Snowbound Reunion


Delver of the Deep
Aug 6, 2010
Open to 1 female author. PM first before posting.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath. The snow had initially been a few flakes, but in the past half hour had intensified into a serious flurry. Now I could hear the hard splat of sleet against the glass of the massive terminal windows.

I'd seen this before, so I knew what was about to happen. The runways would ice up and they'd close the airport. I definitely wasn't flying out of Chicago tonight. Possibly even tomorrow as well, depending on the severity of the storm.

Forewarned is forearmed, though. I put a call into the Drake Hotel and reserved a suite. No doubt the airline would put me up somewhere if the flight got canceled, but I wasn't going to stay in some tiny closet just because it was was free. If I had to stay another night or two in Chicago, I would do so comfortably.

I also called my girlfriend, Candace. I could hear her pout through the phone; I'd been a trade show for three days already. I missed her, too, particularly since she hinted that she'd gotten some new lingerie to celebrate my return. I'd actually behaved myself this time, so my libido was definitely looking forward to be let off the leash when I got home. I wasn't eager to delay my satisfaction still further.

The matter was soon decidedly out of my hands. About 45 minutes before my flight, the announcements of flight cancellations started going out. I was soon in a sea of displeased travelers all wondering what they were going to do. Forewarned is forearmed, so I headed towards the exit to get a cab back to my hotel.

As I made my way through the crowd, a fleeting glimpse of a woman's face caught my eye. I angled in her direction to get a better look, sure that the face seemed familiar. But from where?

As I got closer, I beheld a woman of moderate height with long, straight hair that was jet black in color. Her complexion was a soft brown and her lovely features were East Indian in origin. She wore a black trenchcoat that she'd left open in the warmth of the crowded airport. Beneath was a pale grey business dress that fell just below her knees. The coat concealed much of her figure, but even with it on I could see that the woman had a truly impressive bust.

That's when recognition hit me: Dyvia Kamdar. I hadn't seen her in nearly six years. But I distinctly remembered the pretty Indian girl with the massive rack.

I'd known Dyvia through her roommate, Kimberly. I knew Kim because during the spring semester of my senior year, I'd hooked up with the petite blonde at a fraternity party. Kim proved to be both lots of fun and low hassle. With a job awaiting me halfway across the country after graduation, I assuredly wasn't looking for anything long term or serious. Kim understood that and was perfectly fine just sowing some of her own wild oats. So for the next three months, once or twice a week we'd get together and fuck like bunnies.

Dyvia knew that these details intimately. After sex, Kim didn't like being the one who had to get up, do the "walk of shame" to her car, and drive back to her place, particularly if she had class in the morning. I, on the other hand, didn't much care, so we generally hooked up in Kim's dorm room. Since freshman dorms consisted of one small room with two chairs, two desks, two beds, and a closet, Divya couldn't really avoid us.

Kim and Divya's arrangement when having a guy over was to pretend not to notice. Back in my days in the dorms, we usually agreed that the other guy would camp out on the couches in the lounge down the hall whenever a guy brought a girl home. Apparently Kim and Dyvia thought it rude to kick a roommate out of the room, hence their willful ignorance arrangement. I was a little unnerved the first time we hooked up with Divya in the room, but Kim had assured me that Dyvia didn't mind; not one to turn down sex so lightly, I just shrugged and followed her into bed. After awhile, it just became normal.

Of course, in practice, you can't be totally oblivious in such close proximity. They'd arranged their beds as stacked bunk beds with Kim's on the bottom, so Divya could lay in her bed on top without having to look at the two of us banging away. Still, Kim tended to be noisily enthusiastic about my cock. Kim also liked it fast and hard, so the bed frame would creak when I really started pounding her.

Divya wasn't also completely passive, either. When Kim and I were going at it, I could sometimes hear Divya's own heavy breathing and muted cries of ecstasy wafting down from above. Though I never saw it directly, Kim used to gigglingly assure me that Dyvia liked to fingerbang herself to climax as she listened to Kim and I go at it down below.

