Something New (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Marc smiled as his friend left. He had just gotten a good load of new extasy, some weed and a few mushrooms. It was late Friday afternoon and he would soon have plenty of business to do at the local frats

He stashed his products in his little chest. Then looked a himself in the mirror. He was short at 5'8 but broad and thickly muscled from days at the gym, and his highschool days as a wrestler, but now college was his playground, as a sophomore, with all the right connections, he was quite popular. But not in the right way. Not with the right girl

He sighed seeing the text from his best friend, the hottest girl on campus, and he replied letting her know he was loaded with party favors. Then he ran his hads through his short dark hair and rubbed his deep blue eyes

Then he hopped in the shower, starting to get ready for the usual pre party sales and trying to decide
Which parties to go to first as he stepped into the warm spray of water
Kim finished putting her mascara on and then stepped back to look at herself. She was 5'6" but only because she was wearing 5" heels. Aside from her lack of height, though, she liked what she saw. She had a pink miniskirt that hugged her round ass, and a white cropped v neck t shirt that hugged her DD breasts and left her tummy bare. It was just sheer enough that the black lace of her bra showed through. She was going to make guys drool. She put her long blonde hair up in a high ponytail, and then checked the text.

Marc had come through again. She grinned. At least there was one guy in the world she could count on. Now she knew she was going to have a good night.

"c u at xxx," she texted back, and slipped her phone into a slim pocket, along with her fake ID. Everything she would need to have a great night.

The boys of triple Chi threw the best parties on campus, and tonight promised to be no exception. The music was throbbing and the room was dark, the brother at the door took one long look at her body and waved her through with a grin, not even asking for ID, and she bounced through the door.
Marc hopped out of his shower, seeing Kim's text

Well at least he knew where he would find her. But first there was business. He spent the next few hours arranging meetings with a few of his regulars, but all the while he wondered about that last bag his friend had given him

It was some kind if hormone pill, like Spanish fly on steroids he ha said, and he knew what he was going to do with it. He smiled deviously

Few hours later he stumbled into the Chi party. Waves ahead by the door man, knowing Marc's business ventures were brothers if repute inside

Once in he headed past the thrumming music and writhing bodies. He stopped for a beer and te began looking about the floor for his friend and his client

Then he saw Kim writhing on the dance floor in a way that made him groan. God she was perfect. He saw her catch his eye
It was several hours before Marc actually showed up, but Kim had been having fun. She had probably had a half dozen drinks, but she had been dancing almost non-stop, and barely felt a buzz. There had been guys, of course, some of them a lot more eager than others, but so far, none of them had been out of control. It helped that Kim had long ago learned how to turn them down gently, and it helped that the brothers at XXX tried to keep things cool. At least, downstairs. There were rumors about what went on upstairs, but Kim figured it was mostly hype. Not that she was about to go up and find out.

When she saw Marc, she was sandwiched between a couple of the brothers on the dance floor, and she gave him a grin. With a turn and a step and a turn, she extricated herself from between the two frat boys, and for a few beats, they almost seemed to be dancing with each other.

"Later!" she yelled to them, her voice nearly drowned by the music, and if they took that as a promise, that wasn't her fault.

She made her way across the floor to Marc. She hugged him, with a quick peck on the cheek, and then pulled away before anyone could think anything.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming," she said, but she winked, letting him know she was playing. Then she held her arms up and turned in a quick circle. "So am I a ten tonight, or what?"
The sudden hug made him swallow as he felt her full breasts crush against him. Then she stood back, lifting her arms up, making her full tits heave together, the shirt riding high to show her stomach and the barest hint of the bottom of her bra. The miniskirt she wore gave him an great view of that pert round ass of hers

Damn her

"Yeah definitely a ten" never mind the ten inches he had always wanted to show her. But it had never seemed possible

"You having fun? I'm looking for chad. I've for something for him. Have you seen him?" He asked with a yell that was barely heard in the crowded room thrumming with music. He had leaned close to her to be heard, an his eyes drank in the sight if her cleavage in the tight top, the smell of her filling his nose as he leaned close to her

"I've got something for you too"
She grinned at the compliment, and wondered for a second at the look he gave her, but there had never been anything between them. He was the one guy she knew who had never hit on her. If she hadn't seen him hook up with other girls, she'd have wondered if he batted for the other team, but it didn't matter. It was cool just to have a guy that she was friends with.

