So, I am leaving for a while


Jul 29, 2002
You know, I think that this has been a great experience for me. I love coming here to Lit and getting my people fix.

But, in light of a lot of things going on here, I feel that I should lay low for a bit.

I know that I am an adult, but I can't get over how hateful we have all become to each other. It never really bothered me before, but it has today.

The folks who I have come to believe were friends have shown me that they are not. The folks who haven't had but ambivalent or even hateful words for me have shown me that they actually care. I am stunned, frankly.

I know that this is turning into some kind of dramatic exit here and believe me, I don't want to leave with a saga here, but I do feel that I should at least offer some explanation for my departure, however brief it may be.

I will miss so many of you. There are others who I will think of occasionally and others I may not give a second thought to.

I can't do this for a while, so please, as usual, go about your daily business.

I may be back. I may not. I must say that I have enjoyed the time I spent here to some extent.

Thanks to all of you who make this place what it is. It's time to go. I bow to you all and make my exit.

Take care and I hope to see you back soon.
Lust and Spanks Always,
Was it something I said?

It has been an interesting day.

Good Luck to you.....and dont be affraid to come back after you relax for a while.

A lot of people like you here.

Are you going to use your time away from Lit to look for donkeydickhead. I haven't seen him around since he opined that it was swell a whole bunch of Americans died on 9/11.
Anyway, before you go, ya think you could show us your tits one more time?
Ham Murabi said:

Anyway, before you go, ya think you could show us your tits one more time?

Bless your sweet heart, big mama. That is a fine, fine AV.
Can I get a squeeze before you go?
Well, I don't like this, not at all, but if you feel you must, then don't let my pleading stop you.
