Smile! you're on Camera


You've been busted, pal. I've figured out who you really are: Dixon Carter Lee.
Glad you asked

Two main ones. DCL often says "I win." "Hanns'" signature line says "I win Hanns down." Also, in SINthysist's thread about N. Korea, "Hanns" spoke about the "genius" of Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech. That's also a line DCL uses. That, plus the general similarity of their style of posting-- usually short, punchy, calculated for effect. I'm about 99% sure "Hanns" is just DCL in disguise.
And???? Who gives a flying fuck?

Why dont you protest something somewhere?
I don't think Hanns is DCL. I could be wrong on my judgement of character, but from his posts, I don't think he would waste his time that way, or be willing to go so far to be an asshole. He could be an asshole in his natural form (no offense) if he wanted to.

I have my own theory on who Hanns is, but I am not sure enough to paste it in public.