Someone Cheer Eumenides Up...


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
Before I bitchslap her into the next county. Please.
I'll hold her down and you tickle torture her feet :)
Ok, how about this.

The person who cheers her up best will win stalking rights to Eumenides from me (as the OFFICIAL stalker of the 2002/2003 Eumenides) for the period of no fewer than 3 days, but not to exceed 5. In other words, I get her back for the weekend.
Worm said:
I'll hold her down and you tickle torture her feet :)

The Worm shows promise! However, I'm foot phobic. How about I hold her down and you tickle her feet?
Nora said:
The Worm shows promise! However, I'm foot phobic. How about I hold her down and you tickle her feet?

kotori said:
why you blue, Eu?

Cuz she's a scabby sourpuss. Now how're you gonna cheer her up, or don't you want stalking rights?
Okies, Worm. She nixed the tootsies. What's your next plan?

Debbie, she's cow-phobic. You don't win on that one, honey. Try again.

Perky's definitely in the lead.
Eumenides said:
I am just cranky. And I don't know why.

If you're cranky for no reason, it' s probably a treatable junkfood deficiency. You better eat some chocolate, just to be safe.;)
raindancer said:
I can offer my honey lick maneuver! :p

But Raindancer pulls out the honey lick maneuver and steals the lead from Perky!
My one attempt to make Eu laugh.

These two cows were standing out in a field in Britain. One cow turns to the other and says, "You know, that whole Mad Cow Disease thing still really worries me. It hasn't really gone away and it keep sme up at night! I can't give milk. I can't moo worth bollocks. I'm a wreck! But you - you're always so calm and placid. What's your secret? Why doesn't it bother you?"

The other cow turns to the first and says, "What do I care? I'm a helicopter!"

patient1 said:
If you're cranky for no reason, it' s probably a treatable junkfood deficiency. You better eat some chocolate, just to be safe.;)

I'm pretty sure that chocolate puts patient1 neck & neck with raindancer.
Nora said:
Okies, Worm. She nixed the tootsies. What's your next plan?

Well thats why they call it tickle torture...they aren't supposed to agree to it :)
Eumenides said:
I am just cranky. And I don't know why.

Could it have something to do with you wanting to get hold of Nora yesterday and her not showing in that thread you made for her hmmmmmm ?
Nora said:
Cuz she's a scabby sourpuss. Now how're you gonna cheer her up, or don't you want stalking rights?
i don't know. i could sing. tell jokes. "a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants." hey, i know. I'll do my DCL impersonation.
Nora said:
Okies, Worm. She nixed the tootsies. What's your next plan?

Debbie, she's cow-phobic. You don't win on that one, honey. Try again.

Perky's definitely in the lead.

I know she is. :D