Somebody PLEASE stop David E. Kelley


Nov 21, 2000
So I'm watching the baseball game like a good American (you weren't watching the game, you unpatriotic scum?) and they have this promo for a new series on Fox called "girls club". The lack of capitalization is not my mistake, that's the way they spell it.

Anyway, it's the latest series from David E. Kelley, and something must be done about the man. The airwaves are polluted with his shows, and it's time for action. Write to the FCC. Call your congressman. I'm going on a hunger strike myself.

Let's examine his career. First he comes up with LA Law, a show about yuppie scum defense attorneys, and inflicts Susan Dey and Harry Hamlin upon us. I watched LA Law occasionally, thought it was occasionally OK, and went about my business.

Next comes Picket Fences, a show I have to admit I watched once. I saw the premiere, decided that I couldn't afford to waste precious hours of my finite life on these characters, even if one was played by the priceless Ray Walston. So I'll give this one a miss.

Next comes The Practice, a show about yuppie scum defense attorneys, which becomes extremely popular and allows Camryn Manheim to write a book called, "Wake Up, I'm Fat" and makes Lara Flynn Boyle a poster child for anorexic actresses. I've watched The Practice on occasion, and found it mostly unwatchable.

At the same time he's writing The Practice, Kelley was also writing Ally McBeal, a show about yuppie scum defense attorneys. The seminal TV show of the late 1990's, and I mean that as an insult, Ally McBeal made The Practice look like a recitation of the Harvard Law Review. I was dating an Ally fan at the time, and so I saw many episodes, and my loathing of the show was a point of friction between me and this girl, a relationship that, alas, could have used more friction, of another sort. But I digress.

Filmed in dark, butterscotch tones, and featuring a lead actress who made Lara Flynn Boyle look like, well, Camryn Manheim, Ally McBeal potentially did more harm to the US justice system than the OJ verdict. Every case seemed to be about nymphomaniacs who get fired for fucking the FedEx guy and then sue. The show bizarrely used special effects to show the inner thoughts of the characters...but not all the time. You'd go 8 episodes with nothing and they you'd see Ally's eyes literally jump out of her head. Made no sense.

Every character on the show was utterly loathesome, with no redeeming qualities whatsover. The characters spent most of their time bullshitting in the bathroom or singing (horribly, horribly) with Vonda Shepard in the bar downstairs.

Peter MacNichol, an actor I once liked, should be excluded from male company for the rest of his life. Perhaps it's a tribute to his talent that he was able to portray a man with no dick so convincingly, but that's no excuse. In my mind he's guilty, guilty, guilty.

Not content to destroy our legal system, Kelley next assault came against our schools. I've never seen Boston Public, but CBS runs the promos for the show endlessly on Sunday's during the NFL games, and they're so overwrought it makes you cringe. I don't know about you, but the teachers I had in high school pretty much went to work, taught us what was in their lesson plan, and went home. It seems like every episode some teacher throws themselves at some cataclysmic problem affecting one of their students. You get all the hot-button topics-- pregnancy, school shootings, drugs, racial conflict. Yawn.

Boston Public, however, does have mega-babe Jeri Ryan, and that at least mitigates some of the damage. From the promos it seems that she wears a lot of tight sleeveless blouses, so at least Kelley is improving the quality of feminine scenery.

Now Kelley has girls club, a show about yuppie scum defense attorneys. This one is about 3 gorgeous young women who discover themselves while fighting for their clients...blah blah blah. Actually, if I recall correctly, the announcer says something like, they fight for their clients, but they find that the most important thing is their friends. Comforting news for the bastards paying them $150 an hour for legal advice.

I don't know the other two actresses, but one of the girls (lower case) is Gretchen Mol, an incredibly beautiful woman and an incredibly bad actress. Ms. Mol is perhaps best known as the woman who nearly ruined the poker movie "Rounders". In that movie she played a yuppie scum law student who tries to keep Matt Damon from fulfilling his dream of winning the World Series of Poker. Kelley probably watched that movie and thought Damon was a fool for dropping out of law school to play cards, and thought Mol looked good sitting at a long table. Jerk.

