So I got kissed by a 22 yr old last night.


Apr 8, 2002
We're up on the dance floor - me, my friend and her daughter - and this guy walks by, and gives me a smile and a wink. So I smile back and he starts dancing with us. Then a slow song came on and we danced to that - and he kissed me, 3 times. What a cutie patootie he was too. Shame he was so young.
Freya2 said:
We're up on the dance floor - me, my friend and her daughter - and this guy walks by, and gives me a smile and a wink. So I smile back and he starts dancing with us. Then a slow song came on and we danced to that - and he kissed me, 3 times. What a cutie patootie he was too. Shame he was so young.

Dammit, we want details.

Did you tuck him in?
TWB said:
That was me.

LOL! Thought he looked familiar.

HS - nah, I just couldn't do it. I told him I'd corrupt him if I took him home. He was too young for that I think.

Yank - no details. I patted him on the ass and sent him on his way. However, I did mention that we'd be back there again tonight. ;)
RosevilleCAguy said:

I'm gonna go sulk now.

Sorry. I think I was just in shock that this young guy would hit on an old bird like me. I'll do better next time, I promise.

DK - true, but when they aren't that much older than your own child, it's still a hard one to wrap your mind around.

Aphrodisiac - this was the 2nd week in a row that a young'un tried to pick me up. Maybe they're looking for lessons. :)
He would have taken your trash out for you, and got you a discounted rate with the paperboy.
HeavyStick said:
He would have taken your trash out for you, and got you a discounted rate with the paperboy.

Maybe I should have brought him home - I could use a houseboy around here.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Somebody to run the webcam, no doubt?

Well, after the way he kissed me, I think I might have him busy doing other things. ;)

Off to work, then out to the bar! Maybe I'll get a 2nd chance at the corruption of the young tonight. Bye hun.
You got his age during just a few dances.

What you're not telling us is that you also got his phone number, email address and bank PIN too.
mowing the yard, cleaning the gutters, emptying that 3 mo old mouse traap.

Freya2 has big plans. poor lad.
You shouldn't get caught up in age, like the other poster said.

I'll bet it made you feel really really good. Go with that feeling.
HeavyStick said:
mowing the yard, cleaning the gutters, emptying that 3 mo old mouse traap.

Freya2 has big plans. poor lad.

There'll be a nice reward at the end for him. I won't work him too hard.

Sixth - damn! I never think of these things at the time.
Sounds like you had a good time Freya. I think you should have taken him up on his offer though. The cute guys seem to get younger and younger. I see my little brother's high school friends and think, that the boys certainly didn't look like that when I was in high school. ;)
Freya2 said:
Some gossip you'd like to share Miss Perk?

It was fun Storm. Good for the ego too. :)

sometimes you know how old someone is, but it doesn't really register until afterward and you say "OMG how old are you, again?" and then you blush, but you still don't care, cause it was just so wonderful.
Did he take the bubblegum outta his mouth before kissin you??