Even when Kim and I weren't fucking, the small space made for forced intimacy.
I got to see Dyvia in just her underwear and she in mine. More than once she caught me admiring her beautiful brown tits or the way her narrow waist flared into a plump little ass. So too had I caught her staring at the thick lump in my boxers. She'd always blush furiously and turn away when I spotted her, but we both knew there was an attraction.

Naturally, I did try to double down on this opportunity, but had no luck. As much as Kim seemed to enjoy having an audience for her sexual performances, she had zero interest in having a third participant. "Divya's gorgeous, but I'm not into the lesbian thing," Kim responded. "You want to fuck her, do it on your own time."

Kim and I weren't exclusive, but she warned me not to hold my breath on Divya. "Oh, she definitely has a crush on you, but she'll never go for it. Her family has had arranged marriage lined up for her and this guy she grew up with. Once they both finish school, they're getting hitched. She's very committed to it, so she doesn't really even date, let alone screw around. Besides, she's still a virgin: her pussy is so tight she can barely get a finger in there. Your monster cock would probably tear the poor girl in half."

I tried once, regardless. When Kim was out of the room, I sidled over to Divya. She was fresh from the shower, so her T-shirt clung in places to her luscious curves. I was naked save for my boxers. After chatting with her a bit, I waited till I caught her checking out my cock and then suggested that perhaps she should do more than look. She flushed with embarrassment and her thick nipples looked like they might rip through her shirt. I could hear the temptation in her voice as she politely declined. "Thank you, Travis, but I am promised to another."

I never made it any further with Divya than that. Kim and I continued our fuck sessions till I graduated that May. I promptly lost touch with her after I moved to my new job
and hadn't heard or really even thought of her since. Consequently, seeing her curvaceous roommate after all these years brought back a wave of torrid memories.

I figured I might as well stop and catch up. I stepped in front of her so I had her attention. "Divya? Divya Kamdar? Hey, good to see you again! Do you remember me? I'm Travis Morgan - we were in college together."
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I browsed my Facebook feed on my iPad scrolling, glancing, not really seeing any of the inane statuses my "friends" and coworkers were posting. My flight was delayed (unsurprising) and I had been spending my free time sitting in the terminal, waiting with as much patience as I could muster. People around me were muttering their complaints: a large man in a suit had been sweating profusely while talking on the phone, at barely an acceptable "inside" voice. He was bright red now, saying something about "damn weather" and "important meetings". A family of four was seated to my right, two young twin boys hitting each other with toy airplanes that looked as if they had been recently purchased from an airport souvenir shop to keep the children busy. Their parents, a man who looked to be in his mid-40s and a woman who looked slightly younger, but no less tired, sat slumped in their seats, watching the weather outside. They weren't talking, which seemed to indicate a displeasure with more than just the flight delays, but their marital problems were of no concern to me.

Glancing back down at the screen of my iPad, I suppressed a smile, trying to hide my own happiness at the thought of staying in Chicago another night, should the flight be cancelled. I had been here on a trip for business, meeting with a few potential clients for my bridal services. The interest had all started with my own wedding, planned by just me and a good friend, since a complete lack of support from my family dictated how much effort they put into my bridal agenda.

Coming from a strict Hindu background, my conservative Indian parents had always expected that I would marry someone they chose for me. The time had come, when I was just 16: A boy by the name of Anwar Patel was selected to be my betrothed, and at that time, I was all right with it. I was just coming into myself. My breasts had barely come in yet (though they had ballooned to enormous proportions just a year or so later), and I was uninterested in boys past whether the ones in my class were beating me out for high school valedictorian. My studies were my focus, and I had the look to go with it. Mousy hair, always pulled up in a tight ponytail, thick glasses, a wardrobe straight out of Librarians 'R US... no one besides Anwar had ever even noticed me, and even then, it had only been at family gatherings.

