so I've got a fighting fish...

Willing and Unsure

Stuffed Animal Princess
Apr 4, 2001
and I'm curious to know what will happen if I put another kind of fish in with him (like a feeder fish). I know he'll kill it, but would he eat it too?
I dunno but you sound like a mean-spirited war-monger gun-toting member of the right talking about fighting fish and death and all


It'll kill it.

I would believe that if the other fish was small enough it would eat it too.

I would try it and see what happens.

cool... I think I wanna try it sometime... just cuz he looks bored in the bowl all by himself. I guess there's only so fun the rocks at the bottom can be.
Would a mirror add life to his existence? A little shadowfighting?
SINthysist said:
Would a mirror add life to his existence? A little shadowfighting?

I would definitely recommend the mirror thing....BUT don't leave it near the bowl 24/7. My friend did that with hers for a weekend by mistake. He's now spastic and paranoid! (if a fish could be spastic and paranoid...if not, he does a damn good impression!)

~ Rora :rose:
I'd say he already is paranoid. his little head flares up with anger anytime I get close just to put food in the bowl. not to mention if I go to use the mouse (his bowl is on the desk... bout 6 inches or so from the mouse)... he gets pissed about pretty much everything.. but the mirror sounds like fun :D
Depends on the size of the tank. I have a fighting fish in a 50 gallon tank with a bunch of other fish and he's fine. I can't put another beta in there with him, but he's fine with the other fish. Even the tiny frogs.

I also think the idea of putting another fish in there just to see what happens is kind of fucked up.
Willing and Unsure said:
I'd say he already is paranoid. his little head flares up with anger anytime I get close just to put food in the bowl. not to mention if I go to use the mouse (his bowl is on the desk... bout 6 inches or so from the mouse)... he gets pissed about pretty much everything.. but the mirror sounds like fun :D

Maybe you could get him...ummm...a chew toy! hehehe Or some little floating thing he could beat up (but not eat) to take out his aggressions with. Either that, or find a lil ceramic couch and let him have a lay down! :p

~ Rora :rose:
lol @ Aurora

sunstruck... I dont want to put it in there just to see what will happen. I already know one outcome that he will kill it (it's a small bowl... just the size for one of him and maybe something else small). I'm curious to know if he would eat it or not. I've never had a fish like this one before... so I wanna know what he'd do.
He'll probably nibble at it, but not really eat it. Most fish do that when there is a dead fish in the tank.
Well....if you're talking about a Beta then it typically won't bother most smaller types of community fish.

It may or may not decide to take after long-finned angels or the like, but usually others it's pretty docile towards.

And....sun is right, you can't put another male Beta in the tank. (regardless of whatever size the tank is) They will hunt one another down and fight to the death. can put a female in there with him and he won't mind that. Of course the females are rather homely in comparison. lol Most don't have the bright color, and lack the long fins of the male.

Damn ugly women anyhow. ;)

I have 10 of them..all different colors. They will not attack other "community fish" if you but them in a tank together. They only attack their own.... In fact, you cannot put them in with other aggressive fish for they will be eaten...They don't eat other fish..they eat mosiquitos larva in the wild. Don't feed them every day...I feed mine two little pieces every two or three days. Some have lasted over 2 years but in the past when i fed them everyday they would always die in less than a year...
sufisaint said:
Don't feed them every day...I feed mine two little pieces every two or three days. Some have lasted over 2 years but in the past when i fed them everyday they would always die in less than a year...

I've noticed the same thing. They seem to thrive on feeding every two-three days. Strange, isnt it?

Vilac and sufisaint are correct.

The fish will only show major agression toward other betas.

Just buy a chiclid, like an Angelfish, or even an Oscar. NO ONE will fuck with it.

I am just kidding. Actually the Chiclid Idea is pretty bad. THEY will have your beta all torn up in a matter of no time. Chiclids are meat eaters.

Betas are just pissy toward other betas.
Willing and Unsure said:
and I'm curious to know what will happen if I put another kind of fish in with him (like a feeder fish). I know he'll kill it, but would he eat it too?

as far as i know, you can have most any kind of fish in with a betta, as long as their fins are nice and long and pretty like his. you can also have african dwarf frogs with them, they're cute tiny litle aquatic frogs that cuold qualify as bottom feeders. you actually do have lots of possiblities. josh and i have two tanks, we have a frog in with the betta. he used to be in with all the other goldfish and the algae eater, but we got some fish that wouldn't be very compatible so moved him to his own. just ask ppl at pet stores what they reccomend and they'll be pretty obliging. some bettas are more solitary than others so all you can really do is experiment wisely. don't want any nasty carnage eww! :)
hope this helped.

