So, you say that donating money to men's rights groups isn't FIGHTING for the cause?


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010

Male rights campaigners are setting up an anti-feminist political party and plan to stand against Harriet Harman and other prominent feminists at the next General Election.

The ‘men power’ is being orchestrated by Mike Buchanan, 55, a former business consultant who opposes tokenism and says ‘our political elite has become detached from reality with its state- sponsored feminism’.

Mr Buchanan is not some fruitcake of the Monster Raving Loony party ilk. A bookish fellow from Bath, full of statistics, he has recently given evidence to a parliamentary select committee.
This is where real damage to misandry gets DONE: by laws and also by court decisions... which well-funded men's rights groups have been winning.

Internet insults are pretty much all the misandrists have left now. MRA's are kicking their asses where it counts.
Yeah - give em some money.
The real men will use that money to buy a keg, and then they'll solve all their problems (plus every other world issue) over the next few hours ;l
We're not at all concerned with, nor swayed by, your misguided definition of "real men".

Another privilege that women are losing...
This is where real damage to misandry gets DONE: by laws and also by court decisions... which well-funded men's rights groups have been winning.

Internet insults are pretty much all the misandrists have left now. MRA's are kicking their asses where it counts.[/QUOTE]

I have had it put to me that if men were to exhibit the behaviours of women they'd be locked up as narcissists or psychopaths. It was said that the prisons are overflowing with men because there are different societal expectations of the genders, that men are largely seen as being disposable while women are treasured. The argument went on for some time and it was difficult to contradict what was being put to me. I think it was exaggerated but when confronted by statistics it's very difficult to contradict them.
We never said donating money isnt fighting for the cuase

we're saying YOU never fight for the cause

its for the same reason we know you dont have a wife...

you never mention a single solitary event you have ever gone to.. and if its such an important aspect of your life, you think you might be proud of your acheievement

and for a guy that's married and has kinds, its amazing they are barely ever mentioned.... my fiance is central to my life, and i talk about him all the time... you could give 2 shits about your family

or maybe you're just a sociopath who used them as props.. that might explain why you dont care about them
or maybe you're just a sociopath who used them as props.. that might explain why you dont care about them

Props are boring dear....sociopaths don't use people as props they play with them like pawns or puppets. Life is just a big game after all and those with the ability to emotionally detach from the game get really good at playing it.

LT is too emotionally invested to be a sociopath, at least that's how he portrays it...scary thing about sociopaths is you will never really know what they are until you're

A) totally fucked


B) you realize you have been watching them systematically dissect and destroy someones life right under your nose just to see if they can do it...and then it will hit you what they really are.

Big smiles....always friendly.
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Props are boring dear....sociopaths don't use people as props they play with them like pawns or puppets. Life is just a big game after all and those with the ability to emotionally detach from the game get really good at playing it.

LT is too emotionally invested to be a sociopath, at least that's how he portrays it...scary thing about sociopaths is you will never really know what they are until you're totally fucked ;)

very true, he's very ardent about his unblinding commitment to the MRA cause.. while normally I'd find that devotion to a cause admirable.. but its more religous ini ts fervour...I'll call out feminists I dont agree with... he wont even decry mass murderers if they fly his flag
We never said donating money isnt fighting for the cuase

we're saying YOU never fight for the cause

its for the same reason we know you dont have a wife...

you never mention a single solitary event you have ever gone to.. and if its such an important aspect of your life, you think you might be proud of your acheievement

and for a guy that's married and has kinds, its amazing they are barely ever mentioned.... my fiance is central to my life, and i talk about him all the time... you could give 2 shits about your family

or maybe you're just a sociopath who used them as props.. that might explain why you dont care about them
You've got to be the most ignorant shitwagon in the world if you believe any of this. Or you're a troll.
very true, he's very ardent about his unblinding commitment to the MRA cause.. while normally I'd find that devotion to a cause admirable.. but its more religous ini ts fervour...I'll call out feminists I dont agree with... he wont even decry mass murderers if they fly his flag

It's not about calling our feminist you don't agree with, after the shit I have seen you go to bat for I doubt there is one, it's about being able to see crazy for what it have demonstrated repeatedly that you can't do that.

