So I was playing billiards and saw that Fox News is reporting...


Jul 29, 2000
Two things

1.) Saddam is a liar, and even worse than the manbaby of Hitler, Stalin and Musselini.

2.) That Iraq may have had a nuclear bomb since 1991.

Well way to go fuckwits. That's really helping your cause. If Iraq has had a nuclear bomb for 11 years, they sure are a "loose cannon". God they could use that at any time! They could have used it when we invaded them, or when we put an embargo on them, ohhhh but that loose cannon. Man.

Shepard Smith wears more makeup than most whores and blackface entertainers. You heard it here first.
You were playing "billiards" don't you mean pool you wanker. :D
You make the mistake of thinking that this little "situation" we have going on over in the middle east is about anything other than money.
SpectralDragoon said:
You make the mistake of thinking that this little "situation" we have going on over in the middle east is about anything other than money.

Do I know you? ;)
Re: SPININGoutacuntrol

busybody said:
You are behind the 8ball.

I just asked the 8 ball if you were a raving moron and it said,

Most Definitely
Re: ASSwipe

busybody said:
The 8ball

KNOWS YOU WELL......doesnt it:D

What an insightful, thoughtful and well-written post. No wonder everybody likes you the best!
From the Independent, Robert Fisk reporting:
In North Carolina last month, a woman attending a lecture I was giving asked me when America would go to war in Iraq. I told her to watch the front page of The New York Times and The Washington Post for the first smear campaigns against the UN inspectors. And bingo, right on time, the smears have begun.

Read the rest of the article here, but there you have it. Bush is getting desperate.

It isn't just about oil. It's about positioning America to be the driving force in a region that will be increasingly squabbled over in the next decade or two. Far better to have a permanent military presence in the area, rather than incursions via sea, air and what you do from a Saudi regime that will probably go down the pan in the next couple of years.

Much better to be trumpeting from Iraq and drawing the sting of Russia. Better to have immediate influence in a gas and oil bearing region, so when the EU achieves a greater profile, you have the ability to secure your own petrochemical supplies by dictating price and availability.

If it looks like doing the Iraqi people a favour - discounting the inevitable deaths, whoops, collateral damage, and the denuding of Iraqi social structures - then so much the better.

It isn't simply about oil. There's rather more to it than that. And none of it, not surprisingly, is to do with some fanciful war on terror.
SpectralDragoon said:
You make the mistake of thinking that this little "situation" we have going on over in the middle east is about anything other than money.

You make the mistake of thinking money isn't the same thing as safety, commerce, human rights and freedom.