So I got a Jury Duty Summons in the mail yesterday

Its happened to me twice so far. Sac county is pretty easy to get out of though.

First one was when I was a junior associate and the senior partner had a case going to trial at the same time.
Siren said:
I dont think they should make lawyers or police officers sit on jurys.......
Police officers are fine jurors for civil cases, and strictly civil attorneys are fine for criminal cases. I don't see a problem when their respective areas of expertise don't overlap with the content of the case.
Siren, I'd strike you for cause so fast your head would spin. ;)
Jersey City keeps sending em to me, since I am still registered to vote there. I have to keep sending them letters saying "Yeah I'd be happy to sit on a jury...except I'm in England, hence all my absentee ballots..."
Re: Re: So I got a Jury Duty Summons in the mail yesterday

Mischka said:
Police officers are fine jurors for civil cases, and strictly civil attorneys are fine for criminal cases. I don't see a problem when their respective areas of expertise don't overlap with the content of the case.

You're kidding on this, right?
Re: Re: So I got a Jury Duty Summons in the mail yesterday

Re: Re: So I got a Jury Duty Summons in the mail yesterday

*bratcat* said:

Your friendly grammar buddy says....write and I have never been asked...mainly cause I don't even get to vote up here.


I've never been asked either. Pisses me off, I'm a big enough nerd to think that being on a jury would be really cool.
Re: Re: Re: So I got a Jury Duty Summons in the mail yesterday

RosevilleCAguy said:
You're kidding on this, right?
Nope. I know several civil attorneys that have served as jurors on criminal matters, and they've taken the matter very seriously. They do not practice criminal law, and relied upon the presentations of the prosecutor and defense attorney, the same as the other jurors. Ditto with a police officer and a civil case. Serving on a jury is an important duty. With Siren, however, she has too many conflicts to be able to serve in her jurisdiction.
Re: Re: Re: Re: So I got a Jury Duty Summons in the mail yesterday

Mischka said:
Nope. I know several civil attorneys that have served as jurors on criminal matters, and they've taken the matter very seriously. They do not practice criminal law, and relied upon the presentations of the prosecutor and defense attorney, the same as the other jurors. Ditto with a police officer and a civil case. Serving on a jury is an important duty. With Siren, however, she has too many conflicts to be able to serve in her jurisdiction.

My reasoning is the same as Siren's. It would be a waste because I'd kick an attorney off so fast their head would spin. Hell, I've kicked people off for knowing cops well or being related to cops.
Re: Re: Re: Re: So I got a Jury Duty Summons in the mail yesterday

Siren said:

Just by being in the National Guard.

I get this National Guard handbook every year and I was searching thru it one time and I noticed that interesting little tidbit of info.
'Heck I'd be impartial Siren.'

National Guard are exempt? I presume active duty soldiers are too?

Nah I haven't been called.