So I got hit by a car yesterday


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Ok, actually I got hit by a shopping cart that was hit by a car.

Apparently this old guy A. thought he was in drive B. thought he was hitting the break as he pulled out of the lot. Unfortunately for me, he was doing neither. He flew back hard enough to hit my cart, throw me about four feet to the right, slam the cart into the car parked next to mine and move it about 3 feet into the car parked next to it.

I was lucky on two counts, I was standing to the side of the cart instead of in front of it, so I was chucked to the right instead of crushed against a parked car, and I landed on my ass with my back up against the car next to me, so I didn't whack my head on the pavement.

Yup. Lucky girl I am. Only a broken ankle and a ton of bruising from the cart.

I fucking hate cars.
I'm so sorry! And... ouch.



I guess you are lucky that it wasn't any worse - but I still feel bad for you.
Cibo said:
Ack, I hope you're ok!!

Did you sue that SOB?

LOL Yes. Not only was I able to push it through the courts in under 24 hours, I got them to do it on a holiday.

Nah, haven't even called my lawyer.
Dillinger said:
but I still feel bad for you.

Yes! Pity me! But do it with icecream. lol

It's totally sureal. I don't react to pain normally, I get giddy. The EMT thought I was loosing it because I couldn't stop laughing. Of course the shock wore off, but then the Vicadin kicked in. lol

I don't feel anything right now but a dull throbbing. I think I'll stay home tomorrow. lol
sunstruck said:
LOL Yes. Not only was I able to push it through the courts in under 24 hours, I got them to do it on a holiday.

Nah, haven't even called my lawyer.

I keep forgetting today is a holiday, lol.

Well sue him for mucho mucho dinero then. :D
Holy crap! I'm glad you're not hurt any worse than you were, but jeeeeez, a broken ankle's bad enough!!!

Now, here's the really important question...

Did he break the eggs?
Please try the insurance route first

if that doesn't work then sue him. I hate that people think of lawsuits first! Sorry Cibo - nothing against you!

Hope all is well - vicadin is a wonderful drug - hope it helps!
Nora said:

Did he break the eggs?

Yup. Squished 'e, everywhere. lol But the nice bag boy ran in and got us more! lmao.

I'm not suing anyone. I'm sure he has insurance and that will pay my medical bills. Plus I'm ensured. He's an old man (thank god because if he'd been younger my husband would have beat the crap out of him and he'd be suing US). I don't want his retirement fund.
sunstruck said:
LOL Yes. Not only was I able to push it through the courts in under 24 hours, I got them to do it on a holiday.

Nah, haven't even called my lawyer.



feel better fast.

fucking shopping carts.
sunstruck said:
I'm not suing anyone. I'm sure he has insurance and that will pay my medical bills. Plus I'm ensured. He's an old man (thank god because if he'd been younger my husband would have beat the crap out of him and he'd be suing US). I don't want his retirement fund.

Alright, that does it.

You soooooo kick ass now. :D
Relieved to hear you weren't seriously hurt Sunstruck. You're not walking around with an imprint of the Stop n Shop logo on your body I hope? Or Shaws. ;) Speedy recovery.
acitore_vuli said:
You're not walking around with an imprint of the Stop n Shop logo on your body I hope? Or Shaws.

No, but you should see my ass. lol And not in a sexy way. It's so black and blue you can't even tell I'm Irish.
sunstruck said:
Yup. Squished 'e, everywhere. lol But the nice bag boy ran in and got us more! lmao.

I'm not suing anyone. I'm sure he has insurance and that will pay my medical bills. Plus I'm ensured. He's an old man (thank god because if he'd been younger my husband would have beat the crap out of him and he'd be suing US). I don't want his retirement fund.

What a nice bagboy!!

So while you're laid up, could I fetch you a cup of tea? Some cookies? More ice cream?
Glad your ok. People should be more careful. Or, put the damn cart where it goes. Maybe a little bit of both. They even have a sigh, "put carts here." But, don't get me started on that.
Dearest Sunstroke

I hope you get all back to normal soon...

and I hope your leg heals too.

Sincerly Yours
sunstruck said:
I don't want his retirement fund.

Take his retirement fund. If you don't want the money donate it to charity, but someone needs to start making an example of these people. Too many things like this happen because people let the elderly get away with things just because their old.

Here's an example.

A couple of years ago this old guy and his wife are driving thru a local park and this guy's aneurism bursts. In his death spasm the guys foot pushes the accelorator to the floor - ends up killing 3 people walking by plus his wife in the car with him.

Plus they smell funny, too.
Thanks nasty, but it was my cart. I was getting ready to unload my groceries into the back seat of my car. Just waiting for hubby to open the door.

It really could have been MUCH worse. But I think dying in one car accident per life time is all one should have to deal with. lol

I seriously am begining to hate cars. We need to lay train tracks to P-town again. Fuck the bike trail.