Snake River, AZ 1883

Light Ice

A Real Bastard
Feb 12, 2003
[OOC: This thread takes place in Arizona in 1883, two years after the famous OK Corral gun fight. Apply via PM to join.]

The dust had an irritating tendency to find its way into every place you didn’t want it to, but John Thomson didn’t mind. His skin was bronzed from the sun’s affections, muscles tight and hard from years of hard work. The former Texas Ranger enjoyed the gritty feel of dust on his hands, the way it blinded the city boys when the wind pushed it up from the ground and into the air. It was something you got used to, something you almost didn’t notice after awhile. The carriages running through the town of Snake River were always packed with city folk, drawn to the lure of the mines and the tales of excitement. The pretty women who often dance and sang at the Silver Dollar, a local saloon, were a welcomed sight to all the men in the booming town. The men, equally as dainty as the women, were the scorn of the rough necks. John’s blond lashes, thick and well accustomed to catching the flying grit before it ever reached his metallic stare, blinked a few times as he stepped from the barber’s shop and onto the streets.

He had retired a couple years ago, and today was his 32 birthday. He smiled, pulling a cigarette from a small gold case and tucking it between his thin lips…it smelled like a good day. So far, some of the rougher, more dangerous types had stayed out of town…leaving him to take all the money from the pockets of the pretty boys. He had a talent for poker, a way of seeing through a man and into his heart. The roughnecks usually cheated, and robbed the most inexperienced city dwellers before he could bate them into betting large hands and then steal all their earnings away legitimately. They also tended to stir up fights, but luckily he hadn’t had to draw on anyone. He was content at having his pistols appear to be nothing more than accessories, his short black suit with matching heavy duster a testimony to how proficient at gambling he actually was.

It tends to draw doubts about my ability to handle myself.

John loved control and was very good at keeping a grip on everything going on in his life, well everything except his thoughts. The Colt Peacemakers stirred restlessly in their black leather holsters, freezing into two solid lumps that hung off his hips as he let the doubts surface. He felt his fingers get anxious, but managed to draw his duster closed and produce an oil lighter instead. Smoke rose in a thin column in front of his face, and he stared through the haze at the saloon. It was time to get a drink, celebrate the success of his 32nd year…and enjoy the lovely nightlife of Snake River.
Jake Lassiter:

I let my horse set his own pace as we approached Snake River. If'n I recalled right yesterday, today or tomorrow was John's birthday and if the shit head was still in town, hadn't been shot while gambling or for diddling some wife, daughter or girlfriend I'd stand him to all he could drink to celebrate it.

We'd met a few years back and I'd taken a shine to the kid, being 13 years older I can get away with that... most of the time at least.

He was a Ranger at the time and I was a scout for the Army fighting the injuns. Still some about, but it was mostly peaceful around here now so I made my money prospecting. I'd found a lil lode and took out enough to get by on plus some for fun, but not enough to attract any real attention.

Well other than those two who thought it should be theirs and the coyotes and buzzards had fed well on them I suspect.

It was comin' onto mid afternoon when we hit town. I stabled "Runner" at the smiths and ordered a new set of shoes all around.

Winchester, shotgun, and the rest of my gear gathered, I headed to the Silver Dollar to git a room, bath and see if John was still in the area.
Cheyenna Plains

I know I was young but with things now a days does what one knows how to

I liked workin at the Silver Doller. It was a good peice, at least I was gettin fed every day. I knew a few folks that didn't have that. And Mister John ain't a bad one to work for either. An today is his birthday. I had been hidin my knowin for awhil so he didn't get all fussin cuz I fixed him somethin.

I was makin rounds to the locals an a few new hands from some ranch outsid of town. I was bein me self too. I had me a lip too, I didn't take much sass from the cowpokes niether. Had a few of em boys threaten to make an onest woman of me. "HELL WHAT WOOD I WANT TO DO THAT FER" I tell em an they wood jus laff or slap my ass. Didn't bother me none.

I was wearin a new dress an had me hair done up real proper. I wasn't aftr Mister John I jus means to make today real special. I maked a cake an hids it in the pantree.

What do I looks like? Well gentlman takes a good look case you dont know. I gots long to the ass strawberry blonde hair an soft light brown eyes wif bronzed tanned skin. I stans about 5 feet and a half er so wif long skinne legs. I cans sing a good spell too makes the paster's woman jelous cauz I cans hits them high notes better then she cans. I gots big ole jugs(40DD) an a wee waist (35) wif a wifes backside (38 hips and really round ass). Yep thats me... a piss ant from Cheyenne terrotoree.

