Snood-The Devil's instrument


Literotica Guru
Jan 28, 2001
I play Snood for at least a couple of hours a day, trying to beat my high score. I've missed classes because of this fucking game, its totally warping my mind. I dream of the "ultimate" Snood game, where with one well placed snood, i can score like 100,000 points or something. Anyone else have any horrible thoughts on this game?

edited to fix my god awful spelling

its a game for your computer. its so totally addicting....<shudder> play at your own risk
Well that's fucked up!

They all have those little faces doing different things...

o_0 Weeeird
Eagle70 said:
I play Snood for at least a couple of hours a day, trying to beat my high score. I've missed classes because of this fucking game, its totally warping my mind. I dream of the "ultimate" Snood game, where with one well placed snood, i can score like 100,000 points or something. Anyone else have any horrible thoughts on this game?

edited to fix my god awful spelling
They ought to rename it "Crack." It's that addictive.

At least in the version I've played, there's a limit on how many points you can score with one Snood.

I usually play the Puzzle matches. Hexagon City is a bitch.


i haven't played that game since college!!!!!

I love the puzzle level.... cuz you can keep going and build points and shit....

Hexagon city does suck.... so does that one with just the blue snoods that you have to bounce off the sides just right and sometimes you just can't win it (with all the skulls?)

Eagle-- many a class was skipped for Snood back in the day... Its a tough obsession..... Have fun!
Oh I was so addicted to this game last year. It was sick, sick I tell you!

Those little monster faces, mocking me until I killed them all dead. *poof*

Now my kids like the game, but I see no addiction yet :)
And here I thought it was a sexual thread about women's hair being pinned up in a snood and not being able to flow freely over his body during sex.
JeremiahsSlut said:
Hexagon city does suck.... so does that one with just the blue snoods that you have to bounce off the sides just right and sometimes you just can't win it (with all the skulls?)
That one's called Bonehead. After you figure it out, it's not that bad, but the first couple times, it's a motherfucker.

teddybear4play said:
That one's called Bonehead. After you figure it out, it's not that bad, but the first couple times, it's a motherfucker.


i dunno, maybe i'm just stupid.... but sometimes i just cant get that one!! and i've played it about 1000 times....

the version we had in college logged how many games you played..... we easily hit 10,000 over one semester!
my high score on the puzzle setting is 171013, which is a pretty diesle score.

the setting of my chosing at this point is the "Evil" setting, which is just all those Snoods lined up and stuff...i'm sure you all know what i mean. my high for that is 35,014.

When i lived at school, i'd wake up, go check my email, end up playing snood for like 2 hours, missing classes...horrible horrible horrible. It really should be called "crack" cause its that fucking addictive. I love it though...nice little Snoods...hehehe
wow, i've stumbled upon a snood sub-culture. ok guys, i'm tempted, i'm going in, wish me luck...
honey and I went through the Snood-phase about 6 months ago. It was terrible. We would take turns playing, trying to wup each other's ass. Days went down the tubes for this game.. and then we got his mom involved, and she and I started competing.

Evil evil game.

Now I'm stuck on MahJong Solitaire
My kids and I are so addicted to this game.. I ended up buying it. The trial version just wasn't good enough

So far, I have high score on all the games but I'm sure my son would beat my scores if I'd allow him on the computer once in a while.