Songs that introduced you to new artists


Tired of boredom
Jul 4, 2004
Collaborations between artists, or even covers of old songs can beat unexpected fruit in introducing us to new artists.

Post which songs pointed you the right way to new music.

Cradle of Filth's Nymphetamine features Liv Kristine Espenæs, who was fronting the band Leaves Eyes at the time. She had previously sang for Theater of Tragedy.

I saw this song quoted in an ad for the album Folk Heroes in an issue of George magazine in 1995 by a political comedy music group out of California. I was hooked and I desperately tried to find their music. It wasn't until the year 2000 and the advent of Napster that I actually got to enjoy it. This group hit the mainstream briefly: They performed at both Presidential conventions in '96 and they got to sing a song they did about Oliver North on Ollie North's radio show.

The guy who led this group and wrote their material has been traveling across the country for the last 25 years doing the same kind of songs. We've become friends since then. :)

This song made me a huge Catherine Howe, who is one of my favorite singers ever.

Hearing Ofra Haza on Temple of Love by the Sisters of Mercy sent me on a happy rabbit hole of middle eastern artists completely outside my wheelhouse.