I looks forward to meetin ya'll befor long.
John Thomson [Gambler]

The sound of a piano was very pleasing to John, but he did get tired of Steven Foster every few minutes or so. His game was going as planned; most of these guys couldn’t play cards to save their lives. The dealer was watching all the players very carefully, and John was doing the same thing. They were on their sixth hand, and John had lost about six hundred dollars to the gentlemen sitting directly across from him. John’s cobalt gaze was fairly impressive and extremely unnerving for most…but there was method to the stare he laid on his adversaries.

The black center of one man’s eyes grew a bit, showing he was nervous…another sucked in his breathe. They both increased their bet, clearly bluffing. He would wait to see which one was willing to go the distance, before he called. The man whom he was in the hole against made no sign of nervousness, except the thumb pinching his cards rose and fell against the laminated head card. Unfortunately, John couldn’t read much into that, and was forced to take his cards and reevaluate this hand. Four of a kind, he was set, but he hid it by filling his mind with panic. He acted as though the man across from him had a royal flush, and while his face didn’t flinch at all…

The tell tale signals of a winner didn’t show themselves.

John Thomson was a man of control, and this was the last hand of the game. The bets went well over a double what he had already lost, each man out bluffing or calling the other. He let them play, finally one of the bluffers bowed out. The man across from John called, and John called as well. There was easily two thousand dollars on the table. The bluffer folded, and a full house was laid out by John’s new victim. The former Ranger just smiled, and laid out his four queens. He loved the noble women, and his motto went for saloon girls as well.

The more the merrier.

He shook the dealer’s hand and walked off with over two thousand dollars in his pocket. What a great night to turn thirty two. His heavy palm slapped the dark wood of the bar, and a glass tumbler was set before him. The whiskey was chosen, but John shot it down. He favored the new charcoal filtered Tennessee brand. It’s green and red label a pleasant change from the normal. Jack Daniels. What a great name for a drink.

His cobalt visage swept hungrily around the tavern. He was an intelligent man, and wasn’t the usual rough neck that visited these saloons. The Silver Dollar had class, and he felt at home here. He watched the stage, waiting for the new show girl to come out. Oh, how he wanted to hear an angel…and see the legs of a colt dancing around. A round was ordered for all, and John smiled to himself…catching sight of an old friend slipping through the double-swing doors.
Jake Lassiter:

Striding through the bat wing doors, my kit in hand and under an arm leaving my left hand free should I need what was on my hip, I spot Johnny at the bar looking like a dapper dude in his suit.

"John, you worthless piece of cow pie, did I make it in time for your birthday," I shout over the piano.

"Barkeep. Keep his glass full. It's on me tonight."

Now I supose you wonderin what I mean when I say I am workin for Mister John.. well he likes to heer me sing... an I aims to pleas when I can.

I gots up on the stage an I sees him alookin at me... makes me smil apiece too... I starts to sing this Irish balled I heers a while back.... " When the wee folk come to dance, let your heart be mine. I can't leave you all alone, til thee say I'm thines... Oh be still me beating heart... lift my love kissed lips.. til I bring her home with me.. to my love kissed lips. Kings and queens have not the love... that I give to thee. Will thou still beside me stand.. and love eternalee"

Some of them cowpokes start alaffin an I gets red but I gets along pretty fair.
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Jake Lassiter:

I grin and wave at Chey as I reach the bar and ask for a room after downing my first shot of the night after clicking glasses with John.
John Thomson [Gambler]

His glass ringed loud when it hit Jake’s, and for a moment he is remembered of a different time. Jake has always been a loose cannon, never really focused on any one task or woman. The older man knew how to survive on his own, and seemed to be more at home in the sands then a town. Then again, John was the same way. His thoughts drifted, as they often tended to, back to his first few years as a law man. Texas Rangers didn’t get to stay in one place much, and most of his memories were on the road. The card shark let out a sigh before pressing the glass to his lower lip, for a moment thinking about the town and how wild it really was.

Whiskey had a burn to it, even good whiskey. What separated a good brand from a bad one was the after taste, and whether or not that burn slid down smooth. He had tasted quite a bit of firewater in his time, from the worst of booze that got stuck in your throat it seemed…to the best, like Jack Daniels, which rolled all the way down. Chey and Jake were likely to hit it off, he could see that clear as day, and a smile tugged his thin lips upwards as Jake ordered a room.

