Smallville AU

When he saw what she was trying to get him to wear he didn't know if he should laugh or choke. Thankfully he didn't have anything to drink in his mouth when he saw that first one she showed him that was not only skin tight, but a glossy black lycra that almost looked like it was pvc. But it hid more then the purple swimsuit she had pulled out next. "There is no way you'll ever catch me on any of those." he said. "How the hell is that supposed to keep me modest?"

"Modest? Who said anything about modest.." Lana replied with an evil grin. "It's supposed to cover the essentials, and reveal everything else. Works for getting a better tan as well."

"My body is tanned enough." he said as he continued looking at the little thing. If he even tried putting that thing on no one could tell if he was pale or tan, all they'd see is the deep shade of red all over his body.

"Your body isn’t tanned nearly enough," Lana hinted as she pulled several other suits out for him.

Clark's eyes nearly shot out of their sockets. The latest one she chose was not only skimpier, but the material it was made of made it shear, even though it looked blue he could tell as he held it up that anyone could still see through it. But as he saw the other one "Oh hell no. Where the hell is the suit in that?" he asked as he held up the suit that was little more then a sock and a string.

"It's legal," she said, "Well.. mostly.." giggling she looked at him. “How about this one?" she asked, holding up another one.
"Not in Smallville." He said in regards to that sock and string suit. He looked at the latest ones she want him to see, these looked more like briefs. But definitely were the more modest of the choices she had made thus far. He knew she was having fun with him, especially how she giggled. "Well at I won't get arrested for those."

"How about this?" she asked holding a black suit. "And they even have it in blue or red.."

Again Clark shook his head. This one was similar to the last, looking more like a pair of briefs. But they just weren't him. "Ha ha, very funny." he told her, but still wasn't something he saw himself wearing

"Well, maybe not for the beach. But what about at my pool?"

"I don't know Lana." he said as he looked at them. He was starting to give in. Was actually even thinking of just doing that so he could get out of this place before she picked something so small it would be dental floss.

"Tell you what. We'll get a couple from here. Two my choice and two yours. Then we'll go to another store and get two each from there. and you have to wear at least one of them to my pool. But I’m only paying for ones I like..." And if Clark didn't play right.. she was gonna find something so small dental floss would be a major bonus.

"Lana I don't need so many swimsuits. Even if we lived near a beach I wouldn't buy so many." he told her. But he didn't say he wouldn't get at least one. But he was a guy, and guys didn't need a swimsuit for ever day of the week.
"Ok.. then you pick one and I pick one.... and you have to wear the one I pick at my pool. Period. But the one you pick you can wear to the beach.."

Holding up another swimsuit she looked at him...

But the one you chose better be something I can wear in front of either of our parents. I wouldn't want to die of embarrassment." he said agreeing with her.

"Depends on how much trouble you give me.." she said smiling mischievously.

He looked around and finally saw one that he thought was passable. "I'll take these." he said as he held them up and showed them to her.

"How about these instead?" Lana said holding up a pair of black and white square cuts with a front tie.

"You said I could choose." he reminded her. "Now I'm willing to go along with what you choose, within limits. But picking something after I've chosen one doesn't seem quite right to me," he told her. He then adjusted his glasses.

"Of course we can always just call the whole thing off." he said as he started to put the blue suit back, wondering how far she was willing to go to get her own way. Granted she already was since somehow she had talked him into getting a suit he didn't think he needed.

"I was simply offering an alternative to your choice. If that's what you want to wear. That's fine. But you should try it on. We need to make sure it's the right fit."
Clark knew what size he'd need, and he had chosen the right one. But she was right, just because it shows the right numbers doesn't mean it will fit right. Besides it wouldn't take him to long to get into the dressing room and make sure it fit right. He walked over to the sales rep and asked where he could try the suit on, and then was showed were the dressing rooms were. "This shouldn't take me to long." he told Lana as he started walking to the back.

"Okay.. and I wanna see it on you. I'll let you know if it's the right fit or not. Too tight is just as bad as too loose." She instructed him.

Somehow he knew she was going to want to see it on him. She must be taking some perverse joy out of seeing him blush. Anyway he went in, close the door of the small booth and quickly undressed. No sense in procrastinating, might as well get this over with he thought to himself. A few minutes later he came out, in just the swimsuit and his socks. "Well?" he asked as he turned around so she could see and give him her judgment.

Stepping close enough for him to smell her perfume if he dared to inhale Lana ran a finger along the edge of the suit, slipping it between his skin and the fabric. "Hmm... Seems about right." Kneeling she slid her hand up his legs and up under the edge of the shorts, feeling his muscles against the palm of her hand, and the spandex/lycra material against the back of it. "Yeah, I think these will work. Are you sure you want that shade of blue?" she murmured, her breath brushing across his skin as she stood up.