His parents and my parents were old family friends, which explained the link between us. But the two of us had no attraction to each other whatsoever. We were polite enough in our interactions... I was always sure to compliment him on something he was wearing, he always told me my hair looked nice or that my outfit was cute. But it was all a cordial, friendly act. When we were informed of our betrothal, I was passive, he was aggressive. He wanted nothing to do with me in that sense, and I didn't care either way. It was a match made nowhere, ever.

But betrothed we were, and when college rolled around, we were almost certain to go to the same school. Anwar, however, succeeded in being accepted to Harvard. I had to go to a much less prestigious college, miles and miles away. The two of us had never had anything that resembled a courtship... our distance was of little importance to us. There was no physical aspect of our relationship to be missed, so we didn't bother making promises to each other to stay chaste. We just assumed it would happen, our own desires be damned.

My roommate freshman year, Kim, was the polar opposite of me. Fair-skinned, blonde, and perky, she always had a revolving door of suitors coming in and out of our rooms. Despite that, we were the best of friends... so close, in fact, that she would often hook up with one of her longer-term boyfriends, Travis, while I lay in the bed right above their heads. My first experience with pleasing myself actually came on one of those first nights, listening to Kim get pummeled by Travis, her moans filling our room, her cries growing louder as they went at it with reckless abandon.

I knew what sex was... I knew how it worked. I knew about pornography, and every position imaginable, and fetishes and kinks... I had always been booksmart, so research was something I was very good at. But hearing it below me made me want to experience what Kim was feeling. She was always flushed afterwards, cheeks glowing, hair messy, voice chipper. So one night, I slipped my hand down past my cheeky little boyshorts and touched myself. My first orgasm came soon after, and I stifled my own moans with my hand as I climaxed.

Nervous, but eager to experience that same feeling once more, I continued to please myself to the sounds of Kim and Travis fucking. It didn't help that I found Travis absolutely irresistible. I had never been much for gawking at guys, and as such had never had many crushes... but even the one man I was expected to interact with sexually, eventually, couldn't hold a candle to Travis. Anwar was thin and rail-like, with no muscle to him. Travis was a man (with a surprisingly impressive package), and I found myself unable to look away. There were nights when Kim and Travis wouldn't come back, and I felt let down at these times, wishing that I could be wherever they were so that Travis would look my way the way he often did when he was in our room.

I began to wear tight clothing, more revealing outfits to bed, hoping that Travis would take notice. Inexperienced as I was, I had no idea what I would do if he approached me... but I wanted to flirt with the idea. It was invigorating and liberating, even when Travis wasn't paying attention to me. But then he began to... subtly, his eyes would fall over my body when Kim wasn't looking. He would smile at me when I came into the room in just my underwear and a tshirt, fresh from the shower. His gaze lingered when I changed in the corner of my room, facing the wall so he wouldn't be looking directly at me. And then there was the day that he asked me....

But that was years ago, and after Travis and Kim stopped dating, I had never seen him again. He was probably married to some hot little thing now, still fucking like an animal. And here I was, not married to Anwar, as I thought I would be. The little fuck-up had dropped out of school smack dab in the middle of his senior year, leaving his parents to practically disown him and me to be shunned as a result. My parents, me being the last child, had never before been forced to call off a betrothal between one of their daughters and a respectable suitor. And now, five years later, I had found my own suitor, one that they were wont to disapprove of.

His name was Jack, and he was a 30 year old guy with a degree in education. He was kind, relatively handsome, and only 6 years older than me. The two of us had met fresh out of college, when I had moved back to my home to figure out what it was I was going to do with my life. My degree in psychology was only mildly acceptable in my parents' eyes, and they were pushing me to go to grad school. I didn't want it, though, much as I hadn't wanted any of the previous decisions they had forced on me. Jack approached me in a bar, told me I was beautiful... and the rest was history. We dated for 3 years before deciding to get married. My parents were cordial to him when he was around, but cruel when they spoke of him to me or my other family members. Naturally, they were appalled by our engagement. But at that point, I didn't care. I had come into my own in the time since my freshman year at college, and I was headstrong. I would marry who I wanted.

