So. Anyone wanna cheer me up?


Mar 12, 2002
It's been a down day. And nothing I do today seems to be right.

So I'm somewhat blue.
*cuddly hugs that border on a wholly inappropriate groping of your pleasant plumpies*

I'm sorry Vix, I think I know this feeling well.
I spent the day being prodded and poked, and am thinking of taking a nap. Wanna try it?
Maybe it's the weather? It's rainy and foggy and gray here today, the kind of day that makes you want to curl up and read a good book.

Hope things start looking up for you!
Romial.. listening to music would mean that an inanimate object is attempting to make me feel better. Which of course, doesn't work, right? I'm seeking companionship.

Jewelz, thank you.

Oscuridad, grope all you want, just don't call them plumpies.

EE- sure! :)

Intrigued, I can't nap... I am doing laundry (and there's quite a bit of it, between honey and I).

Neftoon- it's sunny and glorious today. But thank you

marksgirl.. *sigh* Thanks, hun.
vixenshe said:
Oscuridad, grope all you want, just don't call them plumpies.

Whoops sorry.

I used an old blackadder euphemism.

Won't happen again.

vixenshe said:
Romial.. listening to music would mean that an inanimate object is attempting to make me feel better. Which of course, doesn't work, right? I'm seeking companionship.

Don't under estimate the power of music hun. The right kind of music can do wonders for ya.
vixenshe said:
It's been a down day. And nothing I do today seems to be right.

So I'm somewhat blue.

Awww, c'mere honey, let me hug you, lick you, suck you, sooth those bules away!!:kiss:
What did you have in mind?


(oops) :D
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JaymesBlond007 said:
What did you have in mind?

So cute!

*edit* Waitaminute.. didn't you have a link to a pic of two kittens? I think I'm going nuts.
vixenshe said:
It's been a down day. And nothing I do today seems to be right.

So I'm somewhat blue.

Think of you AV! And then go home and relive it!!!
Re: Re: So. Anyone wanna cheer me up?

huskie said:
Think of you AV! And then go home and relive it!!!

I'm at home, and he's at work. And it's not a sex thing.
Re: Re: Re: So. Anyone wanna cheer me up?

vixenshe said:
I'm at home, and he's at work. And it's not a sex thing.

darn.. i tried. sex always cheers me up.
Re: Re: Re: Re: So. Anyone wanna cheer me up?

huskie said:
darn.. i tried. sex always cheers me up.

I dont like to use sex as a pick-me up. i like to be happy and completely into it when I engage in sex.

Pickme ups are hugs, cuddles, flowers, puppies and kittens, friendship