"Chad was at the keg," she said, looking around. "But that was a while ago. I'll help you find him, but can I get mine first?" She grinned, bouncing a little, her breasts shaking eagerly. "I've been here, like, for hours and I'm ready to get the party started."
He smiled as she bounced eagerly, her full tits heaving against the tight top, the soft exposed flesh jiggling deliciously right in from of his eyes

"Let me take care of chad. Then I'll get you yours, besides I've got something special for you" he told her with a wink. He knew that if he just handed it off to her he wouldn't see her again, and he wanted to be there when the drug took effect. His connection had said that it worked very quickly, but he wasn't gonna risk having her sudden list be spent in anyone else. At least not at first

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her through the crowded dance floor, his eyes scanning for chad. Just then he caught him. He was heading upstairs. The two quickly followed

Upstairs the music was a loud thrum, but you didn't have to tell to be heard anymore

"Chad!" He called out and the man turned, smiling wide

"Alright my man!" He called back. Then nodded towards one of the side bedrooms. Marc, with Kim in tow, followed him in. It was a typical frat room. A messy desk a messy floor and a messy bed. Chad took a seat at the desk and marc and Kim took the bed

"Are we good?" Chad asked and Marc pulled his little bag if goodies from a large cargo pocket on his shorts. He tossed it to him. Chad pulled out a half ounce of weed and a dozen white pills

"Sweet!" Chad said in response. He opened the bag and smelled the greens potent piney aroma. Then chad reached into his own pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. Marc quickly counted it then tucked it into a pocket of his own

"Always a pleasure " Chad said as he stood up and nodded to Marc. Then he left. Business as usual

Marc turned to Kim he pulled another little baggy out. Then he stood up and locked the door

"I've got something special for you nits supposed to be the best E around. Super potent" he said as he pulled the small bag out with the single pill for her

"Go ahead and take it. I'll twist up a joint of my finest green for us to share" he said with a smile as he sat down on the desk. Pulling out a smaller bag and some papers. He glanced over at Kim, his eyes drinking in that perfect figure
In her tight low cut top, tits almost spilling out. Her slender toned thighs exposed by the shirt skirt. God he hoped this worked. He took his time rolling the joint, making sure he stretched this out as long as possible. Waiting for any sign of the drug working as his friend had described
Kim rolled her eyes. As if she hadn't been waiting long enough. But it wasn't hard to find Chad and it was kind of nice getting upstairs knowing she was safe, with Marc watching her back. Things weren't as crazy as she had heard. It was actually not so different from any other dorm, but it was still relatively early. They went into some brother's room, and while the boys did their business, Kim leaned against the desk, trying not to be impatient.

Then Marc handed her a pill. She swallowed it with the last mouthful of beer in her cup and looked around the room while Marc rolled a joint. The first tingles started quickly, before he even finished his joint, and she grinned. The world started to look a little brighter, a little electric, and the warm tingles seemed to fill her body with a dizzy sweetness.

She barely noticed Marc lighting the joint until he nudged her and handed it off to her. Just the nudge made her pussy flex with excitement, and the brush of his fingers against hers as she took the joint almost brought her to her knees.

"This isn't the usual shit," she said, her voice soft and sugary. She put the joint to her lips and took a big hit. The smoke filled her lungs, but instead of taking the edge off, it just seemed to make her more aware of how hot her pussy felt.

"Shit," she whispered, as she exhaled a cloud of smoke. "Marc, you better not let me do anything stupid tonight, ok?"
Marc smiled at Kim. He watched her as she seemed to writhe were she sat on the bed. Her legs shifting as she seemed to rub her thighs together unconsciously. He passed her the joint and watched her full chest swell in her tight white top. Her breasts billowed at the neckline teasing him as he watched

"Yeah my connection said it was strong stuff. I thought you would like it", then he put a hand on her thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze

"You stay close to me and I'll take care of you. But you've got to remember to do what I say" he told her as his big strong hand began to gently rub her thigh.

