Smoke Weed/Pot/Mary Jane whatever.

Do you smoke pot

  • All the fuckin time, hell my teeth are stained from smokin

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Every day

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • every once in a while

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Once before

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Never before willing to try

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Never before don't want to try

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Never before Don't care if other people do.

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Never before Don't like people that do.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Never before, and you'd have to kill me before forcing me to.

    Votes: 3 6.8%

  • Total voters
Not for 12 years. Gave it up when I became preggers with my son. It always made me sleepy.
I've never done it. Simply haven't wanted to at any time. I figure I'm screwed up enough :D
You need an other...I used to smoke alll the Clean almost 7 years.
I smoked a lot in college, but that was like a million years ago. I think I went for about seventeen years without, but I've recently picked it up again. As a matter of fact, I'm about to pick up a doobie now. (Not really, I'm saving it for the weekend.)
kotori said:
I smoked a lot in college, but that was like a million years ago. I think I went for about seventeen years without, but I've recently picked it up again. As a matter of fact, I'm about to pick up a doobie now. (Not really, I'm saving it for the weekend.)

You said doobie!:D
twice.... or was it three times?

all about 6 months ago but never before or since.

I guess i have been curious but never enough to find out :D
Nora said:
Other for me, too. I used to. Then I grew up.

That's exactly what happened to me and then I decided to have fun again. I hope your recovery goes as well. ;-)
kotori said:
Have they changed the names?

No way dude. A doobie is still a doobie. They just added a bunch of more names. And why am I still the only one who voted all the fucking time?
Rubyfruit said:
That's exactly what happened to me and then I decided to have fun again. I hope your recovery goes as well. ;-)

lmao! you *know* I'm trying!!! Besides, I found tequila since then. I find the high more enjoyable. No munchies while drunk. More energy. 'Til I fall over, anyway.
Used to, but all I'd do was eat like a pig then fall asleep - or get dry heaves.
Did it once. Lauged, fell asleep, woke up starving. Never again.
I'm square like that.

In the immortal words of Sugah T of the Click: "I don't smoke dank. I can't. It make your breaf stank (what else?) It make your brain think late."
hehehe..that's funny to say.
A few times.

I don't see what the big deal is. If I wanted to get dizzy and have a craving to eat seven cans of Sour Cream and Chives Pringles, I wouldn't need to smoke weed to do it.

Started smoking in 9th grade - used to get high every day before school. Continued through most of college, around junior year dropped the habit, mostly. Found it was taking the edge off of life, and I like edges. Now, just once in a while - once every 6 months or so. Just to get silly.