Soon gay couples may be able to have their own biological offspring!

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003

Researchers in Japan have successfully developed both eggs and sperm using stem cells harvested from skin.
Mouse skin was used in the tests, but the same technology can be applied to humans - opening the door to gay couples potentially being able to have a biological child. In the case of gay men, a 'gestational carrier' will need to be used.
But it means that gay couples will no longer need to rely on either donated eggs (for male couples) or sperm (for female couples).
It also eliminates the legal minefield associated with embryotic stem cell research.... now scientists can create effectively 'non-viable' embrionic stem cells specifically for research purposes.

Of course, it also opens up a new, scary area. Want a Clooney child? Just pay to have his glass stolen from his hotel, harvest any skin cells on the glass, and make an egg/sperm.
Presto! Clooney kidlet!
To my kind, the focus of all this research is to provide something that nature never intended us to have.

I might be an atheist but I am a big believer in the natural order of life.

Does a child ever want to explain it's origins with " oh, I was a skin harvest baby".
To my kind, the focus of all this research is to provide something that nature never intended us to have.

I might be an atheist but I am a big believer in the natural order of life.

Does a child ever want to explain it's origins with " oh, I was a skin harvest baby".

To be fair, this may also help infertile hetero couples.
Now they can have their eggs/sperm custom built from any other part of the body.
To be fair, this may also help infertile hetero couples.
Now they can have their eggs/sperm custom built from any other part of the body.

True, but you and I both know that this kind of weirdo reproduction technology is just asking to be misused.
True, but you and I both know that this kind of weirdo reproduction technology is just asking to be misused.

But does the potential for misuse mean infertile couples shouldn't have access to the technology?

Oh wait!
Didn't we have this discussion about in-vitro fertilisation???
Just what we need- more fucking kids.

I am a GIANT disbelliever in in-vetro or anything that helps infertile couples, be it a medical problem or matching 23rd chromosomes- because there are to many fucking kids out there, being abused in the foster system, never knowing a real home, never knowing a parent's love. If you were a decent person, instead of bitching that your child doesn't have your DNA, you would be out there taking parenting classes and waiting for adoption with the same ferver that other parents wait out their 9 months. Infertility treatments are one of the most selfish fucking things that I've ever heard, and this is right down that same line. There are two many kids out there who need someone, and to few resources to be bringing someone else into an already overcrowded world because you're so selfish you want your genetic line to survive. That's just... infuriating!

Now, if we worked on making adoption easier for gay parents, that would be something to celebrate. This is just a waste of science that could be curing genetic diseases.
Fags should die.
they will
as will you
we all do

now fuck off

To my kind, the focus of all this research is to provide something that nature never intended us to have.

I might be an atheist but I am a big believer in the natural order of life.

Does a child ever want to explain it's origins with " oh, I was a skin harvest baby".
nature has no 'intentions' other than the biological drive to reproduce the species. transplants of any kind, skin-grafts, prosthetics... where would they fit in with your statement, fair warning, or should we all be born (some dying at or even before birth without medical interference), live as long as we can with no medical assistance should our bodies become damaged, and ... you get my drift.
Hmm. Would it really work? I mean, making an egg from male skin cells or a sperm from female skin cells, that not only has the right shape but also contains the correct set of alleles? I don't remember biology class all that well but i seem to recall that the setup of the last chromosome is part of what shapes the genetic setup in the reproductice components.
Hmm. Would it really work? I mean, making an egg from male skin cells or a sperm from female skin cells, that not only has the right shape but also contains the correct set of alleles? I don't remember biology class all that well but i seem to recall that the setup of the last chromosome is part of what shapes the genetic setup in the reproductice components.

Apparently, they produced productive female eggs from male skin cells and productive male sperm from female skin cells.
And it's all proven to work.
Hmm. Would it really work? I mean, making an egg from male skin cells or a sperm from female skin cells, that not only has the right shape but also contains the correct set of alleles? I don't remember biology class all that well but i seem to recall that the setup of the last chromosome is part of what shapes the genetic setup in the reproductice components.