Now it wasn’t that John wasn’t a skirt chaser, he certainly was, it was just that he enjoyed taking the city women from their men. He loved being in control. Taking a naïve fiancée from one of the amateur gamblers, introducing her to the way a Texan did things, and then using the distraction to help rob her husband to be blind…well, that was more of John’s style.

“Very nice, Ms. Plains.” He says, letting the bar tender pour him another drink. The girl really can sing, and he claps lightly as she curtseys. Her attention swiftly turns to Jake, and John throws the bartender a grin…before throwing his drink back and setting a booted foot up on the foot rail.
Jake Lassiter:

"Barkeep drinks one round of drinks on me so's everybody can toast the kid here on his birthday.
"A glass of the good stuff for Chey too," as I accept a room key from him.

"I'll git my poke assayed tomorrow when the office is open and'll leave this nugget as surity for my bill," and a nugget about the size of my thumbnail is set on the bar and I use by Bowie to notch it as identification and to show it's purity so the bartender when he tells me how much I owe.

He grins and nods and drops it in the till then puts my name on my tab.

I came over to the bar and winks at the barman. I excused myself to the larder and pulls out the cake.. steppin back into the room with his cake

"Happee birthday tooo you... Happee birthday too you... Happee birthday deeeear Jooohnn..." I knew I surprised him too singin as I gave him his gift.
Jake Lassiter:

A clap on the back and hearty laughter, "Well John now it's offical, a cake and all."

"Looks wonderful Chey. Didn't even know ya could cook let alone bake too."

I laughed cuz Jake is such a joker..sometimes
"Yes Jake ... I cans cook an bakes cakes...ain't like I is one of them wommen from Boston"

Some fool cowpoke says somethin I cans do for him... an I turns redder then a brandin iron... I jus doubles my fist an socks him in the nose.... watchin the blood spurt out. "DAMNS YOU ROY STOCKER!" then I jus stomps away.... damn fool cowpokes
John Thomson [Gambler]

A smile worked its way across John’s squared features, and he nodded to Chey. His hat, broad and black, eclipsed much of his face in a cool shadow. The veil of darkness was a wonderful frame to the brilliant blue of his eyes, and they glinted now with contentment. She was a lovely little thing, and her song sparked a chuckle from his powerful chest. It boomed into the rafters briefly, before he tossed back another shot of whiskey and left her to cut the cake.

“It’s wonderful, Chey. Thank you. Do the honors if you would.”

She proceeded, and John took a small piece and ate it silently. Many took his quiet nature in the wrong way, and it was a select few who understood it was simply his way. He didn’t speak much, and tended to avoid small talk…especially in social situations. There was a rough edge to him, visible in his broad shoulders and sharp eyes. Even the pleasantries of a birthday couldn’t rob him of his stature.

“Here’s to a good 32nd year, John Thomson.” Jake was pretty good with his formalities, especially when it came to embarrassing John. He could see his lop sided grin, and watched it mirrored in the saloon’s various patrons. The older man clinked John’s glass and the gambler hurried to take the shooter as swiftly as Jake did.

“Yeah, thanks to you both.”

John was then assaulted again by those deep chuckles, watching as Chey handled herself like the fire cracker she was. Jake seemed to be especially amused, and the former Ranger would watch him with interest. The night would prove entertaining if the older man faired as well as poor Roy.
Jake Lasssiter:

I burst out laughing and when Roy drew back his hand as if to slap her stepped one step from the bar shaking my head and frowning at him.
The Lady known as... Lou

Fingering the belt fashioned from gold nuggets that she wore around her waist, Lou looked at the faces of the folk in the Silver Dollar. Some happy, some sad, some downright full of despair. These were the faces of men and women who came here with grandiose dreams of striking it rich. Some had done well while others... Well, they hadn't fared quite as well. Yet. There was always tomorrow.

Thunder boomed in the distance, the sound of rain coming down in torrents and the fire crackling in the huge fireplace taking the chill out of the crisp early spring evening... Pouring down. Leaking through a crack in the roof that pa kept promising to fix. Drip... drip... drip... Her thoughts turned back to the day when she first made the decision to take a chance on getting some of the tons of gold and silver that had been discovered out west.

