So how does this ignore thingy work?


My give-a-damn's busted
Aug 24, 2002
Do I not even know they have posted? Can they still PM me? Can I take it off if I change my mind?
Thank you...very helpful:rolleyes: I only want to ignore certain people...not the whole board!
Originally, the ignore feature would only block the offending member's post from appearing on the screen. It leaves their name and time of post, but instead of the content, it says "This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here]," with "here" being a link that would open a new screen with their single post.

The new feature blocks any threads started by the particular jerkwad. They just don't appear on your screen when you open a forum. So, when Hanns posted 50+ threads in a row and took up the whole page, you now have the power to turn all of it into an empty space.

Click the link at the top of the page that says 'Control Panel.' Then click the link that says 'Ignore List'. Add the username of the person you don't like (it has to be exact), then click the button below it.

When you come accross a post somebody on your list has made, then the only thing that will show up is thier username and the message 'This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post, click here.'

Edit: Well damn, two peole beat me to it.
Star of Penumbra said:
Click the link at the top of the page that says 'Control Panel.' Then click the link that says 'Ignore List'. Add the username of the person you don't like (it has to be exact), then click the button below it.
Faster way that doesn't involve exact spelling: When you see someone you'd like to ignore, click on the "profile" link/button below his/her post. At the bottom of his/her profile, there's two more links: one to put him/her on your buddy list, and one to put him/her on your ignore list.

Don't mix those two up.

foxinsox said:
As far as I know, posters on ignore can still PM you.

Accoeding to a test Cheyenne did a monthor so ago, they can PM you, but you'll never see it. Apparently, the PM will just hang around waiting for you to take them off ignore thenit will show up and count against your allowed PM totals.
Shadwann2 said:
Oh crap! I don't want that! I may have to rethink this.....

Why would you want PMs from someone you're ignoring. It doesn't shut down ALL of your PMS, just those from people on your ignore list -- presumably people you don't want to hear anything from anyway.
Complicated to explain..but I don't want them taking up space either! I have enough problems keeping my damn PM box clear as it is!:rolleyes:
Shadwann2 said:
Complicated to explain..but I don't want them taking up space either! I have enough problems keeping my damn PM box clear as it is!:rolleyes:

If I understood Cheyenne's test, they don't take up space -- or at least they don't count against your space.