Sometimes, I really like GW


Literotica Guru
Apr 13, 2002
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration is issuing a reminder of its policy that warns any nation using weapons of mass destruction against the United States or its allies that it will face massive retaliation, perhaps with nuclear weapons.

That policy is not new, but senior administration officials say they are laying it out for the first time formally in a strategy document on combating weapons of mass destruction.

It's a stern warning at a time when the prospect of war with Iraq has prompted fears that Saddam Hussein will unleash chemical or biological weapons on the United States or its allies.

"The United States will continue to make clear that it reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force -- including through resort to all of our options -- to the use of WMD [weapons of mass destruction] against the United States, our forces abroad, and friends and allies," the statement reads, in part.

"In addition to our conventional and nuclear response and defense capabilities, our overall deterrent posture against WMD threats is reinforced by effective intelligence, surveillance, and interdiction, and domestic law enforcement capabilities," the statement says.

I love this.. There isn't a true American alive (Even with all the fuckheads on this board) Who wouldn't demand nuclear retaliation if thousands upon thousands of aAmerican citizens died because of an NBC Weapon... And if a Nuclear Weapon was detonated in a megapolis like LA or NYC, then the outrage would be even more profound.
So we should let peole use NBC weapons against us with no consequences?
If a nuke goes out, I think we may all be fucked.

My little life isn't much, but I dig it sometimes.

Plus, I want to see flying cars and Terminators.
So what do you think we should do if some rogue country like Iraq uses a nuclear weapon to turn downtown Manhattan into a moon crater? Peace talks? Inspections?
If someone uses a nuke against us, I doubt any of the power in the world would DARE stand up for the country that did it.
this has all got to change.........

somehow, we need to get away from this mentality of using force to solve our problems...........unfortunatly it is probably going to take a huge loss of life before that comes about..........but the US, given it's position in the world, has an opportunity to show the world that it can, in least in some little way, move in that direction.....

use Intelligence Agencies to defuse any such actions before they happen.

I am pretty sure they are keeping a better eye on things, at least I hope they are. In case of the attack, I am not sure of my reaction. I fear I would then be for the retalliation.
Re: this has all got to change.........

greybeard said:
somehow, we need to get away from this mentality of using force to solve our problems...........unfortunatly it is probably going to take a huge loss of life before that comes about..........but the US, given it's position in the world, has an opportunity to show the world that it can, in least in some little way, move in that direction.....


I agree... I'm also for a one world government. Once every stops fighting about religion, and accepts people for who they are, and bands together for the common good of Humankind, and forgets thousand year old feuds, We could make a one world government really work. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening ANYTIME in the near future, and Someone WILL use a NBC against us, and we WILL respond with DEVESTATING force, and the world will be shaken to its core.
If Intelligence agencies were any good, Sept. 11th wouldn't have happened. the USS Cole wouldn't have happened, a group of illegal immigrants wouldn't have been arrested yesterday WORKING AIRPORT SECURITY in Chicago... the list continues. Sad to say, our Intelligence sucks

brokenbrainwave said:
use Intelligence Agencies to defuse any such actions before they happen.

I am pretty sure they are keeping a better eye on things, at least I hope they are. In case of the attack, I am not sure of my reaction. I fear I would then be for the retalliation.
so our only option is to nuke first, ask questions later? Rather narrow minded, is it not?
I never said Nuke First. If we are attacked with NBC's, and we make the connection between the attack and a country, then that country should be fields of glass. Such is my opinion
so killing of potential innocents is the price to pay for our innocents being killed.

Yes, given your scenario retaliation is more than justified, its expected. But nukes I cannot support. Storm the palace and execute the leaders in front of their charges seems to me a better retaliation. Not droping another WMD on people that have not a say in their countries actions.

Such is my opinion.
Starship Troopers

"Violence solves EVERYTHING!"
- Michael Ironside in Starship troopers

Not exactly my point of view but he does make a point. I don't think people as a whole are capable of anything less than full retaliation after an attack. It's beyond our scope. But I think there are sweeter forms of revenge available.
NBC(Nuclear Biological Chemical) is the other acronym for WMD(Weapons of Mass Destructin).

I think this post is somewhat relevant.

In addition I do not think we should retaliate using WMD for a WMD against us. The countries that would use a WMD against us are do not have democraticly elected governments. Their governments are not accountable to the people and killing millions of innocents would not exactly indeer us to the region.

What if a terrorist group uses a nuke on us and say they happen to be working out of France. Are we going to Nuke France? Now I am sure most of us at one time or another have wanted to nuke France but we really should supress that urge. Lets say a domestic terrorist group working out of Idaho detonates a nuke. Should we bomb Idaho? No, of course not think of the potatos.
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an NBC weapon is a Nuclear, Biological or Chemical Weapons... or a Weapon of Mass Destruction.