"How does that feel?" He asked thinking of how he heard stories of girls offered massages while rolling often ended up rolling around in the sheets

"The joint should help settle you down" he told her as he slid his other hand over hers, slipping the joint out if her fingers and lifting it to his lips for a long toke
Marc was getting a little touchy, but Kim didn't mind. In fact, with his hand on the thigh, it was all she could do not to open her legs. With another guy, she probably would, but Marc and her had been friends so long, she didn't want to mess with that. On the other hand, if she couldn't find some way to take the edge off of this horniness, she was going to do something she'd probably regret for a long time.

She watched him take the joint and take a hit, watching his lips pucker up and the ember at the end glow hot as he pulled on it. For some reason, all she could think about was that it looked like a little cock, and how she could put it to her lips and make the end glow. She giggled at the thought. Of course, a cock wouldn't burn. She took the joint back when he passed it.

"Too bad," she said, and took a little breath. "I almost wish this was a cock." She sucked at it again, blushing a little. Had she really said that out loud?
He smiled at her as she took the joint, her little comment made him pause. Could the drug really have worked that quick, that well?

"A cock huh? Why's that, you wouldn't want to light one on fire would you?" He said with a chuckle as he looked at her

"Or is it the thought if putting one between your lips that makes you wish for it to be a cock" he said with a playful smile. But as he did he let his hand slide further up her thigh. His hand slid up and down, but each time it slid up a little further. His finger tips tracing over the soft silky skin of her inner thigh.

He turned to face her better, the shirt he wore stretched tight over his muscular shoulders, and slid up his arm, exposing the lumps of well defined bicep

"You know we've been friends for a long time. You can tell me anything can't you. It's perfectly ok to say you wished you had a cock to suck. Hell I could go for a pair of big titties to play with tight about now" he said with a smile as he played it off.

"Squeezing and pinching. Running my hands all over them" he said in that playful voice, but he loved the idea of seeding her mind with that visual, "watching them spill out around my hands as I gripped them. You know, all the fun stuff you can do with big tits"
Kim giggled at the idea of setting a cock on fire, and shook her head.

"No, not setting it on fire," she said, her voice a dry rasp as she held a hit of the joint down. Then she exhaled and whispered. "Just sucking it."

She couldn't believe she was saying it to Marc. In all the years they'd been friends, they had never talked like this. It was as if at some point they had just agreed to pretend sex didn't exist, but suddenly that agreement was over. She handed him the joint and shivered as his hand caressed her thigh, slipping higher and higher as he talked about tits.

It was strange to hear him speaking so crudely, but she couldn't pretend it wasn't having an effect. Her pussy was burning, and she could feel her lips slipping against each other as they grew wet and puffy. She reached up and cupped her big tits, squeezing them through her clothes. She moaned softly.

"I'm so fucked up," she whispered, but she slid off the desk, her pussy brushing against his hand through her skimpy panties as she leaned up to kiss him.
The way she whispered when she said 'just sucking it' made him swallow audibly. The tone of her voice was beyond sultry and sexy. It was almost as if the lust she must be filling spilled from her body in that sound. But he tried to play it cool, though it was beyond obvious that the new pill was more than effective.

He watche her through the corner of his eye as her hand said up over her breasts, they were so full and big on her small frame, her small delicate hands were dwarfed by her tits. She slowly slipped off the desk, his hand brushing against her pussy as her legs slid by his hands, he could feel her damp panties from that glancing blow

Her whisper made him about to respond, then he felt her lips on his. Her soft luscious lips met his and he could feel the heat pouring off her body as she leaned into him.