As if all this wasn't bad enough, as if this indictment wasn't enough to convict Kelley of cultural homicide, the guy's married to Michelle Pfeiffer. I thought that when you sell your soul to Satan the Fallen One eventually comes by to collect. Where are you, oh Dark One? Is it not time to harvest this soul? Or is he doing your nefarious work too well to remove him from this world?

And, folks, don't even get me started on the movie "Mystery, Alaska"...
christo said:
I thought that when you sell your soul to Satan the Fallen One eventually comes by to collect. Where are you, oh Dark One? Is it not time to harvest this soul? Or is he doing your nefarious work too well to remove him from this world?


Nice rant, christo.
Though Lara Boyle, Calista Flockhart, and this new girl who's on girls club and was Claire on 90210, are all so goddamned hot. Picture perfect. Mmmm...
People flip around through Reality Shows and overlit-livingroom-sit-com crap and complain "Why can't they put some THOUGHT into these shows?", and when then they do.....................
A few things:

1. David E. Kelley is, without a doubt, the worst version idiot ever to get his shows on TV. Every show he's ever done is some maudlin, effeminate pile of garbage that seems to stress how much Mr. Kelley thinks women are better than men.

Which, to go off on a tangent, reminds me of all those guys you hated in college. Signs up for Women's Studies classes to meet girls, completely transforms into a different person when girls are around, dances with your girlfriend and talks to her the whole evening and then says they're "friends".

God I hated those guys

2. Is, without a doubt, the most elitist person in the world. On his shows the only people of value are those who graduated from Harvard Law. It's impossible to be smart or worthwhile if you aren't incredibly attractive and possessed of an Ivy League education.

3. Is simply a poor writer. Makes things up as he goes along, fucks with characters if it fits better into this weeks episode and rams unlikable characters down your throat.

Plus, why is everyone a lawyer? I've seen about 12 instances on his shows where a character is revealed to be a lawyer when they want them to do a return guest shot.

As you can probably tell, I've been subjected to the occasional episode of The Practice.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
People flip around through Reality Shows and overlit-livingroom-sit-com crap and complain "Why can't they put some THOUGHT into these shows?", and when then they do.....................

Give me a reality show any day of the week. You can make good tv with some thought into it but I'd take a guilty pleasure over this Masculine Feminist/Elitist garbage.
Pshaw. Good story-telling isn't about what YOU want to watch, but about good story-telling, and Kelly delivers. He's an ironic, effective writer who uses his shows as a bully pulpit to discuss the human condition in a highly unrealistic, but highly archetypical fashion, and there is value in that, intelligence in that, and wit in that.

There's a saying in Hollywood that no one sets out to write a crappy script. I don't agree with that. I believe the MAJORITY of producers and writers in this town go out of their way to do exactly that. They write what's marketable, what sold last season, what they think people who buy Cheetos and Britney Spears CDs will pemit themselves to stare at for 30 minutes at a time. David Kelly, Aaron Sorkin, Amy Sherman-Palladino, Steven Bochco, et. al. do exactly what we all rail and scream about whenever we're forced to make a choice between "Big Brother", "Family Affair" and "World's Most Gratuitously Presented Car Crashes", create thoughtful, controversial, character driven, issue oriented, intelligent television.

Find something real to bitch about. (I understand E! is doing a special on Steven Segal. There you go.)
Without David E Kelly & Aaron Spelling there wouldn't be a hot chik on American television.

Our CBC shows, particularly the French network productions, are so steamy by comparo you'd never see them on the airwaves in the States.

Hey Wait a minute!!!

