Smelling like a guy after they leave your house

I like smelling like a guy when I leave my house.

I know you don't care.

I know the smell shuffle that you speak of. Guys (most, I assume) hate it. Nothing worse than walking in to a store afterwards smelling like a woman and not knowing it because it's all you've smelled for the last while.

I know, I'm getting into the habit of posting irrelevant things to your threads.
It's not a coincidence....

It's our secret scent glands located under our ballsack....:D
The cologne smell....

Depends on what we eat, the location of the scent depends on the directed spray. (And you just think we're adjusting ourselves!) :D
"He puts the final comb to his hair, and sprays a light mist of her favorite cologne in the air. It falls like invisable snowflakes as he walks through it towards the door, on his way to pretty's place.....":rose:

..... Killswitch.....
Ah, but to get that smell of a man after a good honest days work, you need to sleep in the same sheets as him. That's totally different, and so much more fulfilling.
I love the way a man smells when he just wakes up...that warm, not quite asleep smell. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

To get back to the thread topic though...I do love the scent of lingering cologne on my clothing after I've had brief contact with a guy :)
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Agreed. Totally. Maybe I should have asked him to spend the night...;)
*grin* well, it's much more fulfilling . . .
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Of course, considering he is a friend and all, it probably would have been messy, and not in a good way....
Ah, the sacrifices we make. *sigh*
pretty_lil_stranger said:
I love it when that happens. A friend of mine was over to watch a movie together. I hugged him when he got here and when he left, and now I smell like him. I really like that. A lot. I love the way men smell when they get all cleaned up. :D
Hell pls I thought this was going to be about really *smelling* like a guy been there when he left!
Re: Re: Smelling like a guy after they leave your house

bknight2602 said:
Hell pls I thought this was going to be about really *smelling* like a guy been there when he left!

Me too. If I wanna smell cologne, I'll go to the perfume counter. ;) I want to smell like *him*.

When I first met my bf it was on a camping trip. We ended up sleeping in his tent, and when I got home I realized my sleeping bag still smelled like 'us'. I didn't wash it for weeks because I missed him so badly and that smell just made me ravenously horny. :D