All a sperm cell is is a strand of DNA unzipped down the middle and wrapped in a protein strand so it can swim. Men still have an X chromosome on half. You only have one Y. A male 23rd chromosome is XY and a female is XX. So even with 2 males you could have the 2 Xs pair up and have a girl. Two Ys won't usually zip together, and when they do, you get a genetic misprint that tends to auto-abort because the y is about a third of the size of an x and missing important genetic information. Sometimes you get some fucked up shit where it doesn't unzip correctly and you get XXX or XXY and that causes I think Down's Syndrome? Some kind of brain disorder... I don't remember elementary school very well. But it causes something bad.

Anyway, the point is that you can actually use any cell in your body for sperm, because all you need is half the DNA strand from it. For the egg you would need orginells and shit, but I'm sure they just take them from stem cells because they have orgenells and shit.

I'm still agin' it though.
If I have said this once, I have said it a thousand times. I am not against gay rights. But they need to make up their own God, stop trying to be God, and stop fucking with my God.
If I have said this once, I have said it a thousand times. I am not against gay rights. But they need to make up their own God, stop trying to be God, and stop fucking with my God.

But your god is smokin hot!

Sometimes you just have to realize that if you can't get pregnant then maybe you're not meant to be. There are so many children all around the world that need loving parents and homes, people shouldn't be so selfish and explore the adoption option.
One of the reasons the earths reasources are getting close to their end is the medical field keeping people alive who otherwise might have died or assisting people to have children who can't get pregnant.
As an aside, it's interesting that Christian images of Jesus show him as white. No? If true, he would have been the only white fella living in that area at the time.

Isn't he just seen as white because most Christians are white?
As an aside, it's interesting that Christian images of Jesus show him as white. No? If true, he would have been the only white fella living in that area at the time.

Isn't he just seen as white because most Christians are white?

Because most so-called Christians are ignorant and most gay/straight Christians only use the God card when it suits their needs and NOT God's.

Ever been to any black Christian churches? You see black Jesus images. Ironically, most black churches are more receptive to whites and other races than most white ones are to other races.

Also, I am having lunch today at Chick-fil-A with my gay and straight friends. It angers the extremists.
Because most so-called Christians are ignorant and most gay/straight Christians only use the God card when it suits their needs and NOT God's.

Ever been to any black Christian churches? You see black Jesus images. Ironically, most black churches are more receptive to whites and other races than most white ones are to other races.

Also, I am having lunch today at Chick-fil-A with my gay and straight friends. It angers the extremists.

Wow you hate a bunch of people huh? What has the world ever done to you?

I'm a Catholic and I am not ignorant. Who cares if some people see Jesus as white and others see him as black? It doesn't matter. His picture is not what the religion is based on. Before you judge religions take a chance to actually learn about it.
Hasn't anyone taught you that you shouldn't judge a whole group of people based a couple you may have met or encounted?
As an aside, it's interesting that Christian images of Jesus show him as white. No? If true, he would have been the only white fella living in that area at the time.

Really? Every pic I've seen usually shows him as a hot Arabic guy. Might be white though... Kinda hard to tell skin tone- it's not like he's got super racially defining features. But if you google "Jesus" you'll get a dozen images and a variety of skin tones. It looks like he was whiter during the Renascence... Like, he and Mary were both white in a bunch of Renascence paintings. I'd say that that was because in that time period folk painted off models and most of the artists models were white.
nature has no 'intentions' other than the biological drive to reproduce the species. transplants of any kind, skin-grafts, prosthetics... where would they fit in with your statement, fair warning, or should we all be born (some dying at or even before birth without medical interference), live as long as we can with no medical assistance should our bodies become damaged, and ... you get my drift.

I should have been clearer. My comment related specifically to reproduction - I have no problem with anyone growing, attaching, or grafting whatever they want onto whatever...
But growing that's a whole 'nuther thing.
As an aside, it's interesting that Christian images of Jesus show him as white. No? If true, he would have been the only white fella living in that area at the time.

Albinism does happen, not often, but it does.
I should have been clearer. My comment related specifically to reproduction - I have no problem with anyone growing, attaching, or grafting whatever they want onto whatever...
But growing that's a whole 'nuther thing.

It's a good thing fags don't give a fuck what you think.
Why doesn't this thread say "now couples who couldn't conceive naturally have a chance to...blah blah blah"?

Why go automatically to the gay talking point?

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