So about when is it time to start checking for election results?


now with 17% more class
Dec 4, 2003
I guess it's about lunchtime over yonder?

I hate time zones.
i'm here in the eastcoast... so i would say 8pm eastern???

i'm just guessing, not sure about it.
i'm here in the eastcoast... so i would say 8pm eastern???

i'm just guessing, not sure about it.
That sounds about right, but Toledo and Dayton are having voter machine problems--so they might be going to paper.
I guess it's about lunchtime over yonder?

I hate time zones.

If memory serves, Kentucky and Indiana always close first, at 6 PM Eastern time. Florida closes at 7 and Ohio at 7:30. California closes at 11 Eastern, which will be the absolute earliest they will be able to call a winner (that's what happened 4 years ago).

A couple of rules of thumb: if it takes more than a couple of hours to call Pennsylvania after the polls close, that might be a sign that it's been a good day for Romney. If they are able to call Virginia for Obama within a couple of hours, that's probably all she wrote for Willard M.
That sounds about right, but Toledo and Dayton are having voter machine problems--so they might be going to paper.

This would be a few days after the Ohio Republicans had an uncertified piece of software inserted into the code for the voting machines?
This would be a few days after the Ohio Republicans had an uncertified piece of software inserted into the code for the voting machines?

Democrats need to do something about this shit.

Don't let them get away with calling it proprietary technology. Get a look at that software.
also, i would just like to take a moment to thank sweden for making awesome cookies. good job, dude. those ballerinas are the shit.
also, i would just like to take a moment to thank sweden for making awesome cookies. good job, dude. those ballerinas are the shit.

There's a Swedish chick in my WoW guild. Sexiest accent EVER over VOIP.
i wonder if they're the raspberry ones.

mmm, singoalla. i have no idea what that means, but i love 'em.
you are welcome in advance.

now i might go watch some marie forsa movies while eating cookies. i blame you.

and me.
and if you assholes don't know who marie forsa is i will cut your face and spray your wound with a mixture of lemon juice and salt.