Clark held his breath as she performed her inspection. Her physically touching him that way was the last thing he had thought she would do. He closed his eyes as she continued to check things and then after she was done it took him a few minutes before he was finally able to say anything. "If they have a navy blue, that would be better. But I didn't see one."
"I'll look while you put on the ones I picked out.."

Clark looked at the three she handed him and shook his head. He then turned around and went back into the dressing room. The first one he tried on was the lace up trunks that she tried to have him chose instead of the one that he took for his choice. He then stepped back out so she could see it. He really didn't like this pair, and that was evident in how he stood, hunching over and seemingly losing his confidence.

Walking back over Lana looked at them. Then walked around and looked at Clark's butt. "Cute, maybe.. But Try another pair." she finally said, without bothering to check with her hand how they fit.

Clark was so relieved that she didn't check them as she had before. But he quickly went back into the dressing room and quickly changed out of that one and put on the second pair she had given him. These he felt a bit more comfortable with, and could probably see himself wearing. He then came back out, and waited for Lana's judgment

Stepping close again, Lana ran a finger underneath the top edge, checking to see how well they fit. Kinda loose, but the drawstring would help with that, and they outlined his gear nicely. Not perfectly. But.. nicely. Walking around him she looked at them from the back. "Umm.. bend over and touch your toes. I wanna see if they pull down and show things they shouldn't."

Clark shook his head as he began to bend over. He couldn't believe he was doing this.
Lana watched, making sure the crack of his ass didn't get revealed. Cause that would be like nasty. Unless she managed to get him in a thong. "Ok.. next pair.." She finally said.

Clark exhaled in relief as he stood back up and went to get the last pair. In a few minutes he was back out and ready again. These like the last ones were ok, although he worried about breaking the zipper if he was in a rush to get out of them.

Looking him over Lana walked around, admiring the way they looked on him. The zipper would be a pain if it ever broke, but they were really snug and outlined him rather nicely. Not as nicely as a sheet would against his naked body, but still ...

"Ok.. I've decided." Lana said, "Go ahead and grab them and well put the ones we don't want back."
Of course she hadn't told him which ones those were yet. But he was glad to hurry up and get out of that suit and into some clothes again. It was just to damn cold in there. A few minutes later he stepped back out, adjusting his glasses making sure they were on right. He had the pair he had chosen to get, as well as the 3 that Lana wanted him to look at. "So which one is the lucky winner?"

"You are of course." Lana teased. "Number two. It fit better and looked good on you. The zipper would be a problem within a month. Guarantee it."

"Ok then." he said as he put the ones they weren't going to take in the bin that was for items that had been tried on but rejected. And then went to the counter with the other two. "So where to next?" He asked Lana.
"Another store of course. We have to try all the options available.. Besides I think a new bikini is in store.."

"Take the lead my lady." he said. He knew he was in for a long day of shopping, which honestly he didn't mind to much since they bothered to drive all the way up to Metropolis in the first place. It really would have been a waist of gas if they were to leave after just visiting one store.


Leading Clark from store to store Lana found two bikini's and another pair of swimshorts for him. She was even nice enough, or cruel enough, to model the bikini's for him. Before she bought them, after all she had to make sure the 'fit' was right was well.

It was definitely better helping Lana out with her swimsuits, then her helping him with his. It was also warmer... much warmer. "So should we get a bite to ear or did you want to hit another store?"

"I think we can eat first. As long as it's a small meal." Lana replied, taking his hand in her own.

The two made their way to the food court "course now we need to decide what to eat." he said .

"A diet soda and a salad?" She asked. "Gotta keep the figure slim.."
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"Somehow I don't think you'd have any problem with keeping your figure slim." he said as he looked for a place that he could get her a salad. He decided on Wendy's and got her her salad and diet soda, while he got himself a chicken sandwich, fries, and a regular soda. Then the two of them went to a small table for two.

"Well, if I eat something I shouldn't I spend an extra 15 minutes working out. Which helps."

"It's different for me. The coach keeps on me about putting on more weight, but I can't no matter how much I eat. I think I'm stuck at 225."

Nodding Lana watched Clark eat, as she herself took small bites from her salad, since she didn't wanna seem like a food guzzler. Or a pig..

Clark ate normally, he didn't feel any need to change that around her. After all there was still so many other things he had kept from her for as long as they knew each other. But in between bites he would watch her and paid attention to how she ate, taking the small bites into her mouth. He wondered if she always ate like that. It's not like she needs to diet, at least he didn't think she needed it. Maybe it was one of those girl things.