A year later, I gave birth to our first child, Sahara. She was only a year old now, and I missed her terribly. I was, however, enjoying my time away from home. My parents would ignore their son-in-law, but would not disown their grandchild. Their constant presence (and constant nagging, and "advice-giving") was enough to drive any sane person mad. And so, I frequently went on business trips, leaving my sweet, loving husband to take care of the baby. I knew it wasn't fair... but he loved children, and he loved me. He didn't seem to mind.

So Chicago was my respite from the dull home that I had come from. Jack and I hadn't had sex in at least a month... I had been busy with work, he had been busy with school, and Sahara...

It looked as if Chicago was about to get pretty messy. Glancing up at the sound of the intercom, I silently squealed as my flight was given the coveted "canceled" status. This meant I had some sort of excuse to not come home, and I could go explore Chicago a little more tomorrow, despite the snow. It was lonely, sure, and I didn't have my best friend (Kim, who had stayed good friends with me even after graduation) or family with me, but it was better than a dinner visit from my parents, during which they would inform me matter-of-factly that I was parenting my child entirely incorrectly and that she would grow up damaged and unmotivated.

Standing and adjusting a sleek, leather messenger bag on my shoulder, I slipped my iPad inside of it and then began my trek toward the West Entrance of the airport. I could have a car from a local car service here to pick me up in no time, but finding a place to crash for the night might be slightly problematic... there were a lot of disgruntled passengers afoot, many of them sure to snatch up all the rooms at the hotels that I was aware of in the area. Unsure of what to do, I decided to look up some cheap places in the area that I could stay, hoping to make a reservation before they were all gone (though it didn't look promising). The thought of sleeping in the airport was utterly unappealing to me.

I was just pulling out my phone to do a search when I heard a voice call to me. Sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it.... and then I turned in the direction from whence it came. And there he was, Travis Morgan, standing right in front of me. It had been years since I had seen him, and while he had definitely grown some substantial scruffy facial hair, he hadn't aged a bit. I was similar to my old self too, though someone I had known from, say, high school might not have recognized me. My transformation from geek to "goddess" (as the school's slanderous unofficial gossip column had called it), had been rapid during my freshman year. It happened just about the time that Travis and Kim had been winding down... my hair was almost always cascading around my shoulders, I bought contacts, I started wearing clothes that accentuated my curves instead of hiding them... my confidence level was at an all-time high by the time Travis was out of the picture, and my personality had changed as well. I was no longer the chaste little schoolgirl, scared of her roommate's boyfriend but aching for his touch. I wasn't a virgin, I wasn't undersexed... I was fine. And I hoped he would notice.

"Travis... wow... I haven't seen you in forever. What... what are you doing in Chicago??" We hadn't gone to school here, so it was entirely coincidental that we would run into each other. And if he was here for business.... but maybe it was actually pleasure. What if this was just the home of his new girlfriend? The one I had just been imagining? I hiked my bag up over my shoulder and held it closer to me, suddenly self-conscious of the dress I was wearing, which clung to my bust considerably more than a casual tshirt would have. I smiled warmly though, and genuinely, my excitement at seeing Travis nearly palpable. He had always been one of my favorite people, and not just because of how absolutely gorgeous he was.
Divya greeted me with warmth and confidence. Apparently some of that shyness had faded away in the intervening years. It suited her, too. I found myself rather charmed by this new, outgoing version.

Of course, I made sure to inquire about the glittering diamond on her left hand. I assumed that it was from her arranged marriage back in college, but it turned out to be another gentleman entirely. She was all too pleased to tell me how they'd first met and subsequently fallen in love.

I found myself mildly surprised that she'd already had a kid. Aside from the updated hairdo and the business attire, she looked like the freshman I remembered. Hard to imagine that some little rugrat was calling her "Mommy".

Naturally, all of this was accompanied by photos. The husband Jack proved to be good looking guy with a quiet smile a few years older than me. The daughter Sahara was cute as a button with a wild tangle of dark hair and big brown eyes.

