Some one should start blocking IPs


Erotica Savant
Sep 23, 2002
I don't wanna sound mean, but you can change names, you can run you can hide behind proxies, but you can't change IP addresses....
You know, you aren't right about that.

All depending on your ISP you might get a different IP addy assigned everytime you connect to them.
Even cable IP addys don't stay the same. Most change weekly but if you are on a Windows machine you can run "winipcfg" and request a new one every 2 minutes if you'd like to.

For those of us that are stuck with dial-up (ARRRGH! don't go there!) with any major ISP the IP addy changes every time you connect to the net.
We have this same problem on a different board that I help moderate. The only way you can ban some IPs is to ban the whole block of them and you usually end up blocking some good people as well as the ones you're trying to get rid of.
ma_guy said:
Even cable IP addys don't stay the same. Most change weekly but if you are on a Windows machine you can run "winipcfg" and request a new one every 2 minutes if you'd like to.

For those of us that are stuck with dial-up (ARRRGH! don't go there!) with any major ISP the IP addy changes every time you connect to the net.
I'm using cable as well myself, and they have it set up so you get a new one, if you have been off line for more than 4 hours

And the "winipcfg" doesn't work on all windows OS. Try ipconfig instead