So, my daughter gets a tounge piercing...


Jul 29, 2000
She gets a tounge piercing agaisnt my wishes, comes home and shows it off! How ignorant can you get! Later I find that she took my chequebook to finance the deal. She paid $120 for a fucking hole in her head! (I know this because she recorded the entry). I told her next time that she wanted one that I'll go out to my tool shed, get my hammer and a nail and give her as many holes as she wanted! She's now going to work off the money by doing chores, like going shopping. She's 14 so she can't drive so she has to walk to the grocery store and back, carrying the groceries back all the way. You see, I can't just beat her with a flexible bamboo rod like Bruce Lee did to a guy in "The Game of Death" which was never released because I think the neighbors have a video camera watching me (If I close the blinds they'll know something is up).

But that's just the beginning of my problems. My moron son now is working two jobs (he's 16) just so that he can afford to add new spoilers and headlamps for his '88 civic. If I knew I was going to have a ricer I'd have gotten a vasectomy like Zamdrist. Anyways, so he's spending all of his money on reflective engine fans and lowering his car and adding a flowmaster that sounds as gay as hell. While he's doing all of this his grades have plummeted. He's gone from a solid C student to a kid whose highest grade is a 38. That's pretty fucking sad- especially since it's auto shop.

Why do God and Condoleeza Rice hate me?
what the hell? I thought you were like 19 or 20 at most. :eek:
I thought you were barely old enough to drink.. let alone have kids that age.

thanks son. Now get over here, and let Daddy give you a spanking for pulling our legs. :p
Private Vasquez said:
I don't know how punishmental shopping is to a 14 year old girl with a 20 year old father.
I'm impressed that she recorded the entry in the cheque register. I still haven't mastered that task.
spinna's got the disobedient children module for the Sims



the D
Mischka said:
I'm impressed that she recorded the entry in the cheque register. I still haven't mastered that task.

Blame it on great grandma (my grandmother) she believes that every child should be able to read and balance a chequebook by the time they leave high school. They learned it by first grade because of her. They're smart kids, they just don't apply themselves.
So, can I get some parental advice besides not allowing my son to purchase The Fast and The Furious DVD and the accompanying set of wifebeater T-shirts so he can't be "More like tha' Vin!"
you were 4 when son was born and 6 when daughter was born..

is the mother Mary Kay Laterno?

He could have married into the family of course.

Or he could have been visiting the Family room in literotica chat again.


the D
Hah! I am the mother of a 15 yr old yardape with her belly button, tongue and nose pierced. The belly button was the only one I knew about in advance.

And I really thought you were a young guy too. :confused:
Freya2 said:
Hah! I am the mother of a 15 yr old yardape with her belly button, tongue and nose pierced. The belly button was the only one I knew about in advance.
Where on earth did she get the piercings? I don't know of a single piercing parlour that will do anyone under 18 without express parental consent. I would have serious concerns about the health and safety standards of a place that will pierce a minor. You might want to get your daughter tested, just to be safe.