Vilac said:
Well....if you're talking about a Beta then it typically won't bother most smaller types of community fish.

It may or may not decide to take after long-finned angels or the like, but usually others it's pretty docile towards.

And....sun is right, you can't put another male Beta in the tank. (regardless of whatever size the tank is) They will hunt one another down and fight to the death. can put a female in there with him and he won't mind that. Of course the females are rather homely in comparison. lol Most don't have the bright color, and lack the long fins of the male.

Damn ugly women anyhow. ;)


Ditto to what Vilac said. I bred them for years, the males fight each other but not other species. The females are pretty much uncolored, as are the fry. After maturing females will inhabit a tank with no problems, just keep the males apart. When you want to breed them, just put together. Remove the female afterwards, she'll eat the eggs in the bubble nest!
A Snail!

Aurora_s_Flame said:

Maybe you could get him...ummm...a chew toy! hehehe Or some little floating thing he could beat up (but not eat) to take out his aggressions with. Either that, or find a lil ceramic couch and let him have a lay down! :p

~ Rora :rose:

My Sweet Finigan Just Loves To Torture His Tank Mate:D

I Got A Snail Fer Him, And It's His Endless Amusement To Knock The Little Bugger Off The Sides Of The Tank, Then Push Him Around The Top Of The Water So He Can't Get A Hold On! LOL
You Should See Him Flare Up And Freakout When He Does This:D He Loves His Toy!

You Could Also Just Get Another Betta And Put It In A Tank Just Next door:D They Can Be Jumpers, So Be Careful They Don't Get Aggitated Enough Ta Leap Outta The Aquarium! LOL

Yay To Yer New Friend, I Say!!!

I Sing To Mine, And He Loves It!

You Want Good Finage And Color, Feed Him Brine Shrimp, NOT That Shit They Give You...Betta Bites? YUCK!

He Also Turns Into A Savage When I Give Him The Left Over Beefheart I Feed To My Oscars:D

Yay To Your New Friend, I Say!
They Are Labyrinth Fish!

Willing and Unsure said:
lol @ Aurora

sunstruck... I dont want to put it in there just to see what will happen. I already know one outcome that he will kill it (it's a small bowl... just the size for one of him and maybe something else small). I'm curious to know if he would eat it or not. I've never had a fish like this one before... so I wanna know what he'd do.

They Have Evolved:D

They Take Air In, Just Like Us!

When They Fight, The Stronger More Dominant Male Will Beat The Other Down So He Can't Get Up To Take Any Air, Rip His Fins To Shreds Eventually Killing The Other Fishie!

It's Interesting To Watch....ONCE!

Another Helpful Hint!
If Yer Fish Is Making Little Bubbles All Over The Surface Of The Water, Usually In The Corner, Then He Is Happy Enough To Be Building His Nest:D
I never knew that Angelfish were predators until it was too late.

I bought an aquarium, bought three angels and some of those really fancy goldfish looking things..I believe they are called Ryelkins? Anyway they were like 15$ per.

After a few days, one of the ryelkins was dead at the bottom of the tank, gutted.

After a week, the second one same thing.

I noticed that the Angels were pack like and sure enough, second week, the last ryelkin was being eaten alive!

Found out later that Angels will attack other fish and kill them.

So..took them to an Aquarium store, bought some Zebra Danios (supposedly community fish) and a few other community fish.

One week later the Danios are attacking the others.

After about $200 worth of fish later, I settled on fancy mollies and neons. No problemo!
LadyGuinivere said:
After about $200 worth of fish later, I settled on fancy mollies and neons. No problemo!

Except for the fact that they reproduce more than hamsters! I finaly took my heater out of my tank. I now have very happy mollies, etc that aren't reproducing. (150 babies or so later)

I have a beta in that 40 gallon tank, and he leaves everyone else alone. In fact, the mollies tend to pick on him.

I have a 10 gallon tank in my livingroom with baby mollies, some goldfish and a beta in it. No one fights.