So the IRS BOLO list targeted progressive groups as well?


Pragmatic Metaphysician
Jul 8, 2009
Raise your hand if you're a RW litster who will continue to believe the same Obama conspiracy narrative anyway.

An internal IRS document obtained by The Associated Press said that besides ‘‘tea party,’’ lists used by screeners to pick groups for close examination also included the terms ‘‘Israel,’’ ‘'Progressive’’ and ‘‘Occupy.’’ The document said an investigation into why specific terms were included was still underway.
AJ was in full victim mode just this morning, decrying the fact that the IRS only single out hate-filled racist groups that he personally identified with.

HA! Those facts don't prove anything but that Obama is every bit the snake we always suspected! First his utter hatred for Israel is well documented, in fact in 2008 he declared that America would drive the Jewish people into the sea! As the progressives and Occupy have turned against the Cloward Piven in Chief the fact that he's seeking to silence his detractors is just more proof. :mad:
AJ was in full victim mode just this morning, decrying the fact that the IRS only single out hate-filled racist groups that he personally identified with.


At this point the IRS faux-scandal looks as faux as we said it was. It actually doesn't even look like news anymore. The department in question is tasked with finding which 501(c)4 applications were political so they looked for names that sounded political.


I guess this explains the difficulty I've had getting a tax exemption for my new "social welfare" organization, Occupy Progressive Israel.
At this point the IRS faux-scandal looks as faux as we said it was. It actually doesn't even look like news anymore. The department in question is tasked with finding which 501(c)4 applications were political so they looked for names that sounded political.


So if there's nothing wrong why did the IRS admit they were wrong?
So if there's nothing wrong why did the IRS admit they were wrong?

I think they admitted that instead of using shortcuts to guess which groups might pose a problem, they should have just fielded all requests in the order they came in.
So if there's nothing wrong why did the IRS admit they were wrong?

Lois Lerner didn't admit they were targeting anyone. She said that Tea Party type groups weren't flagged for automatic review.

“The major use of the BOLO was after the screening process,” [Wefel] explained.

His testimony was consistent with what Lois Lerner, the IRS director of exempt organizations, revealed in May. She said tea party applications were centralized “for efficiency and consistency,” but that doing so was inappropriate.

“This was a streamlined way for them to refer to the cases,” she explained. “They didn’t have the appropriate level of sensitivity about how this might appear to others and it was just wrong.”
I think they admitted that instead of using shortcuts to guess which groups might pose a problem, they should have just fielded all requests in the order they came in.

They said they used "inappropriate" criteria. Don't know what that means.
So if there's nothing wrong why did the IRS admit they were wrong?

It wouldn't be the first time someone fell on the sword because they wanted a problem to go away or feared they couldn't prove themselves innocent.

I imagine it's much like asking why would you admit to a crime you didn't commit and answering that the jury would never believe that you were innocent.
It wouldn't be the first time someone fell on the sword because they wanted a problem to go away or feared they couldn't prove themselves innocent.

I imagine it's much like asking why would you admit to a crime you didn't commit and answering that the jury would never believe that you were innocent.

Just wanting it to go away implies guilt.
Doing it to get it over with because nobody would believe innocence is certainly possible. People do that and often get compensated for their sacrifice.
They said they used "inappropriate" criteria. Don't know what that means.

Their guidance was to not use such criteria.

IRS officials have repeatedly denied the BOLO was used to single out tea party groups for additional scrutiny.

IRS manager John Shafer, a self-identified “conservative Republican,” told congressional investigators the BOLO list was merely used to centralize particular applications. Screeners who flagged applications related to “tea party” groups sent the case to particular IRS agents to ensure the review of such groups was consistent. Far from “targeting” the groups, he said they were centralized to improve customer service. Just because a group was on the BOLO list didn’t mean they were automatically flagged for review, he claimed.

“The major use of the BOLO was after the screening process,” he explained.
Just wanting it to go away implies guilt.
Doing it to get it over with because nobody would believe innocence is certainly possible. People do that and often get compensated for their sacrifice.

Implied guilt=/=guilt.

Even if I kinda see the IRS admitting wrong to similar to a plea deal. You could choose between ten years with parole or 25 with out parole and the possibility of getting cleared. A lot of people end up taking the ten because it's safer.

I was wondering why the IRS Inspector General released a report showing ONLY teahadist groups being asked in-depth questions when he knew that the probe included progressive and Jewish groups as well.

We got the answer yesterday. It seems he was responding to a direct request from Congress, as he was legally obligated to do. The request was from witch-hunting Congressman Darrell Issa, who specifically asked the Inspector General to limit his inquiry ONLY to teahadist related organization.

This, folks, is how you manufacture a controversy.
I was wondering why the IRS Inspector General released a report showing ONLY teahadist groups being asked in-depth questions when he knew that the probe included progressive and Jewish groups as well.

We got the answer yesterday. It seems he was responding to a direct request from Congress, as he was legally obligated to do. The request was from witch-hunting Congressman Darrell Issa, who specifically asked the Inspector General to limit his inquiry ONLY to teahadist related organization.

This, folks, is how you manufacture a controversy.

And this proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Darrell Issa is a despicable human being unfit for his leadership position.
And this proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Darrell Issa is a despicable human being unfit for his leadership position.

You treat him too nicely. I can think of worse, yet equally as accurate things to say about Issa.