So, I just got served..


Sep 14, 2002
..court paper in re to the custody of my son. Merry Fucking Christmas.
omg lost, i'm so sorry to hear that sweetie ((((((((hugs)))))))))
Hugs and kisses lost sugar!!

I'm sorry to hear this.. and you know if you need an ear to just hollar to me.

*hugs to you Lost* I am so sorry to hear about that.
Take Care and Best of Luck,
lost said:
..court paper in re to the custody of my son. Merry Fucking Christmas.

My ex had me served while visiting my parents house on Dec 23 one time as a "surprise" during our divorce.

It's warm, it's's really quite open your door to a Process Server at Christmas.

*Sigh* I wish I was getting divorced again....


PS : This too will pass.
I have physical cuustody and have had since he was 20 mo old, for three years, but there is no order in place.

I am wondering if this will effect the 10,000+ in unpaid child support.

I have been nice, time for the bitch I guess.
Keep your chin up

I'm sorry to hear whats happening to ya. I know words can do little but comfort, but keep your chin up. My gradfather use to say, "When things get bad, means something good is rounding the corner."

I keep you in my thoughts when I go to Mass tonight.
Sorry my manners are lacking today.

Thank you for the hugs and warm wishes.
Emerald_eyed said:
That back support will help you. It will show he is irresponsible.
He might get slapped with more support, or a warreant until its paid

I mean cmon, hes showing signs of a deadbeat. It will put some doubt in the judges mind.

Does he visit often? Does he help other ways?

Thats child will be uprooted if he gains custody, that will also be a consideration. Hes had you since birth.

I wouldnt get to cocerned unless something big happened against you. Relax, and find a good lawyer.

I'm not real worried (I keep telling myself that anyway), a little pissed though, lol. He sees him on average once a week. As far as other help, not a bit, refused to even provide health care through his employer.
I have filed on him two moths ago. That was fun :D (seriously) Unfortuenately the office that handles this is not moving very fast, but I have a call into a friends lawyer and I'm going to see if I can kill two birds with one stine here.
I'm not sure what state your from lost, I have a horrible memory when it comes to locales. :(

But since I'm going through something similiar at the moment, I can relate.

When I was served I was just out of my mind with worry... but after speaking to several lawyers, my friends and family I realized that I'm sure I'll still have my son.

In my state they go by who has done the majority of the child rearing, if anyone is abusive and even neglectful (to a point.. cleanliness sadly isn't a big issue), past criminal history and etc etc.

You've had him all this time, he's been neglectful in payments of support and providing medical services. I'm sure things will continue on the way that they have been... and maybe you'll start getting child support from him as a bonus. :)

I am unclear about one thing tho, did you file on him for custody or child support 2 months ago? And he's just now tried to file on you?

Hugs again hon.
His_kitty said:
I'm not sure what state your from lost, I have a horrible memory when it comes to locales. :(

But since I'm going through something similiar at the moment, I can relate.

When I was served I was just out of my mind with worry... but after speaking to several lawyers, my friends and family I realized that I'm sure I'll still have my son.

In my state they go by who has done the majority of the child rearing, if anyone is abusive and even neglectful (to a point.. cleanliness sadly isn't a big issue), past criminal history and etc etc.

You've had him all this time, he's been neglectful in payments of support and providing medical services. I'm sure things will continue on the way that they have been... and maybe you'll start getting child support from him as a bonus. :)

I am unclear about one thing tho, did you file on him for custody or child support 2 months ago? And he's just now tried to file on you?

Hugs again hon.

About two months ago I filed in attempt to get him paying child support again and to get some back support.
lost said:
About two months ago I filed in attempt to get him paying child support again and to get some back support.


Hence his filing for custody.

I'm sure that the timing will not go unnoticed by others hon. :)

You suddenly want the money for your son that he deserves, he now suddenly wants the son. Classic.
I'm sorry.. but from my experience back support owed doesn't have bearings on who will or should get custody of a child. Just because the father isn't paying.. doesn't mean he isn't a good parent.

Getting custody of a child is a lot of work for either parent. He has to prove you, lost, to be an unfit mother. I have no idea what state you live in or what the laws are there. But finding a parent unfit isn't easy. There has to be something very wrong for them to remove a child from their mother.

lost, speak to an attorney. And I hope all goes well for you and your family.

Emerald_eyed said:
Yes, but it shows irresponsibilty.
They wont give a child to a man who doesnt pay rent of 10,000 right?

I also know that arrears in support doesnt have anything to do with visitation.

But so far she can show his lack of concern for his child..
refusing medical, and not paying 10,000 twords his care.

From my experience you are incorrect. Maybe other states are different.. but I've been through 3 child custody cases.

1. With my ex boyfriend for his son. He was behind in child support and had not even met the child(he didn't know about this son until he was almost a year old) when he went for and won custody of the child.

2. My brothers girlfriend lost her child to the father in a nasty custody battle.. he owed in the excess of $20,000 in back child support.

3. My ex husbands sister also lost her children to their father.. and he was behind in child support. (I can't remember how much he owed).

As I said.. these are my experiences. It's possible the state of Washington does things differently.

*I'd also like to add.. in all three of those cases the mothers were unfit*
1. Drugs
2. Mental problems and drugs
3. Mental problems, alcohol and drugs.
Well, I'd like him try to prove I'm unfit. The worst thing he can say is that I am a health nut. I don't even drink although at times i wish I did, lol.