<sniffle hack cough ache>


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
I know I haven't been around too much the last couple of days, guys. I'm fighting a wicked chest and head cold that's brought its best buddy fever along for the visit. I'm taking meds and trying to function relatively normally, though it's just not working much. :(

When I shake this thing, I'll be in better shape and back to the old thousand-posts-an-hour me.
I feel your pain!

Finishing up the second illness in about a month. I'm tired of this! Hope you feel better soon soon soon.
Jassman get well dude, you need all the strength you can muster on the boards!
Hope you feel better

I just got over being sick...I was sick for 3wks...*big hug* Hope ya feel better:)
patient1 said:
Are you still on for DC tomorrow?

I'm going to give it my best shot. I'm still running a low-grade fever and my going will depend on whether or not I still have the fever tomorrow. As chilly and rainy as it's been the last day and a half, I don't want to take this cold out into it. Bronchitis is most definitely not my friend.

Thanks guys. :) As a sign of how I've felt, I haven't thought about sex at all in the last three days. :(
JazzManJim said:
As a sign of how I've felt, I haven't thought about sex at all in the last three days. :(

...so we take that as a NO for the "Are you Horny When Sick" thread? Damn.