He still had the joint in one hand, but the other slid around her to her back, pullin her close as his mouth opened and his tongue played over her soft silky lips, before diving into her parting lips, tasting her mouth an feeling his tongue glide over hers as they twirled over one another's

He leaned back breaking the kiss

"Yes you are fucked up. Your so hot though you must be burning up. Why don't you take off your shirt to cool off a bit" he said, finding her sudden forwardness a little alarming. Even though it was exactly what he had wanted, but he had to try to slow her down a bit....wait why would he do that? He had wanted her for YEARS!

"Then I can see that new bra you were telling me about" he added somewhat coyly, trying to walk that line of friend and horn dog. Besides he knew just how bad the pill had her now. He was gonna have her tonight!
Kim stepped back from him as he spoke, her head spinning. She couldn't believe what she had just done, but it was too late now. If she didn't get some soon, she was honestly afraid she might go out of her mind. If she hadn't already, that is. Listening to him, she wasn't sure.

"It's just the pill," she said to herself. Eventually it would wear off. She just had to get through tonight. She took a deep breath and pulled her top off, dropping it at Marc's feet as she faced him in the sheer lacy bra. She squeezed her breasts, pinching her nipples through the thin fabric, and looked at him.

Fucked up or not, she knew the look of a guy who was thinking about fucking her. She smiled, sighing with relief, and licked her lips as her eyes dropped down to his crotch.

"You want to play with them?" she purred, as she slipped the straps of her bra off her shoulders. She leaned towards him, letting her breasts sway. "Kiss me again, Marc."
He watched mesmerized as she peeled her shirt off. The black lacy bra was stretched taught, holding back those impressive tits. Her hands moved up to her breasts and he saw her fingers teasing her nipples. He felt his cock beginning to throb, filling with blood at the sight of her delicious form and her small hands playing with them

Her hands slipped to her shoulders, sliding the straps off, the bra hung precariously over her chest and she leaned forward, the full line if cleavage swelling together as she asked him

"I've been wanting to for so long" he said as he leaned down to kiss her. As his lips met hers his hands lifted to her chest. He palmed each breast in a hand, squeezing the soft perky flesh, feeling them swell around his strong hands. Her hard nipples pressed into his palms as his tongue slipped between her lips. He felt her warm sensuous mouth and her warm breath fillin his lungs as he toyed with her chest

His cock was swollen and hard in an instant. The feel of those tits that he had been listing after for so long was better then he had imagined. He groaned into her mouth as his fingers slid over her curves, finding her hard nipples and pinching them gently through the fabric. He couldn't believe the pill was working so well, and he had to remind himself to thank his buddy, and get his hands on as much as he could

His hands ravaged her breasts, rewbering what he had told her before about wanting to play with a pair of nice big tits. He broke the kiss

"Your letting me play with a pair if big tits. Would you like me to let you suck on my cock?", he asked with a smile, "that's what you said you wanted to do. After all what are friends for?" He said with a smile as his fingers caught her nipples and tugged on them gently
When he kissed her, she closed her eyes and forgot everything but the press of his lips against hers, and the wet dance of their tongues swirling around each other. His hands were on her breasts, squeezing and pinching, and every touch seemed to make her hotter. She had done X before, and this was different. It was more, and better, and it was dangerous. It was just lucky that Marc was here instead of some creepy frat brother.

She blushed a little, it was hard to believe she had told him she wanted to suck cock like that, but it was harder to resist. Especially with his hands on her breasts, squeezing and making her whole body ache with lust. She reached down and felt him, through his jeans, and her eyes opened wide. Either he had stuffed a salami down his pants, or he was huge.

Only one way to find out, she thought, and slid down to her knees in front of him, rubbing him through his jeans and then reaching up to open them. She looked up at him as she reached in, grinning and almost shy when she saw it was Marc she was kneeling in front of.

