

Literotica Guru
Jul 1, 2011
Is seems that the cowardly traitor (not whistle blower) will get aslymn in the major human rights violator Ecuador.

The US should expell all Ecuadorian diplomatic personel and the U.K should ignore Ecuador's diplomatic status in London and arrest Assange.

If Ecuador does not respect others laws we should not respect theirs.

Fry Assange, Manning and Snowden or send them to Guantanamo
Is seems that the cowardly traitor (not whistle blower) will get aslymn in the major human rights violator Ecuador.

The US should expell all Ecuadorian diplomatic personel and the U.K should ignore Ecuador's diplomatic status in London and arrest Assange.

If Ecuador does not respect others laws we should not respect theirs.

Fry Assange, Manning and Snowden or send them to Guantanamo

Fuck You!:D
No one has detailed what the great treachery is beyond the revelation that Obama has his nose in everyone's underwear.

Americans don't quite get the idea that ITS NONE OF HIS FUCKING BUSINESS unless there's probable cause to sniff around, and that usually means plenty of blood or bleeding or broken bones.
Americans don't quite get the idea that ITS NONE OF HIS FUCKING BUSINESS unless there's probable cause to sniff around, and that usually means plenty of blood or bleeding or broken bones.
You don't get it the computer collection anlyze trends and numbers. Than a court order is issued for further investigation.

Some that the terrorist Glenn Greenwald does not mention in his propoganda rag.
You don't get it the computer collection anlyze trends and numbers. Than a court order is issued for further investigation.

Some that the terrorist Glenn Greenwald does not mention in his propoganda rag.

Except that we are learning that that is the Least Untruthful Answer...

You don't get it the computer collection anlyze trends and numbers. Than a court order is issued for further investigation.

Some that the terrorist Glenn Greenwald does not mention in his propoganda rag.

All I know is, when I post to LIT the subject usually pops up on my FACEBOOK account soon afterwards. When I search Amazon for books what I sample does the same thing, shows up at FACEBOOK. And because I was looking at memoirs of Nazi generals Obama might get curious, too.
Is seems that the cowardly traitor (not whistle blower) will get aslymn in the major human rights violator Ecuador.

The US should expell all Ecuadorian diplomatic personel and the U.K should ignore Ecuador's diplomatic status in London and arrest Assange.

If Ecuador does not respect others laws we should not respect theirs.

Fry Assange, Manning and Snowden or send them to Guantanamo

You're just taking sides because you think *they* will win.

Can't wait to see you do a volte face for when things turn in favor of the other side.

*sits down on the side with a tub of popcorn*.

Anyone wanna join me?
Snowden is a hero...a true patriot. Assange just works to expose the truth and corruption of government. If you like living in a surveillance state, why not move to North Korea? I'm sure they would welcome you. Or, instead of having your head up your ass, you could turn off Fox News, stop listening to the republicrats and start thinking for yourself.
Snowden is a hero...a true patriot. Assange just works to expose the truth and corruption of government. If you like living in a surveillance state, why not move to North Korea? I'm sure they would welcome you. Or, instead of having your head up your ass, you could turn off Fox News, stop listening to the republicrats and start thinking for yourself.

are you aware that it's 2013? there's a democrat in the white house.
Snowden is a hero...a true patriot. Assange just works to expose the truth and corruption of government. If you like living in a surveillance state, why not move to North Korea? I'm sure they would welcome you. Or, instead of having your head up your ass, you could turn off Fox News, stop listening to the republicrats and start thinking for yourself.

Maybe you should listen to Fox who actually presents commentators from both sides. something the Guardian will never do.

Assange is hiding from a rape charge.
Treason, clivil disobedience...
Potayto, potahto...
Maybe you should listen to Fox who actually presents commentators from both sides. something the Guardian will never do.

Assange is hiding from a rape charge.

A trumped up rape charge and if you read the's not quite right. He didn't actually rape anyone.

Fox News ? Lol. Are you serious?
Americans don't quite get the idea that ITS NONE OF HIS FUCKING BUSINESS unless there's probable cause to sniff around, and that usually means plenty of blood or bleeding or broken bones.

How about starting a World War, it does wonders for a economy.
"Yes We Can!"


Very transparent, Mr. O!
You don't get it the computer collection anlyze trends and numbers. Than a court order is issued for further investigation.

Some that the terrorist Glenn Greenwald does not mention in his propoganda rag.

So lets just bore holes in peoples houses have a robotic probe collect air samples and run them through a mass-spectrometer....

