So, exactly what 'can' you auction/sell on E-Bay?

Uber Sparky

Literotica Guru
Jul 9, 2002
Nope never been there - have not (maybe, right up until now) been interested. However...

I hear you can't sell humans or human body parts - cool.

But can you sell...


Leaf raking?
Gutter cleaning?
Snow shoveling?

Perishable food?
Canned goods?



Can you sell your soul?

Has anyone tried to sell any of these things - on E-Bay?

Why not?
Slept well eh? All perky -n- stuff this mornin'.

I've never been to E-bay and doubt I will ever go.
foxinsox said:
If I recall correctly, some wag tried to sell her husband.

Not sure if she was successful, though.

No I .. err.. she wasn't.
There's this guy - a dad...

he's trying to seel his family. He included.

He posted them up on E-Bay - had a bidder who said they were going to committ $5mil...

E-Bay pulled the plug before any transaction could take place.

He - the dad - is now sueing E-Bay - claiming that he is not marketing human flesh - but - he is providing a service...

that service being - a family.

I would presume for someone who does not have one.

So I thought to myself - people will buy anything - right?

So why not sell - nothing.

FOR SAL:E" To the highest bidder...

Absolutely Fucking Nothing!!!

Place your bids right here - the money all goes to me, Sparky Kronkite and all you get is a whole lotta nadda.

If you place your order right now - I'll throw in some bonus Zippo.
Uber Sparky said:
Nope never been there - have not (maybe, right up until now) been interested. However...

I hear you can't sell humans or human body parts - cool.

But can you sell...


Leaf raking?
Gutter cleaning?
Snow shoveling?

Perishable food?
Canned goods?



Can you sell your soul?

Has anyone tried to sell any of these things - on E-Bay?

Why not?

Well, I use eBay from time to time and have looked over the site and found some pretty odd items.

I haven't found a lot of the things you've mentioned, but I did see people trying to sell their soul!

Also I saw (about a year ago I think) someone selling what they called "an honest to goodness ass whuppin' ".

If you won the bid, this man would fly to your area (at your expense) at a time unknow to you. Stalk you, and then when you least expected it knock on your door and beat the living crap out of you! He promised to not cause life-threatening injury and only break extremities if you wished. He considered himself to be a professional. You, as the winning bidder had to supply him all costs for his travel and hotel fees while stalking you and also sign a waiver on legal prosecution. I know it was up for a few days, don't know if eBay pulled that one.

I also saw body organ for sale, ready for implantation. Kidneys were big a while back. EBay pulled those.

Sometimes it's just a good chuckle to see what folks are selling, or tyring to get away with selling out there.
Btw -

I just thought of another one for ya..


If it was already mentioned be kind and don't pick on me, I've been up all bloody night.
La Principessa said:
how about some used Spam?? ;)

I always thought spam was used food.

I remember seeing in the news a guy who sold his soul. Other than that I'm sure its more in how you word it rather than what it is.
Nah, Sparky Kronkite works from my work PC......

And the Uber thing works from home.

I don't have the patience to figure it out - I don't give two shits about post numbers.

So... there it is.
Re: Nah, Sparky Kronkite works from my work PC......

Sparky Kronkite said:
And the Uber thing works from home.

I don't have the patience to figure it out - I don't give two shits about post numbers.

So... there it is.

Ahh I see then.

Was just being my sweet nosy lil self. :)
Re: Yeah - I got some ideas as to where...

Sparky Kronkite said:
you can stick that nose.


I'm going to just know you meant that in the meaning that you did.

Uber Sparky said:
Can you sell your soul?

Has anyone tried to sell any of these things - on E-Bay?

Why not?
"In late February [2000], the on-line auction company e-Bay removed a Canadian man's offer to sell his soul to the highest bidder. Sterling Jones, a self-described atheist, planned to send the successful bidder a paper stating that the person now owned his soul. Officials of e-Bay did not appreciate Jones' attempt to auction his soul, and removed the offer.

They sent Jones an e-mail explaining that if a soul does not exist, e-Bay could not allow the auction because there would be nothing to sell. If souls do exist, e-Bay said a soul would fall under the company's ban against auctioning human parts of remains.

The Riverside Press Enterprise, which first reported the story, says by the time the offer was pulled February 22nd, the site had recorded nine bids. The highest offer was $20.50."

I believe you cannot sell firearms (for a while you could) - which is too bad because I have some to sell, or body parts, or people. I would think you could not sell services - it has to be a thing, nor could you sell something illegal.