"You have a lovely family, Divya," I praised. "I bet you can't wait to get home to them. At least the storm is predicted to only cause a temporary shutdown; hopefully you can be back home tomorrow."

This produced a brief flash of panic in her face. Begging my pardon, she opened her phone and began making phone calls. It quickly became apparent that I'd momentarily distracted her from finding lodging for the night. Judging by the responses she was getting, it was also apparent that my earlier prediction was proving accurate: all the decent hotels were booked up.

Still, when she began casting glances around the terminal and musing about sleeping here for tonight, I couldn't stand idly by. "Divya, no, you can't stay here. I don't know that's even safe and it's definitely not going to be comfortable. I couldn't in good conscience let a fellow alumnus suffer through that."

"I've got my suite at the Drake still. It's nice and roomy and warm. One of us can take the bed and the other the couch." I chuckled. "If Kim were here, it'd be just like old times. What do you say?"
Travis and I had an excellent time bringing up old memories, reminiscing about the past. He was quick to inquire about my ring, though he assumed it had been from Anwar. I told him the story of Anwar's failure as a man and of my first encounter with Jack, smiling to myself as I recalled all that had happened since the last time Travis and I had seen each other. He asked about my family and I showed him pictures of my little Sahara, behaving just as a proud mother should. Just as I was musing about how nice it would be to have my little girl in my arms again, Travis brought up the storm and I was brought back to reality. There was no way I was going to make it home tonight, that was apparent from the announcement, and I now had no clue as to where I would lodge for the night. Excusing myself for just a moment, I began to make frantic phone calls to any hotel I could think of within a 10 mile radius. All the places were booked up, no doubt by the other panicked passengers who surrounded me.

Closing my phone curtly, disappointment on my face, I looked around. The benches in the terminals weren't terribly uncomfortable and I had a very warm blanket tucked into my suitcase that could serve me well throughout the night. The idea of sleeping in front of strangers felt odd to me but I supposed I could do it, now that the situation had presented itself. "Maybe I'll just stay here for the night... it can't be too terrible, really. There are so many others who are doing the same thing, I'm sure it'll be fine..."

Almost before I got the sentence out, Travis was cutting me off, offering me a place in his suite at the Drake. The Drake happened to be my favorite place to stay when I was here in Chicago, and the offer was tempting. But what of my husband? What would he think if he knew I was spending the night in a strange man's room? But Travis wasn't actually strange... I had known him for even longer than I had known Jack! And we had done this before, we had slept in the same room, mere feet from each other, for months! The better part of a year really... what was one night between friends?

"Well... that might be all right... but I don't want to impose on you, Travis, I'm sure you've got things you need to do..." I didn't even know if Travis was with someone, actually, now that I thought about it. I had assumed this might be where she lived, but judging by the fact that he had offered me a spot in his hotel room... "All right. You know what? Sure! It'll be just like old times. We can... order dinner and watch a movie or something. An interaction between two old friends... let's go..."

Making that decision so quickly proved to be the best move of my entire night, as getting out of the airport had turned into pandemonium. There were people everywhere, unsurprisingly, and the length of time that Travis and I had to spend waiting on the curb for his car was unfortunate to say the least. But I was grateful for the opportunity to not spend the night on a cold, hard bench in an airport, so I wasn't up for any complaining at the moment. Like a true gentleman, Travis loaded my suitcases into the trunk before opening the door to the backseat for me. I slid in, smiling at the warmth of the car, heating my already chilled skin nicely. Travis slid in beside me and shut the door, then gave specific instructions to the driver. Turning toward him once he had settled back into his seat, I spoke up again. "Have you had any contact with Jen recently? You guys were so... hot and heavy for so long..." I knew the answer to this already, being that Jen and I had remained extremely close over the years. What I really wanted to know was whether or not Travis was seeing someone now, though I wasn't sure how to ask that particular question.

"Have you had any contact with Kim recently? You guys were so... hot and heavy for so long..."

