So much for the flu shot


Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
and yes, i know there are different strains but I must have gotten a hella bad one. I've been so sick since last Sat with vomiting and the shits. I even went the ER, I was so bad.

This afternoon is the first time, food even sounds halfway decent to me. I haven't eaten since last Friday.

I hope to God i never get that ever again.

Anyone been sick lately?
I've been suffering with sinusitis which gave me a migraine headache.

It's been a bad few days for me.
I got a really nasty cold for the first time in a long time a while back...104F fever, spewing...the fuckin' works. Hopefully it's another 10 years before I see the likes of that bullshit again.

Hope you feel better pink...drink lots of fluids.
yeah that also works, alot of fluid.

but if you ask me, just take couple of shots of whisky.. you'd be alright.

Hydration is magic, I give myself IV's.... nice big 2000cc bag of LR on a moderate drip will do wonders for a hangover/cold when you can't keep things down or a big run/sports event if you do it the night before...if I'm sucking real bad I just open it up and squeeze the bag.
Oh no, that sucks Pink. I hope your body recovers quickly.

Other than a 5 day headache that will take me into the ER tonight to get a shot in my butt I haven't gotten sick this year.

My son and my dad both got Influenza A and were down for the count for a week even with Tamiflu. That was a great time in my house.
Oh no, that sucks Pink. I hope your body recovers quickly.

Other than a 5 day headache that will take me into the ER tonight to get a shot in my butt I haven't gotten sick this year.

My son and my dad both got Influenza A and were down for the count for a week even with Tamiflu. That was a great time in my house.

I'll give you a shot in your butt. :cool:
Hydration is magic, I give myself IV's.... nice big 2000cc bag of LR on a moderate drip will do wonders for a hangover/cold when you can't keep things down or a big run/sports event if you do it the night before...if I'm sucking real bad I just open it up and squeeze the bag.

or you can always smoke it up too, weed.
Influenza is a respiratory illness. The "stomach flu" is not actually flu at all, but a completely unrelated virus. Flu symptoms are usually fever, chills, body aches, cough with or without stuffy nose, and exhaustion. Sometimes nausea, but very rarely vomiting. What you had was likely a norovirus, which is also completely miserable, but not protected by the flu shot.

Glad you're starting to feel better.
I am guessing I had the flu , closely followed by the norovirus. Every symptom in the book, except I retched, and nothing came out. (Retched violently!)

What was frightening, was the pain in my right side. It went away when my fever tapered off.
or you can always smoke it up too, weed.

That's a given...:D

Influenza is a respiratory illness. The "stomach flu" is not actually flu at all, but a completely unrelated virus. Flu symptoms are usually fever, chills, body aches, cough with or without stuffy nose, and exhaustion. Sometimes nausea, but very rarely vomiting. What you had was likely a norovirus, which is also completely miserable, but not protected by the flu shot.

Glad you're starting to feel better.

Ohhhh someone's taken a biorogy class.....
Ack, that sounds horrible! Feel better soon, and continue bumping your crochet thread. <hint> ;)

For the past couple weeks I've been battling a sinus infection that turned into an ear infection. The hell? Am I two?! I felt like a wuss for going to the doc, but man! That ear pain sucked major donkey balls. Ouchie.
and yes, i know there are different strains but I must have gotten a hella bad one. I've been so sick since last Sat with vomiting and the shits. I even went the ER, I was so bad.

This afternoon is the first time, food even sounds halfway decent to me. I haven't eaten since last Friday.

I hope to God i never get that ever again.

Anyone been sick lately?

Those are the symptoms of 'food poisoning'. It could be a strain of influenza that the vaccine wasn't preventing, but the word this year is that the annual vaccine was the best match ever for the actual strains out there.

Yeah I had a head cold for like a whole month, with 1-2 day gaps of wellness here and there.