Snack attack while writing?


Literotica Guru
Mar 17, 2012
Anyone else find themselves sneaking into the fridge during those late night writing sessions, rummaging around like a raccoon in a dumpster? Do you have a particular favorite snack to munch on while you write? More importantly, do you snack out of boredom or because it actually helps you write?

For me my go-to snack is a cheese stick. However, lately I've been giving into my bacon cravings where I'll zap three or four strips. Usually it's out of boredom because I'll need something to do while I try to think of the next scene or sentence.
Yeah, I become a bit of a fridge raider while writing, but then again I'm kind of a habitual grazer anyway. I only eat like one proper meal in a day.

My personal favorite writing fuel is a bag of M&M's or Malteasers (or whatever the fuck they're called.) The sugar peps up my mind, and it's not messy food, so there's no risk of keyboard grease or what have you. That, and I go through a pretty steady stream of coffee and tea while at the keyboard too, and subsequently a number of bathroom breaks too :D
Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, If I"m writing in the morning.

Dr Pepper and jelly beans, if I'm writing in the afternoons.

If there is pussy and beer in the evening, I won't get much writing done. :eek:
I tend to polish off whatever leftovers are in the fridge when I'm up late writing.
In college, I was a really bad snacker.

Curly fries, gummi rings, 2-pound bags of cookies, those massive hershey bars...

I don't snack and blog anymore. Maybe that's part of the reason I've lost twenty pounds.
I snack to feed my head, as it uses lots of energy.

I've graduated to oranges and coffee, with the occasional peach, because juicy fruits make good sex writing.
My snack of choice is cheese whiz and crackers.

Of course, I'll munch on any candy I got handy as well! :D
A lot of caffeine, either coffee or a couple of mountain dews. Occasionally yoohoo's when I get a craving.

One of my favorite snack foods is cheese doodles, but of course that led to an orange keyboard.

Like the op, lately I have been eating cheese sticks, I like the twists that have American and cheddar cheese.
Healthy: cucumber spears with yogurt as a dip
Sinful: Honey graham crackers with Nutella
You shouldn't be drinking much of those right now. ;)

possibly explaining the dramatic drop-off in productivity since December/January. :eek:

Sinful: Honey graham crackers with Nutella

Mmm . . . Nutella. We had to institute a permanent ban on the stuff in our house--it was way too tempting to make banana and Nutella crepes all the time.
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If its mid-day or evening, I'll reach for a glass of wine. For the most part I sip coffee and don't get hungry or peckish. It's a well-formed diet.
I almost forgot: coffee with hazelnut cream, sugar, and chocolate milk - makes my 'bad' side come out! ;) I can't write a good sex scene without some caffeine and sugar in the system!
Tea flavored with pomegranate, Swedish Fish candy and microwave popcorn. :D
Eating pussy while trying to write is just so wrong. Anyway, the laptop keeps burning her belly, not to mention it keeps jumping up and down. :eek:
Why do I keep reading this thread title as 'Shark attack while writing?'