"Let me suck it," she whispered, as she eased the thick pole out of his pants. "Please let me suck it and then fuck me. I feel like being such a whore tonight, Marc."
She slid her hand down his body as they kissed. Then she broke the kiss as her hand slid over the bulge in his shorts. She must have made up her mind, because she leaned back and slowly slid down between his thighs. Marc's heart was racing as she slowly undid his shorts, then her words hit him like a wall of bricks as she asked him to have her tonight

He groaned as she pulled his long girthy cock free. Her full breasts were pressed against his thighs as her tiny hand wrapped around his member. If she wanted to be a white to ight then he was going to do the best he could to make sure she was

"Kim I've been wanting to have you for years, and tonight your gonna find out what you've been missing" he said as he leaned forward. His hands slid behind her back and he unclasped her bra, exposing her perfect breasts. Then he leaned back

"Go on and suck my cock. Have a taste and tell me if you like it" he said with a grin as he let his hands wander over her shoulder, down over the curves of her breasts, reveling in what he did, waiting for her to wrap those full pouty lips around his cock. Waiting to start a night that he hoped changed their relationship forever. Even if it was with a dirty trick, he didn't care. Tonight he would have the woman of his dreams in every way he had ever imagined.
Kim held the shaft of his hard cock in both hands, and her wet lips opened wide to cover the hot red knob. She felt his hands on her breasts, removing her bra and fondling them, and the heat inside her felt like she was burning up. She sucked hard, sliding his cock in and out of her mouth, wanking him with her hand as she slobbered and drooled over his cock. She let the other hand cup his balls, softly squeezing them and rolling them in her fingers.

"This is what I needed," she whispered, letting his cock slip out of her mouth for a moment. "Why didn't you tell me you had such a big cock?"

It wouldn't have changed much, she thought. She wasn't the type to go after a guy just because he was hung like a donkey. Or at least, she hadn't been. Now that she was sucking Marc, and she could only get half of his cock in her mouth, she couldn't imagine ever wanting to let it go.

"I can't wait to feel that thing in my pussy," she whispered, and started sucking him again. She tried to take him in her throat, and after a few false tries, she found the tip of his cock slid in, stretching her until she felt a little scared, so she backed off, sucked a breath around the shaft, and pumped him a few more times before she tried again.
She was amazing! Was all he could think as the gorgeous blond slathered the swollen head of his cock with her hungry mouth. Her succulent lips and hot mouth slipping down over his head as she worked his massive erection. Her small deft hands stroked the expanse of shaft that she couldn't fit into her mouth and the other slid up to cup his heavy balls that promised a heavy loa of cum for her

She let his cock slip free as she told him what she thought if his cock

"You never asked" he said with a smile that ended in a groan as she attacked his member again, trying to take more of him in her mouth. She forced her head down on his shaft, swallowing half of it as it wriggled into the entrance if her tight throat. Her hot mouth seeming to need to be filled with his cock. She bobbed up and then back down again, the wet hungry sounds of her mouth barely audible over the thrumming music from downstairs. She wriggled her head as she seemed to try desperately to take more of him in her mouth. Then she slid his cock free from her lips, her hand stroking his spit covered shaft as she looked up at him, telling him how she couldn't wait to get fucked

He wanted to take her right then and there, but before he could say anything he dove bak down on his cock. Wrestling against her throat as she tried to take him into her throat. He groaned a she felt her tight throat slowly begun to yield, and she sank her pretty little face deeper into his cock

His hands slipped from her breasts to rest against he back of er head, and he pressed her down as his hips lifted, forcing more of his massive cock into her tight throat. He felt her throat convulse as she gagged, but he knew know what she wanted

He stood up and holding her hea still with his hands, he began to pump his hips into her mouth, fucking her face. He held her still as he pumped faster and faster, stopping when he felt his throbbing cock hit the entrance to her hot little throat. He fucked her slick lips like that for a bit. Then he pulled her down on his cock, forcing himself deeper yet into that tight hot throat of hers, past her gags and gurgles as she took on all but the last few inches

"Jesus Kim. I think you can take it all" he said as he pulled out, letting her catch her breath, and watching a thick gob of spit drip from his cock to one of her full breasts. The sight was beyond erotic. He grabbed her hea firmly, then stuffed his thick rigid cock down her throat. Pulling her close and hard, until her nose mashed against his groin, his cok buried to the hilt in her gorgeous littl face as his member slid deep into her throat

"Holy Fuck!!" He groaned as he felt her tight little throat wrap firmly around his cock. Then he eased back and ficked her face again, but this time each thrust had his girthy dick slipping down her throat and mashing her nose against him as his heavy balls slapped her chin
Kim could hardly believe what was happening to her. She was no prude, it wasn't like this was the first time she had sucked a cock, but it had never been like this. With other boyfriends, it was something they had to earn, something she did as a reward. She never actually wanted to do it for herself before now, and she had never really gotten aroused by doing it before.