If (and only if) the illegal, violation of the 4th amendment finds an illegal substance has been in that home, you go to a judge, ignore the whole "fruit of the poison tree' concept, get a warrant and knock down the door.

If you are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear about a tyrannical government intruding into your privacy, right?
How about starting a World War, it does wonders for a economy.

No. I have a better idea. An idea the ancients practiced with success.

Conquer a different place every year, and keep the good parts. Leave the shit for the locals.
A trumped up rape charge and if you read the's not quite right. He didn't actually rape anyone./QUOTE]

I think it's not a rape charge but some sexual misconduct thing. And it seems reasonably legit. Not saying he's guilty, that's up for prosecution to prove at a trial.

Either way, he is not hiding from Swedish justice per se, but from American. He thnks that if he goes to Sweden, the US will have him extradited from there. And with fairly good reason.
A trumped up rape charge and if you read the's not quite right. He didn't actually rape anyone./QUOTE]

I think it's not a rape charge but some sexual misconduct thing. And it seems reasonably legit. Not saying he's guilty, that's up for prosecution to prove at a trial.

Either way, he is not hiding from Swedish justice per se, but from American. He thnks that if he goes to Sweden, the US will have him extradited from there. And with fairly good reason.

I keep hearing that bogus cliam. Although I think the terrorist lover Assange should have had been extradited the U.S did not. And the U.K has an extradition treaty with the U.S so its another lie by the Narcistic Assange who claims he is doing these leaks for the benfit of people instead of helping islamic terrorist.

If either of them get to ecuador send a drone to take them out
A trumped up rape charge and if you read the's not quite right. He didn't actually rape anyone.

I think it's not a rape charge but some sexual misconduct thing. And it seems reasonably legit. Not saying he's guilty, that's up for prosecution to prove at a trial.

Either way, he is not hiding from Swedish justice per se, but from American. He thnks that if he goes to Sweden, the US will have him extradited from there. And with fairly good reason.

If Assange has a case to answer in Sweden that would be reasonable for him to defend but he knows that once in Sweden the US would do anything legal or illegal to get their hands on him.

The US legal authorities are continuing to behave as if the whole world is theirs. If they can get their hands on anyone, anywhere, they will prosecute them in the US even if what was done was not a crime where it was done.

Whether Assange or Snowden are guilty has yet to be proved but if they were in the US they wouldn't get a fair trial. They would be treated like Bradley Manning or the Guantanamo inmates.

The US are behaving just like Britain used to behave when we had an Empire - We're the greatest; we're always right; and sod your legal and human rights; but if you try something similar on one of our citizens we'll send in the Marines.
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I love the 'middle finger' that these people give to the good 'ole USA.

Our country is full of hypocritical law breakers so turn-about is fair play.

Two and a half more years under Obama and we'll all be sporting ankle jewelry.
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I love the 'middle finger' that these people give to the good 'ole USA.

Our country is full of hypocritical law breakers so turn-about is fair play.

Two and a half more years under Obama and we'll all be sporting ankle jewelry.

Over a century ago G.K. Chesterton observed that the most enduring government institution is jail, and that all government endeavors evolve toward jails.
As we are seeing the scope of the IRS harassment towards the enemies of the Democrats and the Elites of the Republican Party expand, so too do I believe we are going to see the arrogance of the NSA grow to a level that none of us ever expected and a lot of this sort of political inquisition goes to the tone set at the top by the President who was going to unite us calling out various enemies to use as straw men to explain not only his failures economically but also as to why he adopted 90% of the Bush foreign policy so that he could (Limbaugh Theorem) continue to run against those very policies in a never-ending campaign as the people's champion.

If you think Health Care is going to be any less a weapon to use on you in the holy name of the great cause of the moment, then you deserve to be a serf.
As we are seeing the scope of the IRS harassment towards the enemies of the Democrats and the Elites of the Republican Party expand, so too do I believe...<derp snip>


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service’s screening of groups seeking tax-exempt status was broader and lasted longer than has been previously disclosed, the new head of the agency said Monday.

An internal IRS document obtained by The Associated Press said that besides “tea party,” lists used by screeners to pick groups for close examination also included the terms “Israel,” ”Progressive” and “Occupy.” The document said an investigation into why specific terms were included was still underway.

It seems that the Inspector General of the IRS knew that a broad spectrum of questionable political groups were being investigated, yet only gave the Tea Party/Teahadist groups to the press.

Maximum political damage to President Obama, dontcha know.

Now low-information folks like AJ have internalized the "Obama singled out just the Tea Party" meme and whine piteously about their "special treatment".