So people are screaming to put Wonder Woman on the silver screen


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
probably because of this aimless fan-made flick:

I've got some advice for anyone thinking of tossing a hundred million into this project:

1) Ditch the skimpy costume. Bring back J Michael Straczynski (sp?) to handle this business. Case in point:
Stop trying to make her a quasi-feminist heroine in one hand while objectifying the fuck out of her in the other. And women in skimpy strapless swimsuit costume in combat is just. plain. stupid. Who's going to take that shit seriously in the modern day? (For that matter, Superman's classic tights don't work anymore, either.)

2) Movies based on heroines don't often do well at the box office. People seem to hate on women heroes and leaders. See Star Trek Voyager's Captain Janeway for the most egregious example in the history of entertainment. But this isn't a hard-wired problem. Again, your solution to this is JMS, he knows how to handle this.

3) Whatever JMS does, it must involve reimagining her backstory. It worked for Battlestar Galactica. Ditch the whole Paradise Island as a bunch of andro-phobes (bordering on straight up misandrists) setting. If they go there, the movie absolutely will ride the failboat straight to the bottom of the ocean. That 'no men allowed' shit makes feminists happy, but everyone else is guaranteed to be looking for another movie to watch.

Wonder Woman's problem is that aside from her dedicated fans, the general movie-viewing public can't take that kind of character seriously as she stands, without, at the very least, the kind of changes JMS did to her. That's not good when you're gonna have to sink 100 mil into producing a movie.

Oh and I forgot #4... once you've made Wonder Woman more realistic, don't fucking turn around and release her in between several competing big blockbusters like you did the re-imagined Superman.
probably because of this aimless fan-made flick:

I've got some advice for anyone thinking of tossing a hundred million into this project:

1) Ditch the skimpy costume. Bring back J Michael Straczynski (sp?) to handle this business. Case in point:
Stop trying to make her a quasi-feminist heroine in one hand while objectifying the fuck out of her in the other. And women in skimpy strapless swimsuit costume in combat is just. plain. stupid. Who's going to take that shit seriously in the modern day? (For that matter, Superman's classic tights don't work anymore, either.)

2) Movies based on heroines don't often do well at the box office. People seem to hate on women heroes and leaders. See Star Trek Voyager's Captain Janeway for the most egregious example in the history of entertainment. But this isn't a hard-wired problem. Again, your solution to this is JMS, he knows how to handle this.

3) Whatever JMS does, it must involve reimagining her backstory. It worked for Battlestar Galactica. Ditch the whole Paradise Island as a bunch of andro-phobes (bordering on straight up misandrists) setting. If they go there, the movie absolutely will ride the failboat straight to the bottom of the ocean. That 'no men allowed' shit makes feminists happy, but everyone else is guaranteed to be looking for another movie to watch.

Wonder Woman's problem is that aside from her dedicated fans, the general movie-viewing public can't take that kind of character seriously as she stands, without, at the very least, the kind of changes JMS did to her. That's not good when you're gonna have to sink 100 mil into producing a movie.

Oh and I forgot #4... once you've made Wonder Woman more realistic, don't fucking turn around and release her in between several competing big blockbusters like you did the re-imagined Superman.
Well although I did not think much of it, didn't Lara Croft do well at the box office?

They should be able to do Wonder Woman, but her villians other than the original Cheetah were so lame
I love Wonder Woman! When I was a kid I had wonder woman underoos, a Halloween costume, red boots I begged for and the lunchbox.

I wore all of it to shreds! I loved that costume. Wore it for Halloween for three years and it was that awful plastic dress with the plastic mask and the elastic band. I thought I was the coolest of all. Put the damn thing on to watch the tv show or the underoos. My brother had batman ones. Underoos were the bomb.

My only fear about the movie was a mention of Megan Fox in the role but thank god that was nixed.

I love comic book movies. If you're expecting good plots and stuff to make sense you've missed the fucking point! Spawn was a good one. Didn't like Dark Knight, too long, got bored. I liked Fantastc Four with the Silver Surfer because I had the SS comic books. I'd like to see She-Hulk, had those comics too.
(And women in skimpy strapless swimsuit costume in combat is just. plain.*stupid.*)

It's not a swimsuit. It's more like an armored bodice or corset like a female warrior would wear. Duh!
Wait how is LJ going to see a movie where a woman beats up guys? Isn't that oppression?
Wonder Women without huge juggs just ain't that wonderful.
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No one hates Janeway because she's a woman. She is hated because she is an incompetent, borderline psychopath.
Well although I did not think much of it, didn't Lara Croft do well at the box office?

They should be able to do Wonder Woman, but her villians other than the original Cheetah were so lame
I said, "don't often do well". Not "never". Perhaps Lara Croft should be a case study.

No one hates Janeway because she's a woman. She is hated because she is an incompetent, borderline psychopath.
Please show evidence that she was incompetent or a borderline psychopath.
No one hates Janeway because she's a woman. She is hated because she is an incompetent, borderline psychopath.
What is this hate for Janeway. Iadmit she was not as compelling as Kirk, Picard or Sisko, they were two far more annoying characters on DS9: Neelix and Seven of Nine
What is this hate for Janeway. Iadmit she was not as compelling as Kirk, Picard or Sisko, they were two far more annoying characters on DS9: Neelix and Seven of Nine
She's a female captain. She did absolutely nothing wrong as a character except have the semblance of a bosom while holding a Captain's rank. There's simply no other explanation. She was PERFECTLY suited to handle being lost in space. She handled her business in every good way short of being a Mary Sue.

I have yet to see anyone point out where her character went wrong.
She's a female captain. She did absolutely nothing wrong as a character except have the semblance of a bosom while holding a Captain's rank. There's simply no other explanation. She was PERFECTLY suited to handle being lost in space. She handled her business in every good way short of being a Mary Sue.

I have yet to see anyone point out where her character went wrong.

The problem was that she was boring. The writers seemed complacent with her being female and captain, as if that was a big deal (ooh, look how progressive we are!). I can't say I saw every episode, but the ones I saw, she was merely backdrop to a set of actual charachers - both male and female.
The problem was that she was boring. The writers seemed complacent with her being female and captain, as if that was a big deal (ooh, look how progressive we are!). I can't say I saw every episode, but the ones I saw, she was merely backdrop to a set of actual charachers - both male and female.
Well she should at least have had a love interest - Chakotay would have been more than good for her. They Geordi'd her - stuck her with a fucking hologram relationship. 7 of 9 coulda gone with Harry or that really motivated Young ex-Borg man that they rescued.

If being boring was Janeway's problem then it wasn't Janeway... it was the writers. I wasn't bored with her at all. She's orders of magnitude better than, eh, who was that fucker from Enterprise? Arch who?
Well she should at least have had a love interest - Chakotay would have been more than good for her. They Geordi'd her - stuck her with a fucking hologram relationship. 7 of 9 coulda gone with Harry or that really motivated Young ex-Borg man that they rescued.

If being boring was Janeway's problem then it wasn't Janeway... it was the writers. I wasn't bored with her at all. She's orders of magnitude better than, eh, who was that fucker from Enterprise? Arch who?

We prefer not to think about Enterprise...
Well she should at least have had a love interest - Chakotay would have been more than good for her. They Geordi'd her - stuck her with a fucking hologram relationship. 7 of 9 coulda gone with Harry or that really motivated Young ex-Borg man that they rescued.

If being boring was Janeway's problem then it wasn't Janeway... it was the writers. I wasn't bored with her at all. She's orders of magnitude better than, eh, who was that fucker from Enterprise? Arch who?
So you wanted her to sleep around like Kirk or Riker?