I chuckled at the mention. "Till I saw you today, I hadn't thought of her in ages. You know how it was with us. I was a graduating senior and she just a freshman, so we both knew it couldn't go anywhere. But we both enjoyed a good ride in the sack, so we spent time together when we were both in the mood for a little... exercise."

It felt a little odd talking about a former sex partner with another woman. I generally adopted the "a gentleman never tells" policy about previous lovers and offered few details. But such a policy seemed silly around Dyvia. Given Kim's fondness for doing it at her place, Dyvia probably knew as much about my sex life as women I'd actually slept with.

"Last I heard, she married some guy she met at work a couple years after graduation. I think I saw a blurb in the alumni newsletter about it."

Naturally this discussion lead to talking about my current girlfriend, Candace. Now it was my turn to whip out my phone and flip through some recent pictures. I didn't have as many of Candace as Dyvia had of her daughter, but then many of my photos of Candace were a bit too revealing for open display.

This chat lasted us back to my hotel. They'd set me up in the same room, so check-in took no time at all. I escorted Dyvia to the 12th floor and helped her carry her bags into the plush suite.

Travis was a true gentleman when we arrived at the hotel, helping me with my bags (of which I had a good deal) and leading me to the 12th floor suite. The room was very nice, complete with a small kitchenette, a living area and a lavish bathroom. There was only one bed, but it was big and cozy looking, and Travis had already told me about it. The couch looked just as comfy too, so I was pleased regardless of where I would need to sleep. As he set down the bags and re-acquainted himself with the room he had just vacated earlier that day, I excused myself to go to the restroom.

Closing the door behind me, I paused to look at myself in the mirror. I looked surprisingly vibrant and energetic for someone who had just discovered that her flight was cancelled. My cheeks had a red flush to them from the biting cold outside but I found that it added a certain life to my face. I knew that I had grown into my looks. My skin was a deep caramel color, lighter than that of most of my family. My hair was almost dark enough to be black, cascading down over my shoulders in very loose waves. The dress I wore hugged my curves nicely, accentuating my large breasts in a way that wasn't too overbearing. I looked good, and my confidence with Travis was proof that I felt the way I looked. Using the restroom and then quickly washing my hands, I was surprised by a deep grumbling in my tummy. With a start, I realized I hadn't eaten in hours.

"Travis?" I opened up the bathroom door, heading out slowly to see where he had gotten to. "I'm absolutely famished... do you think we could order room service or something? The weather is far too horrendous for us to go out to eat, obviously, but I know the Drake has wonderful dinner options...." Travis was nowhere to be found, so I figured he had gone to collect ice for the ice bucket or something. Taking this opportunity to get more comfortable, I lugged my suitcase up onto the bed and began rummaging around for something to slip into. It wasn't terribly late, so pajamas weren't absolutely necessary... but nevertheless, I wanted to put them on. I located the set I was looking for (a silk chemise and a pair of silk shorts to match) and began to undress. I untied the sash that cinched the waist of my dress, then slipped each shoulder down over my body. I was wearing one of my sexier bras, a black lace number that could barely restrain my large C cups. Shimmying the dress down over my hips revealed a lacy black pair of panties that matched my bra perfectly.
I returned from my trip to the ice machine to the room. It took a couple of attempts with the key card before the green lights flickered and the automatic lock buzzed. I leaned on the handle and swung the door wide.

"Just thought I'd get some ice while you were in the bathroom," I announced as I entered. The room initially appeared empty, then Divya appeared from behind a closet door.

I paused momentarily at the sight. She'd shed her workday attire and now wore what a decade of*relationships had taught me was called a chemise. The dark material looked to be silk and hung from her brown shoulders down to just above her knees. A broader pair of straps of black material indicated that she still wore a bra beneath it. The chemise was cut high across the chest, but did permit a hint of cleavage. Even this limited glimpse was enough to suggest just how much bosom still lay behind the silken barrier.

