Something has gotten lost in war/political discussions...


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
I watched on the news tonight American soldiers saying good bye to their families...and mixed in those tears is the immense pride for those brave souls who truly believe in the freedom that America still has and is willing to defend. They are putting their lives on the line for it....I wish them a swift victory...and as fro the Iraqi's...most of them the true victim's of heart goes out to them, what will come of this know one knows but maybe just maybe they to can know some freedom and peace as we have ...
Really hard to admire or understand bravery when you never felt it in yourself.....
I'm hardly an old-timer, but the posts on threads like these seem to be getting edgier and edgier between the sides as war nears.
I'm concerned about the health of American and British troops already in Iraq.
I remember having people scream at the protest meetings that we should support our military. I don't see how sending them into danger is supporting them.

Eris help them.
I support the Australian, American and English troops over there.

They are only doing their job and I have said that all along.

However it is no secret that I don;t support the reason they are there.

Stay safe guys and girls.
I think it's ludicrous to say that antiwar protesters are protesting against US troops, as opposed to US leadership or war in general. They're protesting either because they think this is a war that doesn't need to be fought, or because they don't want people on both sides to be killed. If you think this war is unnecessary, or if you don't feel the threat is such that it's worth risking US and British troops (not to mention the lives of Iraqi civilians) then you SHOULD protest, as is your right and responsibilty in a free society.

I happen to think these people are wrong, that a war to remove Saddam Hussain from power is not only necessary but an extremely smart and noble use of the immense military power we spend hundreds of billions on every year. But I certainly don't think these people are disloyal for voicing their opinion. Rather the whole point of a free society, yes?
Sufisaint-- opportunistic? I don't think so.

Defenitely not oppotunistic, what do i have to gain...i come here to speak my mind...and if i think its white one day and black the next and as long as i know i am sincere in my beliefs..i see no conflict. I am not against anti-war protesters either...they are free just like me to express their opinion. Neither am I a rah rah corporate America ditto head...I do not trust any government or greedy corporate executives...but what i do care about is freedom and for the most part America is still free and I believe in fighting for it...its being a warrior...but there is always another side...the human suffering..the loss...this is a sad and painful world, I know and i try my best to be compassionate, but sometimes, in this case, compassion requires you fight those hurt others it's saddam, next it may be my own government if they try and take my freedom away...the good people of this world must be strong....otherwise your peace is an illusion.
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