She had definitely never let anyone fuck her face like this before. With other boyfriends, even a little pressure on her head would have meant the end of the blowjob and probably of sex for the night, but now... Now Marc was jamming his massive cock down her throat like she was some kind of porno whore, choking her and gagging her mercilessly, and she wasn't just letting him, she was loving it. Nice, kind, harmless Marc was hung, and he was suddenly not so nice.

She was dizzy from being choked when he pulled out to let her gasp for air, and she looked up in his eyes and saw his eyes burning with lust. This was not the man she knew, but it didn't matter. She was drooling and coughing and she should have been furious, disgusted by the way her so-called friend was treating her, but her pussy was on fire. The only thing that mattered was that she wanted more.

She opened her mouth, knowing what was coming as he pressed the tip of his cock against her lips. When he pushed into mouth, she felt almost as if he was fucking her. When she felt his belly pressed against her nose and knew she had the whole thing in her mouth and throat she couldn't help reaching down to rub herself through her panties.

Marc began to fuck her mouth again, making her take the whole length of his cock in each stroke, and she was cumming. The cock in her mouth silenced her screams, but her body shook and jerked as her pussy clenched and juices squirted into her lacy black panties.
He growled and groaned, that look of lust and slight on her face had been mesmerizing. Her tight throat convulsing around his proud cock was intoxicating

He fucked her pretty little face, when suddenly he felt her whole body tense up and then begin to spasm. Just then he realized she had been playing with her pussy. He smiled down at Kim

"Your so good at this" he groaned as he finally slid his cock free of her terrific lips. He reache won and pulled her to her feet, his head dipping down instantly to catch one of her stiff nipples in his lips as he sucked as much of her massive breast into his mouth as he could

At the same time he spun her around, the released her firm tit with a loud slurp as he tossed her on the bed. His hands went down to er hips and he spun her as he lifted her. Wipin her around and putting her on all fours in front of him

His hands slipped to her panties and he tugged then down to her knees, exposing a pink glistening slit that made his whole body throb

Wasting no time he stepped closer and slammed his stiff cock to the hilt into her tight fiery hot pussy, stuffing her as he stretched her

"Holy shit!" He groaned as his member was suddenly bathed in her slick furnace making his entire body tremble with hunger

He paused for the briefest moment, staring down at that plump ass. Then his hands went to her hips and he began to fuck her tight cunt in long slow full strokes. Each thrust coming quicker and harder than the first. In moments he was fucking her tight pussy, the slapping sounds of his hips meeting her ass filled the room and drowned out the music from below
It was so sudden that she was still cumming when he picked her up and threw her on the bed. It startled her so bad that she almost stopped, but then she saw that huge cock standing out between his legs, all shiny and dripping with her spit, and another wave of pleasure hit her. He grabbed her again and flipped her on her hands and knees, and she let out a long sigh of excitement.

She felt her panties tugged down to her knees and she wiggled her ass, eager to feel him in her, the air moving over her frothy, creamy pussy lips making her gasp. Then she felt the tip of his cock rubbing along her crease. There was no delicacy to what happened. There was no teasing. He buried his cock in her in one hard thrust, and she screamed.

It was too big, she felt her self stretched and strained, barely able to hold the gigantic thing in. It hurt! Her arms buckled and she fell forward, her ass still pushed up, his cock buried in her as he began to fuck. It didn't take long before she got used to it. The pain got bearable as waves of pleasure ripped through her with each stroke, and then she could hardly remember that it had hurt at all.

