Someone to discuss puppies and other things


Literotica Guru
Feb 22, 2011
Really just looking for a friend to have enjoyable conversations about life, love, sex, puppies, etc. Really just puppies though.

If you can hold your end, I can hold mine. I don't really care about gender as long as you are extremely interesting and obviously awesome.

Send me a message if you want. Ill be here all night.

P.S I'm 25, but age doesn't really matter that much either (had an issue with that in the past so I thought I'd clear it up)

P.P.S I am a male. I've been getting messages from guys who clearly assume I am a woman. Read the profile first.
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Want one? :)

Just looking for somebody to have a fun conversation with this evening =)
Today is the last day of my weekend (I have a weird schedule) and there isn't much to do around here. Is anybody in the mood for a chat?
Just looking for somebody to have a fun conversation with this evening =)
Today is the last day of my weekend (I have a weird schedule) and there isn't much to do around here. Is anybody in the mood for a chat?
Good luck with your search. :)