Some would find fault with this. I say, ITS ABOUT TIME!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
The FBI Says, Count the Mosques
Investigators: FBI Director Robert Mueller has launched a potentially controversial initiative

By Michael Isikoff

Feb. 3 issue — Frustrated that his troops are still not aggressive enough in hunting down terrorists, FBI Director Robert Mueller has launched a potentially controversial initiative aimed at making sure that field agents finally get the message—and are held accountable.

AS PART OF the effort, NEWSWEEK has learned, Mueller’s top aides have directed chiefs of the bureau’s 56 field offices to develop “demographic” profiles of their localities—including tallying the number of mosques. Those profiles are then being used, along with other factors, to set specific numerical goals for counter terrorism investigations and secret national-security wiretaps in each region. Top bureau officials have signaled that if field offices don’t meet their pre-established goals, they may be subjected to special reviews by inspection teams from headquarters.
Field offices learned of the new project earlier this month when they received a six-page questionnaire that, in a section headlined VULNERABILITY, asked about the number of mosques in their communities. When FBI executive assistant director Wilson Lowery Jr. briefed congressional staffers on the project last week, and explained that mosque tallies would be used to help set investigative goals, “there were a lot of eyebrows that went up,” said one of those present. The approach raised concerns that the FBI was engaging in a new form of religious “profiling.” “It’s frightening to hear that this is actual policy,” said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations. “This just shows how they are viewing every Islamic community in the country with suspicion.”

FBI officials acknowledged that the initiative could be politically dicey. But they said the move is justified given continuing concerns about undetected “sleeper cells” and troublesome evidence that some mosques may be serving as cover for terrorist activity. “This is not politically correct, no question about it,” said one top FBI official. “But it would be stupid not to look at this, given the number of criminal mosques that may be out there.” Other FBI officials stressed that mosque tallies are only one of several criteria used to assess the terrorist threat in each region. Among others, they said, are the number of “vulnerable assets” in an area (such as bridges, dams and nuclear plants), flight schools and Islamic charities that have been linked to terrorism. “This is part of a larger evaluation process,” said one senior official. “We’re trying to set performance goals and objectives for a particular field office. We’re not targeting mosques.”
Mueller and his top deputies have been touring field offices and telling agents, in no uncertain terms, they need to focus more on terrorism cases, including developing undercover informants, and put aside less important cases such as drug and relatively minor white-collar fraud cases. “They don’t want to hear whether we’ve got a great bank-robbery program going,” said one top agent.
The link is right in the article

Newsweek 3/3/03

But you dont care anyway......

Much better to talk about your pussy
Glad to see this administration is continuing to pervert the very constitution they are charged to uphold.
I guess protecting the country

I guess keeping an eye on potential terrorists

Are UNconstitutional?

They, the Muslims brought it on themselves.

They can always leave.

If you use a credit card or e z pass, then even YOU are spied upon.

I have no problem with what the FBI is doing!
hmm, interesting rationale. So, because a smaller more radical sect of a particular ethnic group preaches hate and commits acts of violence, then the entire species should be done away with.

Ok, I'm game. Continue please
well for starters, I would not go public with information stating I'm going to violate civil liberties. That was plain stupidity. Nor am I naive enough to think that one can always assertain needed information by perfectly legal ways. My issue was with Mueller, a true dumbass ranking right up there with Ashcroft, actually going public, assuming your information is correct. Now lets see, we are going to tell them what we are going to do before we do it in hopes they, the bad guys, will not change their tatics.

Someone get Barney Fife's number, the FBI are looking for a few idiotic men.
Law enforcement routinely monitor the Mafia, street gangs etc.....

To keep the public safe.

It is called PREVENTION!

There is no contradiction to the constitution.
Emerald_eyed said:
Not that I read your post, but I did notice you didnt provide a link. So Ill just assume you took a story and rearranged the words to it.

He didn't provide one because he doesn't know how. I've suggested enrolling in a remedial HTML course at the local jr. college, but he insists on throwing his money away betting on losing super bowl teams.
I dont see where there is violation of civil liberties.

I know its fashionable to bash Ashcroft, though I dont see why.

The reason it is made public is to get the rats scurrying and maybe have them make a mistake......easier to track em that way!
and now after much leading and pulling, we finally have the horse at the water. Lets see if he drinks....

Now you just gave yourself the correct answer, and may not understand that fact.

The key to the groups you are giving is they are known thugs. Is every Italian whom attends a Catholic Church monitored? What about every non gang member of an ethnic group? Say an Italian man likes cannolis and owns a contruction company...a safe stereo he automatically watched by the FBI as a potential mafia connection?

This witch hunt for all muslims smacks in the face of something that happend in a town called Salem.
busybody said:

They, the Muslims brought it on themselves.

They can always leave.

If you use a credit card or e z pass, then even YOU are spied upon.

I have no problem with what the FBI is doing!

Leave to where? These are mosques established in the United States, built, maintained and attended by Americans. How exactly did American Muslims bring it on themselves?

And now I will tell it to Roger Bannister before I piss into the wind.
Emerald_eyed said:
Not that I read your post, but I did notice you didnt provide a link. So Ill just assume you took a story and rearranged the words to it.
That's what I thought.
This witch hunt for all muslims smacks in the face of something that happend in a town called Salem.


Tough shit! They brought it on themselves.....If they dont like it....GET THE FUCK OUT!
Problem Child said:
He didn't provide one because he doesn't know how. I've suggested enrolling in a remedial HTML course at the local jr. college, but he insists on throwing his money away betting on losing super bowl teams.
hmmmmm, I do believe the Raiders lost.

"This witch hunt for all muslims smacks in the face of something that happend in a town called Salem."
preach it brotha :D
busybody said:
Tough shit! They brought it on themselves.....If they dont like it....GET THE FUCK OUT!
and as usual and with much anticipation, he just shit on himself.
So you are willing to wait for attacks.....and only THEN investigate what happened?

You are willing to play only defense and let us clean up after the attack......and unwilling to try to stop it PRIOR to an attack?
All throughout 2000 and 2001, the FBI was getting reports of suspicious activities by men from the Middle East in US flight schools......

They DID NOT investigate.....

They did not investigate because they did not have enough personel.....

They did not have enough people to investigate ALL the persons in flight school......and did NOT want to focus on Middle Eastern men because they were afraid of being called RACIST!

Thus an oppurtunity was lost because of PC!

Emerald_eyed said:
lol, well and when we do find the actually story, its completely differnt then he had posted.

50,000 huh? Anyne who would bet that much on a game is a proven idiot.

Here it is.

He didn't change anything in it...this time. He did it once though, at least. Puts a huge dent in his credibility.