She clenched on it as hard as she could, but it stretched her so wide that she could hardly flex. Her toes curled up and her heels hooked the back of his thighs as he pumped into her. She couldn't stop screaming, not caring who might hear, or what they would think. All that she cared about was cock.
He growled as he felt her legs hook around his, her screams had changed into ones of pure pleasure as he took what was easily one if the juiciest pussies he had ever imagined. His cock swelled with eagerness as he plowed into her tight hot slit again and again. His hand slipping up her back to grab the long blond silky hair. He pulled on it, watching her bak arch as she lifted er self up off the bed. His other had slid down along her waist, then up under er ribs to palm one massive tit. Her hard nipples pressing firmly into his palm as he used her hair and the grip he had on her tit to pull her back into his throbbing cock as his hard thrusts drove deep inside of her

Her screams came in rythm to the slapping ofnhisnhips into her plump ass, his heavy balls swinging to slap into her swollen clit, she was incredibly juicy and his cock glistened with her silky extasy as he pumped into her again and again

"Oh fuck Kim, you feel better then I ever dreamed" he said in a thin grizzly voice as he lost himself in the act of fulfilling his fantasy, and finally having Kim like he had always dreamed

He let her go pullin his cock from her sweet sex and then he swing around to sit on the edge
Of the bed. His strong hands gripped her waist and he lifted er into his lap, pulling her close so her full breasts were right in front in his face. He dipped his head down to suck one rigid nipple in his mouth as his other hand slid to his shaft to guide his massive head back to that wet slit of her fiery sex. Now he was going to let her ride him, let her have a moment to set the pace and ride his rigid pole, so he could play with those perfect titties she had spent years teasing him with. All those days asking about this bikini or that. This bra or that, and now he finally got to you with the treasure she had been hiding from him for so long

His lips sucked wantonly on her nipple as his tongue slid along the hard nub, back and forth, deliciously lapping at her sweet flesh over and over as his head finally slid back inside of her hot slick pussy
She lost track of how long he fucked her, but her pussy was sore from the pounding. He was pulling her hair and reaching around her to grope at her breasts, her nipples throbbing and her throat was sore from screaming with pleasure. Then he pulled out of her and for a moment she whimpered, disappointed.

Then he was sitting her on his lap, and the huge cock was sliding into her again. She was tender, but it felt so could as her weight carried her down until he was buried in her. Her hips began to pump by instinct as he licked at her nipples, and she rode up and down that long, hard shaft.

His cock was covered in her honey already, but as she fucked him, it seemed like more and more poured out of her, covering her thighs, his balls and belly as she rode him hard, fingers digging into his shoulders as she lost herself more and more in the pleasure of his cock.
She was lost to anything but him, he watched her eyes seem to roll back into he head at times as she rode him. Her heavy breasts bounced in his hands as she slid up and down his long cock, he could feel the slick heat washing over him, his balls growing slick with her juices as her tight oussy worked up and down his throbbing cock

Her full tit filled one hand, as the other jiggled in his mouth. The slick salty flesh was ruined delicious as he suckled at it. Catching her nipples with his teeth as she bounced up and down on his cock. Her body was sooooo perfect

His groin began to throb and pulse as he felt his body tensing. He was going to cum

"Oh god Kim. I'm gonna cum. Quick get off of me before I explode inside you" he groaned as he tried to fight back his pending orgasm

He quickly let go of her tits. His hands went to her waist and he rolled on the bed, throwing her onto her back as he pulled his cock free. Just as he did he exploded

A thick heavy spurt of cum spattered over her juicy pussy lips as he pulled out bye leane back and his cock fired again. A thick streamer of his pearly seed spattered over one full curving breast, soon joined by another am another as he groaned and growled

He finally wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped his shaft, milking his dim for all it was worth. The next spurts splattered all over her stomach as each spurt landed closer an closer to hisncock. The last have gob dripped down from the head of his spent cock to join the first in her puffy pink pussy

"Oh fuck baby!" He groaned in sheer extasy as the waves of orgasm continued to rock his body