
You didn't miss anything.

Other then Carmela telling Tony off...Fucking nothing happened.
Well, its about time for that....but wasn't tonight the season finale ? I would have expected more.
Re: Re: Soprano's

LipsyPoos said:
uggghhhh I missed it !


I missed it as well. I think I'll blame you, since we've been talking about naughty stuff all evening. ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
Are there new producers on the show?

Where is the fucking creativity?

Maybe they were busy fucking each other? ;)

I won' t see that finale for another two seasons up here anyways.
Re: Re: Re: Soprano's

His_kitty said:

I missed it as well. I think I'll blame you, since we've been talking about naughty stuff all evening. ;) [/

lol....why didn't you stop me from detailing my wicked weekend in time to watch Tony get the bitchin he sooo deserves! :p
Mia62 said:
Maybe they were busy fucking each other? ;)

I won' t see that finale for another two seasons up here anyways.

I have season one sitting here on the floor.

A friend loaned me the dvd set. I still haven't seen the first season.

We could do a crazy weekend fo nothing but wine and the Soprano's.

I can see it...or hear it now...nothing but filthy potty mouths after that.
MorgaineLaFay said:
I've never been more disappointed.

Damn ya beat me to it! lol

I would have expected more out of a season finale but otherwise it was an ok show. I loved that guy listening to Dean Martin from the boat. lol And Tony finally getting his was great too. Just could have used a bit more action.
It was about the tension that played between the characters. The change in emotions. I am sorry you didn't like this episode, but I did.
Hey at least you got to watch it. My cable company it from my programming two weeks ago. I'd have to go digital if I ever want to see it again. :mad:
LipsyPoos said:
So, is Camilla gonna leave Tony or did she just have a bitch session?

She's outta there! She even told him about Furio and how much she's wanted him for the last year... producing several holes in the wall. :eek:
Secret Pleasure said:
She's outta there! She even told him about Furio and how much she's wanted him for the last year... producing several holes in the wall. :eek:

omg...of course I would miss that.
LipsyPoos said:
omg...of course I would miss that.

I'm hoping they'll repeat it again during the week so I can watch it better. Had a few calls during the show. :p ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
I have season one sitting here on the floor.

A friend loaned me the dvd set. I still haven't seen the first season.

We could do a crazy weekend fo nothing but wine and the Soprano's.

I can see it...or hear it now...nothing but filthy potty mouths after that.

Oh yeah, baby. I am so there. I love the Sopranos. Tony rocks.

Ok I watched Soprano's.

Yeah a little lackluster......But you really need to read between the lines and think for yourself while watching the show.

Johnny Sac is going to hit Tony, thats one of the reasons Tony moved out of the house.....that and he was tired of sleeping on the floor. I loved the fact that his poor little feet were never able to be under the blanket....lmao

Junior got off....In the court case you perverts ... sheesh

Then the part with the attorney at the beach house and the Sinatra records......that was hilarious.

Then the Furio deal......I knew ever since Meadow and Carmella had lunch a few weeks ago that Meadow ( Fox by the way) knew about Carmella being smitten with Furio.

So to recap.......

Meadow (Pissed on Fox)
Carmella (Pissed off Fox)
Adrianna (Nice shoes)
Junior ( Tired but funny as hell)
Carmine (Lucky)
Beach House (Still for sale)
Tony (At the plaza)
You and I ( Waiting six months to find out what happens)


We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.......

I thought it was a great episode, although I thought the trailer and some of the things I read about it set you up for a more explosive show. I posted a thread earlier in the week saying that I thought Tony might be killed in this episode, because Gandolfini has said some things about being tired of the show. Well, I was wrong about that, but when he's showing his kids the house on the shore, and he says, "You're gonna inherit this", I thought, "He's dead."

Nope, wrong about that one. The weird thing is, this season had so many storylines, and most of them seem to be unresolved. Will Johnny Sack act without Tony's help and kill Carmine? Uncle Junior's trial ended, but could that juror be a future problem? Adriana is still giving the FBI info, but will they force her to come up with something incriminating?

Now you have the added twist of Tony and Carmela's split, which was perhaps a long time coming but still a surprise. I think Edie Falco and Gandolfini can make room on their shelves for another Emmy, their scenes together were fantastic.

Here's the one thing I can't believe they didn't mention ALL YEAR-- that Russian Paulie shot in the Pine Barrens. All year you kept waiting for that shoe to drop...and it never did. Guess we'll have to wait another year to find out.

I can't believe the season's over. Went much too fast.
Secret Pleasure said:
I'm hoping they'll repeat it again during the week so I can watch it better. Had a few calls during the show. :p ;)

yeah, I usually miss the repeats too...I'll have to make a point to catch it this week.
Christo, speaking of unresolved issues.....what about the French asshole that ripped off the chef of the restaurant with Tonys money for the winery deal. The last scene showed Furio at his door and the frenchman letting him was that about......K.S.
I'm such a nosy ass.

I just had to reopen this thread and read all the details. lol