Last trip into town, there was talk of gold. Gold just laying on the ground for anyone to pick up by the handfuls. Men and women both were going west to make their fortunes, not knowing if they would ever come back. Nor caring. Some in search of adventure, others just plain desperate for a chance at a better life.

Her ma had raised four girls with sore little help from pa. Not a one of them had prospect of a marriage that would take them from the brink of near-poverty that they so desperately clung to. Now pa lay on his deathbed. What would come of them now?

Lou turned to take a long hard look at her mother. Her face was lined from years of working outdoors in all weather, though she thought most were from worrying. She brushed her cheek gently, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Ma? We have to talk."

"Good Lord, Lou! Can't be anything but trouble when I see that look come on your face. What is it you're planning? As if it matters what I think. You'll do exactly as you please anyhow. Best just blurt it all out at once and get it over with."

"Ma. I'm leaving tomorrow to go out west. I'm gonna strike it rich. I have just as good a chance as anyone else. I can't stay here anymore waiting to see if the next crop will fail. Or worry where the next meal will come from if that happens. I can't bear to hear you crying in the night. You thought I didn't know? I do. And I am going. With or without your blessing. I am going."

"Yes, Lou. I can see that you are." Standing stiffly from where she sat by the fire knitting, ma walked over to the cupboard and pulled down her silver coffee pot. The one she got from her own ma and kept her money in for a rainy day. Emptying it out on the kitchen table, she looked up at her eldest daughter and smiled. "Well, girl. It's as rainy a day as it's ever going to be. You best be taking this to get you through until you make your fortune."

Wrapping her arms tightly around her ma, Lou brushed a stray tear from her cheek. "I'll send this back a thousand fold, ma. You'll see. Now I have to go pack my things. The sun will be coming up sooner than I want it to as is."

By the time Lou got out here she was down to her last fifty cents. Fifty cents wasn't gonna make her or break her. She threw it into the river and headed into town. Never looking back. Never regretting.

A clap of thunder brought her back to the Dollar and the sound of the piano and someone's booming voice singing one of their favorite songs. Shaking her head and smiling broadly, Lou walked over to him and poured another round.
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Jake Lassiter:

"Lou, now y'all come on over here and have a drink for Johnboy's birthday and a slice of this damned fine cake that Chey made too."

OOC: Welcome to the story and to the Lit Family Miss Behavin' but be warned this is dammmmmned addictive. *G
The Lady known as... Lou

Walking through the common room, Lou made sure the customers had what they wanted and offered them what they didn't know they needed. There were few pleasures she failed to provide here at the Silver Dollar.

With a neglible gesture to one of the girls, Lou indicated that she should go "make friendly" with a customer sitting quietly alone at a side table. At the same time, she noticed Jake Lassiter waving her over.

"Lou, now y'all come on over here and have a drink for Johnboy's birthday and a slice of this damned fine cake that Chey made too."

"Hiya, Jake. Cheyenna." She looked askance at the two for an unecessary introduction. Nothing much escaped Lou's attention at the Dollar. She had a good head for business and every customer in her saloon meant business.

Lou had noticed him earlier and asked a few questions on the sly. A quick (and now formal) introduction informed her that the man's name was John Thomson and it was his thirty second birthday.

"Well, happy birthday to you, John Thomson. I hope everything here meets with your satisfaction?" Lou grinned and gave the gambler a wink as she set the half-full bottle of whiskey she'd been carrying down on the table. "Enjoy and save me a piece of that cake for later, will you?"

Lou's mind had already turned to other matters at hand but her eyes kept wandering back to the table where he sat.

I sat down and broodin ... some cowpokes were jus plain dum. Roy was one of them that forgot their head half the time.
I sees him raisin his hand to me. I jus glares at him, darin him to do it... I is jus mad enouff to gives him a black eye.. I sees Jake makin a stand too

I jus walks over an gives John his birthday kiss. "Happee birthday, Mister John"

I looks at Jake an smiles... he ain't bad ... once you gets to know him.
Jake Lassiter:

I watch him and he pauses, then seems to realize he was out of line with the comment and backs down nodding at me.

I watch him as he takes his seat again and catch your smile from the side of my eye and smile back at you, but still watch him until I'm sure he's gotten himself in order again.

I looks at Jake... real close. He's a fair work, he stops in for a spell some times..

I takes note that ole Roy don't take too kindly to being put down. Buts hes afraid of Jake. Suits me fine, cuz I ain't gonna gets in Roy's way no mor any ways.