Looking around as they ate, Lana tried very hard not to look at Clark's arms, or the way his shirt was stretched across his chest. "Jeans.." she said looking at him.

"Huh?" he asked, wondering what she was thinking of now.

"I think you need some new jeans.. Maybe we can do the faded look. So they don't stand out to much." Lana answered.
"I have plenty of jeans Lana. Can't work on a farm without having them." he told her. He then pushed his glasses higher up on his nose. "Why is it that you want to give me this makeover anyway?" he asked her.

"Cause I want my boyfriend to look good," Pouting Lana looked at Clark with 'that look' "Can't I want my Boyfriend to look good?"

"I guess. Just after the whole swim suit thing, I started to wonder if you were trying to change how I looked." he told her. "I'm a farm boy, who happens to play football for his high school, just a dime a dozen." he said giving her his best I am what I am speech. Although he knew he was more, but there were times that's exactly what he wanted to be. Just a normal farm boy.

"A farm boy, that asked me out.. Means your my Boyfriend.. unless you don't want to be a couple." Lana was beginning to wonder if she'd read Clark's intentions wrong. Maybe he wasn't interested in something long term after all.

"Now I never said that." he told her trying to reassure her. He reached out and took her hand in his. "Being your boyfriend is something I've wanted for as long as I can remember."

Half standing Lana leaned across the table and gave Clark a kiss on the lips, before she sat back down. "Good, now... What size jeans??"

Clark liked, no loved the feel of her lips on his. "Waist 34, Length 36." he finally said as he looked across the table as she sat, still holding her hand.

"Good.. I think we'll try button fly.. zippers break to often, and they look better.."
Clark had already finished his lunch, so he was game. "Are you finished with you salad?"

Pushing the last couple bites away Lana smiled as she stood up, her fingers slowly twisting in Clarks hand until they were linked. "I think Target carries Button flies," Lana said, already knowing they did. She was a girl after all.

Holding her small hand gently in his as he rose from the table, Clark picked up his tray and then hers and while perfectly balancing the two walked it over to the nearest waste basket where they dumped them and then made their way to Target.

Walking hand in hand with Clark, Lana suddenly changed course and walked into Victoria's Secret. Her eyes on a negligée that was to die for.

Clark felt a bit embarrassed by being inside there with her. His cheeks were defiantly a shade or 2 redder than normal. He looked around, but everywhere he did he found himself feeling even more embarrassed then before.

Walking over to the lifelike mannequin Lana looked at Clark. "So.. what do you think of this?" She asked, sliding her hand underneath and checking the way her skin looked underneath the transparent black material. "Black or White?"

Clark gulped as he saw the small black... baby doll he believed they were called. He felt himself feeling warmer as he actually tried to think of which color would look better on her. " I guess." he some how managed to say.

Looking around Lana grabbed on from the rack beside the mannequin and held it up against her chest. One each in Black and white. "Come on Clark.. don't guess. Which one looks better?"
Clark swallowed yet again and then looked at the two barely there outfits. He couldn't believe that he and her were in Victoria Secret and looking at lingerie. They both looked good, however something about how the black looked against her skin. "Definitely the black." he said softly, as he felt himself becoming instantly aroused. What sucked about being a guy is that there really wasn't anyway to hid that sort of thing.

Smiling secretively Lana flicked her eyes from his face to his crotch, and when he started to get bigger, she knew which one was definitely the better. Putting the one back on the rack she looked for one in her size, then lifted it up and handed it to Clark. "Hold this, please??" She asked sweetly.

"Sure." was all he said as he held the outfit by its hanger. Still looking around and cracking his neck as a result of how nervous he felt, not to mention his state of arousal.

Giving him a kiss on the cheek Lana spotted another mannequin and nearly squealed when she saw it. Pulling Clark along she moved to another display.
"Well you already have this one in black." He said as he lifted the baby doll up, but then wondered if he should have. "So i guess that purple one would give a variety." he said. Trying to sound nonchalant about it.

"But which one looks better?" Lana asked, holding each one up to her chest before she switched and displayed the other one.

"The purple definitely." he replied.

"Okay," Lana said, hanging both from Clark's hand, next to the one he was already holding. "I think we can go.." she added, selecting several pair of matching panties, of a transparent lace pattern.
Clark didn't say anything and simply followed her. When then arrived at the counter he put them down for her.

The clerk at the counter smiled at Clark, her eyes fluttering seductively at him, plainly ignoring Lana next to him as she rang up the purchases.

