So I've been having my own war with some silly protesters...


Dead is dead.
Apr 10, 2002
Every morning I go into work and their damned fliers are posted all around the privately owned are of my building. On our doors and lamp-posts and such. Every morning I rip them down and toss them in the trash. But next morning, they're back! If it weren't for this silly ole; "no solicitation" thing, I'd put up my own posters saying they should move to france or something.

Fuckin' hippies need to go out and get jobs,
Try to find the person doing the posting, ask them very nicely over a cup of coffee if they would mind not posting on your buisness, because you do have a no scolicitation policy, and if they post their views, other people will retaliate, and you don't want your buisness used as a battlefield.

Be polite, ask for some contact info from their group because you may want to have them back in the future, but right now, your boss just can't have his place used for political fights.

Get the contact info from them so that if they do not desist, you can call the police to have them arrested for tresspassing, and get an injunction against them vandalising your property.

If its your buisness, its private property and they DO NOT have 1st ammendment right to use private property against the consent of the onwer to express political views.

Have them enjoined from vandalism, and if they do not comply with the order, sue them for actual and punative damages.

Sue the group, and the members personaly. This will force them to hire their own attorney and go before a judge to defend the claim. If they don't answer the suit, they admit and are liable for all damages you sue for.

Try the first approach before the second. Liberals can be notoriously violent if you piss them off.
Approach the posting commandos...

And with a 1" pipe, break their elbows, and radius.
They not only can't staple that shit up on private property, but they also cannot wipe their own ass if you do it right.
Wear a hood, yell in a foreign tongue, and the cops can't look for you, it would be profiling! Muhah.
I haven't seen one single protester around here. I'm all for free speech and personal rights, but some of the road blocking, bridge blocking, etc. looks to me like nothing more than a group of spoiled brats that didn't get their way.
Gunner Dailey said:
I haven't seen one single protester around here. I'm all for free speech and personal rights, but some of the road blocking, bridge blocking, etc. looks to me like nothing more than a group of spoiled brats that didn't get their way.

Amen. Protest that turned to "anarchy" in San Francisco is NOT getting any point across except: "We are actually secretly glad to have a war so we can get out of school, get out of work, and stir things up so we have a cute little story to tell over our next round of beers". :rolleyes:

It's just hypocritical to demand your rights for speech and protest be acknowledged, and then running around destroying someone else's private property or disrespecting property that isn't yours in the same breath.
Isn't that why G-d gave us firearms?

If they started to destroy my office or buisness or home, believe me, I'b be scared. So scared that I would be afraid for my life.

So scared that I would not think, just revert back to training.

Dam shame that doing that would require me to start shooting people.

Oh well. Isn't that a tragedy?