I took real good notes which room Jake's in too
Jake Lassiter:

To John and the bartender, "Y'all keep this shindig goin'. I'll be back shortly. Gotta wash off all the dust and get into some clean clothes.
"Lou, Chey don't y'all let this birthday boy slip away now ya heah and I'll be back mighty quick."

Grabbing my gear I head up to my room and drop off what I won't be needin'. Taking the pokes in my saddle bags with me and a change of clothes I head to the bathtub room and when the kid from the kitchen fills it get a good scrub down in the first hot water I've had, other than coffee and the like, in several months.

My dirty clothes are given to him to be washed and sit and soak out the aches and pains for wee bit sipping on the glass of whiskey and smoking a quirlly (twisted cigar) as I enjoy the hot water.
John Thomson [Gambler]

John had watched her saunter off with a large grin tugging his lips upwards, a heat settling over his cheeks. The liquor on the bar was an inspiration, and he finished a tumbler’s worth of Jack Daniels with renewed vigor…slamming the glass down on the bar emphatically.

The card shark had a way of being gracious, without overly thankful. The birthday cake was scooped up on a small dish, and he managed to grab both bottles of whiskey by their necks and head off towards the bar. After sliding in quietly besides Lou, John slid the cake in front of her and set the two bottles between them with a genuine smile.

“Well, you certainly seem to want me inebriated…hoping that I lose my proficiency at poker and stop winning money from your saloon?” There was a light hearted tone that was laced into his words, almost like a laugh threatened to break out and pour over his thin lips. He motioned with a finger towards the small cake, and let his good nature roll in a smooth chuckle. “There’s the cake you claimed, now eat up. I don’t want you to offend Cheyenne and end up stopping her from breaking your nose too.”

The song ended, and John clapped for the pianist while keeping his brilliant blue eyes locked on Lou’s face. She had the guise of a salesman, a carpet bagger, and he was intrigued and hooked by it all in the same brief instant. He offered Jake a nod as he scurried off to get dressed.

I went back to work... servin drinks an such. I sees a couple of new hands from the cattle place bout four hours out. They is havin fun and joshin around. I takes a new bottle to the table an they starts a ribbin me... I jus pokes fun right back. Leavin them wif a silver doller for me time.

I hides my money, cuz I likes the shine. I likes the new look it has. When one never has somethin they tend to like things shiney.... an I sure do.

I gets busy for awhile an befor long its time to sing.. I likes to sing..bout the only thing I does that is all me. I peeks around to see if Jake has come back too. I didn't sees him but I knows I can be heerd all thur the Silver Doller.

I gets on the stage an sings "Miss Mollie is a lusty wench... I see her every day.... I like the way she kisses me.... and loves me every day.... hoooo boys just gather round ... and listen of my tale Miss Mollie is a lusty wench... an every sailor's tale. I pour the brandy in her glass... and pinch her close to mine... I think I may just marree her ... and make Miss Mollie mine. I find the way to Mollie's house... as few a light to see.... Miss Mollie, that lusty wench.. .. has made a fool of me. She kisses many other lads.... and takes them to her bed... and so because she fooled me so.... the wench now lies dead... never love a lusty wench... a woman can't be true.... Miss Mollie was a lusty wench and now her tale is through" I really likes that song!
Jake Lassiter:

Up in the tub I can hear Chey and grin and raise my glass in a silent toast then take a sip.

A lil bit longer and the water will have cooled enough to get out and dress in the clean clothes then go back and join the party.

I gets off the stage an back to work. Servin drinks... a couple of the locals pester me to spend a little longer at thier table... I jus smile an moves away. Some of them is good lookin fi you like the kind. I doesn't..... I wants somethin more then a fast tumble.

I gets clearin a table an I sees a new fellow comin in. I smiles real nice like an asks if he wants a drink. He's not alookin at me so I jus mosy on to somethin else. He must be alookin for a card game. I notes he is watchin the tables. Oh well...

I keeps lookin at the stairs too.... I guess I likes Jake more then I say. Somethin bout him I likes. I gets lippie with another fellow an he laffs...damn cowpokes. I smiles tho.... I doesn't need another man mad at me. I recken I is jus a plain onery cuss...

I sees Roy still sulkin at a table ... I thinks about tellin him I didn't mean no harm... I jus didn't likes what he says bout me.... Ain't gonna lets him be all fired up for nothin either. I really doesn't like him.... but I can sees he likes me... or at least likes the idea of tossin me in a bed...No thanks