Clark didn't pay much attention to the clerk, his attention was focused on outside the store where he wanted to be. Although he had to admit he was starting to feel more comfortable with the situation.

Walking out of the Store Lana glared at the clerk for a moment as she linked her arm with Clark. The Vic Secret bag in hand. Next destination.. Target.

As they left Victoria Secret and turned to head to Target Clark saw another store. He didn't remember seeing that in this mall before, but it was the big city, so it shouldn't have shocked him. However seeing the outfits in the window display seemed to shock him even more. Mannequins were wearing some sort of full length rubber outfit. He had seen them before on some tv crime shows, usually when the cops had to investigate some type of private club, but he never thought he'd see one of those types of stores, not even in Metropolis.

"Wow, those look cool." Lana said, looking were Clark was looking.

"I guess." Clark said with a shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't sure if they were cool or not, but it was interesting.

"Reminds me of Halloween. Have you decided if you're going to any parties or not?"
"That's still over a month away, I haven't even been thinking about it yet." he told her honestly.

"Claaark." Lana sighed.

"What?" he asked not knowing what he had done

"You have to think about Halloween, how else are we gonna plan what to wear for matching costumes? I like the keyhole pattern one.. and the shredded look on the mini skirt. Couldn't wear anything under it.."

"Yeah and in Smallville you'd probably get arrested for wearing such a thing." he replied with a chuckle. "I'm no good at that sort of thing Lana, I usually just pick something a could of days ahead." he explained to her.

"Arrested? Probably not, just frowned at - and glared at - a lot." Keeping a hold of Clark Lana walked into teh new store. Looking at a lot of new outfits.

Somehow Clark didn't feel as embarrassed about being in this store, Skinz Deep, as when he was in Victoria Secret with Lana. Perhaps because, even though the outfits were a bit... on the extreme side, most of them still resembled clothing. Although as tight as some of the outfits were, he didn't think they'd leave much to the imagination.

Looking around Lana fingered several G-Strings.. mens G-Strings, and giggled.

"You'd never get me to wear one of those." He told her as he watched her.

"Aww... why not?" Lana asked, moving to a pair of slashed mens shorts. "Look, no underwear for you in these.." she pointed out.
"Not in this life time." he replied as he shook his head. He wasn't going to leave any room for doubt that he'd never be caught in one of those.

"What about this?" Lana asked, holding up what looked like nothing more than a cock and ball sock.

Clark burst out in laughter. "Yeah right." he said sarcastically. Truth be told he doubted that small thing would even fit him.

"Come on, Clark" Lana said, lightly stamping her foot. "You need to live a little."

"I live just enough, thank you very much." he said with a smile. He found the look on her face and how she stamped her foot so cute.

Running a hand up his chest Lana smiled up at him.... "Please.." she whimpered, trying very hard to beg cutely. "Just try one on? For me?"

"Lana your the most beautiful girl in Smallville. But no chance in hell will I even try to put that thing on." he said as he took her hand and held it.

"I'll wear a tiny bikini for you... a very tiny bikini.."

He laughed again "Nope I'd die of embarrassment if I had to wear such a thing, and then what good would I be to you." He told her. "I don't see to much in here, and we still need to go to Target right?"

"Hmm.. Ok.." Lana said, sighing in disappointment at Clarks reluctance to be a little daring. "Target.. "
"You look so cute when you try and get what you want." he teased as they left the store and continued on there way.

Leading the way Lana took Clark to Target, the men’s department. Finding the jeans she bent over, looking for button flies for him. "See.. Levi 501's.. Button fly."

Clark couldn't help but look as Lana bent down to get the jeans. He could see the outline of her panties, as a result of how tight they hugged her ass. "That you did." he said as he enjoyed the view.

Straightening up Lana turned to him and took her Vic Secret bag from him, handing him several sizes of jeans to him.. "Time to show off Clarkie.." Lana whispered, giving him a kiss on the cheek for incentive.

"God not again." he said as he to the nearest dressing area. After a few minutes he came out and showed her the jeans. He even lifted his shirt so it wouldn't obstruct her view.

Purring in delight Lana walked around Clark, admiring the way the jeans hugged his body. They even displayed his best.. umm.. assets nicely. "These look good, but they're a little off. Try the next size up." Patting his butt just once she sent him back to the changing room.

"Ya know I'm starting to feel like a piece of meat." he told her as he returned to the dressing room. After changing he returned and again modeled the jeans for Lana.
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Clark Kent

Clark woke up Sunday morning, got out of bed and started getting himself ready. He did his early morning chores, then returned to the house, showered and changed yet again, this time into his Sunday best all in time before he and his family went to church as they did every Sunday morning.