Divya was undeniably sexy in this more intimate attire. I was tempted to read something into this, but I'd had sufficient variety in my dating experience to know that what a woman wore around the house could vary tremendously. Most of the women preferred casual cotton attire - sweatshirt and pants, T-shirt and shorts, tank-top and panties, etc. But I'd known a couple who preferred to lounge in more elegant fabrics. Moreover, this was definitely not some frilly negligee or lace teddy; clearly the garment had been designed for comfortable coverage, not titillating appearance.

I shrugged off the momentary libidinous urges and continued into the room. "I was going to suggest we get dinner downstairs, but I see you're in the mood to stay in. How about room service?"
I knew Travis had seen me like this many times. We had spent months in the same confined space during our college years... I couldn't even be sure that he hadn't caught a glimpse or two of me naked on several occasions. Despite all this, I still felt a flush creep into my cheeks as I emerged from behind a door to see Travis standing in the middle of the room. Instinctively, I reached a hand up to fiddle with a strand of my hair, just a bit nervous. The fire in his eyes told me that he was taking notice of my body, drinking in its form with some sort of pleasure. However, he wouldn't act on any of his animalistic thoughts. I realized that after he spoke up.

"Oh... room service? Yes, that'd be wonderful. Is there a menu somewhere...?" I turned from him to hide the blush in my cheeks as I began to rummage in the drawer of the bedside table. I came up with a hard placard that listed quite a few dinner options, as well as several desserts. This would do. Eyes on the menu, I strode toward the couch in the lounge area of the suite, lowering myself down onto it gracefully. "Their filet mignon has to be one of the best I've ever tasted...."

Looking up to watch Travis make his way over to me, I smiled warmly. "We can even share a dessert, tell them to put it on the tab I've got here. I'm sure they can do it...." I felt eternally in Travis' debt for his assistance in finding lodgings for myself this evening, and I would pay him back in any way that I could. If the extent of that was a couple of steaks and a little chocolate mousse or some cheesecake, it was the least I could do.

Menu in hand, I placed the order to room service. I paused midway through and cupped my hand over the receiver. "To commemorate our little reunion, should I see if they have Old Milwaukee?"

This earned me a giggle from Divya. Back in our college days, money was tight, so we bought budget quality beer. It wasn't much for taste, but it did come cheap.

I smiled disarmingly. "Fortunately we can afford a slightly nicer grade of alcohol these days. I told the guy on the other end to bring a couple bottles of Argentinian Malbec up straight away.

The Drake's superb staff had a pair of chilled bottles at the door within minutes. I took casual note as I opened the door to let the waitress in that Divya had ducked out of sight. Apparently she didn't want anyone else to see her in her chemise, but she didn't mind me.

I poured us each a glass and handed Divya hers after the waitress left. We exchanged toasts to one another's health and resumed our earlier conversation regarding what we'd been up to all these years. This was momentarily interrupted a short while later when the food arrived (including another trip out of view for Divya). We continued our reminiscing over the next hour and a half as we dined.

By the time we were digging into the sumptuous chocolate mousse, we'd put away most of the second bottle of wine and we were both a bit less than sober. We laughed easily and Divya seemed more at ease with herself than she'd ever been in college. I also noticed that as our sobriety waned, Divya had become much less inhibited. When I made her laugh, she'd briefly rest her hand on my forearm. And when leaned forward, she'd stopped clasping a hand to her chemise to keep it from gapping open. Consequently, each time, I was getting a shadowy view of the deep cleavage between her gorgeous mounds.

Divya wasn't the only one showing a loss of inhibition. Earlier in the evening, I'd avert my eyes like a gentleman when appropriate, but I'd stopped that two glasses ago. Now if her chemise afforded me a glimpse of her dusky brown breasts, my eyes would dart towards them and linger while the view remained.

Perhaps the wine then explains why as Divya took a bite of her mousse, I heard myself inquire," Divya, now that it's all said and done, do you think you did the right thing by waiting till you got married? If you had it to do over, would you still remain a virgin in college?"