You constantly complain about how women are such victims and if every man on earth offed himself RIGHT NOW, leaving only women to run shit, you would just find something else to bitch and crusade about and find another way to make yourself a fucking victim.....b/c that's the kind of person you are, just like LT.
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It's not about calling our feminist you don't agree with, after the shit I have seen you go to bat for I doubt there is one, it's about being able to see crazy for what it have demonstrated repeatedly that you can't do that.

You constantly complain about how women are such victims and if every man on earth offed himself RIGHT NOW, leaving only women to run shit, you would just find something else to bitch and crusade about and find another way to make yourself a fucking victim.....b/c that's the kind of person you are, just like LT.

give me a break... I've seen you use inflated stats from unsupported third party sites as gospel

I only "complain" about how bad women get it... when people like you and LT are here to remind me how much a free ride women get in this world, hell, even in our continent

then you use circular logic. specific isolated stats, specific isolated stats and opinion....b/c thats just the kind of person you are...just like LT
throwing a fit is not a counter arguement.. just fyi
Making up lies about me is not a counter argument - it is a temper tantrum. It is your way of trying to shame men into silence. A tactic you have yet to realize NEVER works on me.

The THOUSANDS of dollars I've donated to men's rights causes has contributed to the defeat of feminists in courts and legislatures. Deal with that. Material aid to your enemy... works just as well as bullets.
give me a break... I've seen you use inflated stats from unsupported third party sites as gospel

I only "complain" about how bad women get it... when people like you and LT are here to remind me how much a free ride women get in this world, hell, even in our continent

then you use circular logic. specific isolated stats, specific isolated stats and opinion....b/c thats just the kind of person you are...just like LT
What you do is when men complain about discrimination against men, you try to derail the issue with "BUT BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO TEH WYMMIN TOO!!"

You do it every single fucking time.

And again, it NEVER, EVER works.
I'm a woman
Some people are men
I'm good at some things
They are good at some things.
Let the best person for the job with the best qualifications get it.
That's my 2 cents for whoever needs it.
give me a break... I've seen you use inflated stats from unsupported third party sites as gospel

You mean like the DV stats I got from the DOJ/FBI website and danced on your skull with? ;) yea you still mad about that.

I only "complain" about how bad women get it... when people like you and LT are here to remind me how much a free ride women get in this world, hell, even in our continent

When did I EVER say women get a free ride???

Nay I bitch when women complain about NOT getting a free ride when they think they deserve a free ride in the name of equality b/c they have a vagina (your position 99.999% of the time).

There is a huge difference.

To which I argue "Tough fucking shit, welcome to reality, no one's genitals should entitle or deny them anything..... if you want it you're going to have to fight tooth and nail for it just like everyone else."

Women want to be Navy SEALS? Bad fucking ass...won't hear a peep from me.

Until you start arguing they shouldn't have to bleed, sweat and hurt just as hard as every SEAL that came before or that is standing next to them. Because THAT would be equality....equality most politically active feminist don't want any part of. They are out to give women the advantage...not make them equal, and I like to call them on their bullshit lies....

Like DV being a woman's issue...HAHAHA

then you use circular logic. specific isolated stats, specific isolated stats and opinion....b/c thats just the kind of person you are...just like LT

You mean specify isolated states like AZ/AL?? The only states you would recognize and claimed repeatedly controlled all other abortion laws across the nation to support another totally false position like a bat shit loony fuckin moron?

Got ya ;) try again failtits.
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What you do is when men complain about discrimination against men, you try to derail the issue with "BUT BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO TEH WYMMIN TOO!!"

You do it every single fucking time.

And again, it NEVER, EVER works.

right... remind me again about the white feather society

and its not like you have nearly 200 threads about how bad women are

you really should go count how many I have about how bad men are.. that would be interesting
You mean like the DV stats I got from the DOJ/FBI website and danced on your skull with? ;) yea you still mad about that.

the 38% number you pulled up also includes male on male domestic violence and iner-relationship numbers.. like friends ...hence inflated

When did I EVER say women get a free ride???

Nay I bitch when women complain about NOT getting a free ride when they think they deserve a free ride in the name of equality b/c they have a vagina (your position 99.999% of the time).

dude, you've mentioned multiple times how use thier vaginas to get thier way.. as if we all are cunning shrews solely using our twats to get ahead
There is a huge difference.

