So when is W.W. III starting?


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2005
The economy needs a boost.

North Korea claims they have a missile to reach the U.S.

Iran almost knows how to make a primitive A bomb with no way to deliver it then there are the Jews wanting America to support them in Israel.

I say let them eat atoms.
Once the warmongers realize that creating a Palestinian state means that Israel won't ever get nuked, they'll realize their days are numbered and panic will ensue.
Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Mali, Pakistan (drone bombing), Yemen (likewise).

WWIII started a long time ago.
Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Mali, Pakistan (drone bombing), Yemen (likewise).

WWIII started a long time ago.

I agree, the barbarism of our 'modern world' is so pervasive that the death of hundreds will only make the news if it's one big assed bomb.

And with the expansive 'peace time' military establishment and weapons systems spending, who needs a war? They can drain our treasuries just as efficiently.