress his as long as they could i.e. after he becomes an adult.

Also his powers negate any need for theatrics. He literally has powers of seduction, he's already been lead to the watering hole but now he has to struggle to make himself drink. Also literally.
I like the ideas you are proposing, and would be interested in reading it. It shares themes with mtf trans stories, and I've read some really good stories along that theme here.
I like the ideas you are proposing, and would be interested in reading it. It shares themes with mtf trans stories, and I've read some really good stories along that theme here.
Of all the themes I envisioned for this mtf trans wasn't one of them. The MC is a man born and stays a man, just with seductive powers and life threatening addiction to seamen. He at no point becomes a woman, nor does he desire to be one. He does struggle with a forced realignment of his sexual orientation.

The themes I was thinking were obviously Gay, Bi/Pansexual, Fantasy/ Scifi (though contemporary), Light Non/ con (magical seductive powers), and some incest angles (family of sex demons, something is bound to happen.)
Totally going to draft a story about an incubus that seduces men who believe they're totally straight.
The themes I was thinking were obviously Gay, Bi/Pansexual, Fantasy/ Scifi (though contemporary), Light Non/ con (magical seductive powers), and some incest angles
Love this! I have a draft of a Bi/Pansexual Erotic Horror being drafted. It might be more fantasy than horror, though.

I'd love to have editor/beta readers tell me what parts are working... maybe the fantasy stuff works better? maybe the horror? maybe how it is?
In my story sucubi and incubi are distinctly separate beings. Succubi would feed on men and incubi would feed on women. Hence why Greg's situation would be abnormal. He is then sucked into this hedonistic paranormal life that he never imagined. He's an average straight young man that finds out he need to feed on jizz to live. Not only that, but he finds out that feeding is also euphoric. So now he has more confusion heaped on him.
I like it. It is deeply nuanced, with many possible parallels to real life, and each reader will probably see something different in it.

But I like the shapeshifting idea, too, although that is clearly a very different story.
It's an interesting concept. Do it sort of teen wolf style where it kicks in at a Lit-approved age, and he goes from skinny, pimple-faced geek to a handsome stud, over a period of weeks. Soon women who wouldn't have given him the time of day are stopping by. Not long after, they are on their backs with their legs in the air. What does our young man do with this amazing power?
It's an interesting concept. Do it sort of teen wolf style where it kicks in at a Lit-approved age, and he goes from skinny, pimple-faced geek to a handsome stud, over a period of weeks. Soon women who wouldn't have given him the time of day are stopping by. Not long after, they are on their backs with their legs in the air. What does our young man do with this amazing power?
It's an obviously GAY story, well BI but most people don't understand the difference. . It's literally about a guy forced to ingest semen to live, why are you getting rid of the main story point to make it a nerd gets all the girls story? That story has been told dozens of times. Some of them even done well.
It's an obviously GAY story, well BI but most people don't understand the difference. . It's literally about a guy forced to ingest semen to live, why are you getting rid of the main story point to make it a nerd gets all the girls story? That story has been told dozens of times. Some of them even done well.
We often talk about story alternatives on this forum. If you'd prefer I not add my thoughts then I will leave your posts alone. Have a good one.
We often talk about story alternatives on this forum. If you'd prefer I not add my thoughts then I will leave your posts alone. Have a good one.
I have no problem with adding thoughts or suggesting alternatives. But I do have a problem when the suggestion is to change the core concept.