To which I argue "Tough fucking shit, welcome to reality, no one's genitals should entitle or deny them anything..... if you want it you're going to have to fight tooth and nail for it just like everyone else."

the above being an example..once again..women use sex to get their own way

Women want to be Navy SEALS? Bad fucking ass...won't hear a peep from me.

Until you start arguing they shouldn't have to bleed, sweat and hurt just as hard as every SEAL that came before or that is standing next to them. Because THAT would be equality....equality most politically active feminist don't want any part of. They are out to give women the advantage...not make them equal, and I like to call them on their bullshit lies....

I've never said that.. i say they deserve a chance to try..we actually agreed on that.. if they fail it should be on their own terms... not the terms someone else set for them in advance

Like DV being a woman's issue...HAHAHA

read above

You mean specify isolated states like AZ/AL?? The only states you would recognize and claimed repeatedly controlled all other abortion laws across the nation to support another totally false position like a bat shit loony fuckin moron?

I used 2 from the letter A... I actually put 3 more examples up there, but in a post previous to the ones I used with you...tI could continue the list of states alphabetically...there were restriction on 4 of the states just begining with A

Got ya ;) try again failtits.

sure thing captain deflect
You mean the bunch of feminists who shamed men for not going to war?

you mean the same ones who werent allowed to fight and went to jail for wanting to vote..and did the only thing they were allowed to do to fight the Germans?

and nice job of ignoring everything else I said... kudos to you
you mean the same ones who werent allowed to fight and went to jail for wanting to vote..and did the only thing they were allowed to do to fight the Germans?

and nice job of ignoring everything else I said... kudos to you
Yeah, that bunch of feminists who shamed men for not going to war. Same bunch whose hypocrisy you love so much.

As for ignoring everything else you said.. you are in no way entitled to anyone caring about your babbling.
Yeah, that bunch of feminists who shamed men for not going to war. Same bunch whose hypocrisy you love so much.

As for ignoring everything else you said.. you are in no way entitled to anyone caring about your babbling.

so you think going to jail for wanting to vote, being spit on and beaten on in public for wanting to vote, that being sentenced to up to 10 years for wanting to vote, that not being allowed to join the some how less of an injustice then being trash talked in public

but you're entitled to babble...right

that's special
the 38% number you pulled up also includes male on male domestic violence and iner-relationship numbers.. like friends ...hence inflated

Sexual relationships are not the only arena for DV dumb shit....

Oh it's inflated b/c M on M domestic violence doesn't count? Right...because you're a sexist piece of shit and a vile human being.

And learn to fucking read you DUMB sack of shit...

The 38% was the number of DV VICTIMS that received injuries severe enough to warrant medical attention at a hospital.

When you get into DV cases and abuse as a whole to include incidents that didn't wind up with someone getting their ass kicked? You have even less of a leg to stand on. Men and women start shit and abuse their partners at equal rates (give or take a couple % on each side of 50 depending on which study you look at).

Women have a 12-10% lead in hospitalization...that's all the victimization you get in DV cases. Once again, making it not a woman's issue, but a people issue.

dude, you've mentioned multiple times how use thier vaginas to get thier way.. as if we all are cunning shrews solely using our twats to get ahead

the above being an example..once again..women use sex to get their own way're saying women don't ever use their sex to get ahead?

You're saying that lobbying for and getting policy change to give promotions/admissions/grants/funding/whatever gov program etc. to women based on the fact that they are women, isn't using their sex to get ahead?

You really are fucking nuts then...because that's exactly what it is and it couldn't be anymore blatant.

I've never said that.. i say they deserve a chance to try..we actually agreed on that.. if they fail it should be on their own terms... not the terms someone else set for them in advance

Why should ANYONE get any more than that anywhere else??? Hmmm?

I used 2 from the letter A... I actually put 3 more examples up there, but in a post previous to the ones I used with you...tI could continue the list of states alphabetically...there were restriction on 4 of the states just begining with A

And since the fuck when did any one state constitute the United States of America you fucking twit????

If 49 states made abortion all but fucking impossible to get, right on the edge of legal to get but not really. Making Kansas and AZ look like flaming liberals with restrictions.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd let's say Hawaii had no restrictions.

Then you can get an on demand abortion in the United States of America....but you don't get that do you? No...gonna argue that? Tell me about fucking Kansas or some dumb shit as if that changes your failure in any way aren't you??
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