I like the Practice:D

Kelli Williams who plays Lindsay..Is just so damn pretty
Aside from a dearth of decent sit-coms and reality crap I think we're in the middle of a Golden Age of Television.
i dont mind boston public, its good to watch before wrestling, but i couldnt stand ally, i tried watching but it was to um... whiny. but i did like the one with the nude model/snowboarded
Am I though only person who has never actually watched any of these shows?

Christ don't we all have like 50,000 fucking channels now? If you don't like it, don't watch it. Watch some nice savannah animals on AP or heaven forbid learn something over on Discovery. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?
Dammit, I wrote a really good post on this and my computer crashed and I lost it all. And now I'm too pooped to re-do it.

I agree with DCL that a lot of shows don't give a shit about their quality. They don't care about doing a good job-- they just do a job. Alan Ball, who created "Six Feet Under", was the head writer for "Cybil". He hated it. He couldn't stand Cybil Shephard or Christine Baranski. He started as the low man on the writing totem pole, but as the season went on all the other writers were fired, until he was the head writer for the show.

He tried quitting several times because he hated the shlock he was writing, but every time he quit the executive producers gave him more money. He ended up getting like $20million for the last season. While he was writing for the show, he spent his nights writing the script for "American Beauty", which of course won him an Oscar. So he was capable of good work, but he saved his good stuff for himself. And the network sure as hell didn't care.

Maybe there's something about Kelley's worldview that I find uniquely annoying, or the fact that he's just too fucking precious for me. I watch his shows and it's like chewing tinfoil. He's ubiquitous, you can't get away from him.

Would I would LOVE to see is Kelley and Steven Bochco co-write a series together. In Kelley's world defense attorneys are knights in white satin, the law is sacrosanct, and defendants are innocents persecuted by powerful forces. Bochco sees defense attorneys as lying, money-grubbing scum, the law as something to be bent if not broken, and defendants as guilty, if not of the crime they're accused of, at least guilty of SOMETHING. Contrast Ally McBeal inteviewing a defendant with Andy Sipowicz. It would make for some interesting viewing.
christo said:
And, folks, don't even get me started on the movie "Mystery, Alaska"...

Hey now.. it was a hockey movie. True is was David E. Kelley.. but the fact it was based on hockey redeems itself.
Re: Re: Somebody PLEASE stop David E. Kelley

Liontamr said:
Hey now.. it was a hockey movie. True is was David E. Kelley.. but the fact it was based on hockey redeems itself.

Bullcrap. You like Mighty Ducks 3?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Pshaw. Good story-telling isn't about what YOU want to watch, but about good story-telling, and Kelly delivers. He's an ironic, effective writer who uses his shows as a bully pulpit to discuss the human condition in a highly unrealistic, but highly archetypical fashion, and there is value in that, intelligence in that, and wit in that.

Nonsense. The man is a hack. Albeit a fairly clever hack but a hack nontheless. He's repetitive, cares nothing for likable characters and is never above the preachiest moralizing on TV this side of CBN news.

Plus he's not really innovative. A show about Lawyers you say?
Re: Re: Re: Somebody PLEASE stop David E. Kelley

Weevil said:
Bullcrap. You like Mighty Ducks 3?

Heh.. never watched it..

Mighty Ducks 2 was bad.. even for a hockey movie.. So I didn't want to ruin my perception that no hockey movie is a crap movie by watching MD3.
lol! Christo is the man. Makes me wish I watched TV, 'cause I'm sure I missed some of the humor.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Somebody PLEASE stop David E. Kelley

Liontamr said:
Heh.. never watched it..

Mighty Ducks 2 was bad.. even for a hockey movie.. So I didn't want to ruin my perception that no hockey movie is a crap movie by watching MD3.

What about Most Valuable Primate?

Im sorry but Mystery, Alaska had everything I don't like about David Kelley crap.

Plus it was set in Alaska. Let's be honest, it should have been in Alberta.

But cash hungry whore the man is he probably didn't think he could sell the script.