But this wasn’t your typical Sunday morning for the Kents. On the way back to the farm Jonathon stopped over in Miller’s field, which was one of the properties next to the Kent Farm. “Come with me son.” Jonathon told his son.

The two men went over to the fence line and made their way through a gate. The older Kent led his son deep into the field, and they walked for several minutes before they finally stopped.

Clark didn’t understand what was going on. “Is something wrong dad?”

“No nothing’s wrong. It’s just time to finally show you something. Something that maybe I should have shown you a long time ago.” The older man took a deep breath and relaxed himself before he spoke again. “It was fourteen years ago, when that meteor storm hit, and we found you walking in nothing but a blanket. You are and were the answer to our prayers since we hadn’t been able to have any children of our own. That much you knew, but what you didn’t know is that after we got you to the house I came back here to check and see if I could find any clues as to how you got here. What I found was that.” He said pointing to a small pond. “Of course that was just a huge hole then, one that looked like something had crashed in it. Your ship had crashed there.”

“My ship? Dad I don’t understand.”

“I didn’t either at the time Clark. And to tell you the truth I never really saw it, so I didn’t really have any evidence. But I believe you arrived here from somewhere out there with that meteor shower. My only clue that this is truth instead of some delusion was this.” Jonathon said as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a square piece of metal with a crystal almost arrow shaped head attached to it. He handed it to Clark.

“Dad come on outer space?! I could have easily have been in some car crash. You and mom told me yourselves that you nearly lost the old truck in that shower.” Clark said as he took the object into his hand and some how it felt familiar.

“See those symbols. I did some research. No one has ever seen those symbols before.” Jonathon told him. “Then in the days and weeks that passed some government types came around, and they were looking for something around here. Something they never found. It had to be your ship.”

Clark couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew he was different but an alien, there had to be a mistake. In fact he was about to say that when he looked at the symbols his father was telling him about. Some how he knew what the symbols meant, they were more then just symbols it was a language. And what was on it was a name, or rather several names. On one side it said Jor-EL and Kal-EL and on the other side it said Zor-EL and Ka. But that was as much as he could read. The other side had been damaged to the point that he couldn’t make out the last name. He looked up into the eyes of the man that he had called his father for as long as he could remember. “It’s all true, but then were do I come from and what happened to the ship?”

“I don’t know son. We may never know. But what I do know is that you were sent here for a reason. And as much as I love seeing you out there following in my foot steps, I don’t thing you were sent here to score touchdowns or manage a farm.” He said as placed an arm around his son. “Come on let’s get back to the truck before your mom starts to worry.”

This was definitely something Clark needed to think about. All these years he thought that he was just some sort of mutant like in the comics. But now it seemed that he was some sort of visitor from another world. One that he would never know anything about.
Lana Lang

Sitting up and rolling out of bed Lana reached out and shut off her alarm clock, the newly purchased shear teddy not even coming close to concealing her form.

Moving to the mirror Lana admired the purple and lace teddy, Her fingers teasing the draw strings. Reaching up she cupped her smallish tits and stroked the nipples with her thumbs. Unable to resist any longer Lana tweaked her nipples and untied the top, releasing her tit young breasts to the open air.

Reaching down with her right hand Lana slipped a finger along the inside edge of her tiny bikini panties, slowly inching lower and lower until she could feel the moistness of her lips. God she needed this…


Laying back on her bed she stroked the cucumber up and down between her legs. Trying to shove it inside was a waste of time, it would just get mashed, but she could still fantasize about Clark. His lips. His tongue. His finger teasing her clit. His big hard cock stroking between her lips. His god-like body above her as he slid his hard cock inside her dripping wet pussy.

Moaning, her back arched and Lana cam, her body shuddering and convulsing in absolute pleasure as sunbursts of rainbow exploded behind her eyeballs.

Dropping the cucumber onto the bed she kept stroking her clit with a finger until she was finally sated.

Turning her head she looked out the window at Clark’s loft. He wasn’t there….

Damnit!! She’d masturbated for him, and he wasn’t even there!!! She’d kill him. Or she’d just turn the teasing up a notch.


Walking through the Metropolis Mall once more, Lana did a little shopping on her own. Without Clark here to slow her down, or convince her not to buy something.

And then it was off to work at the Talon.
Skinny Dipping

Walking across the field Lana climbed up onto the fence and leaned over, watching Clark as he worked the cattle. Her tight jeans hugging her buttocks as her hair swung free.

Clark looked up and saw her over by the fence. He walked over to her and found himself leaning in and giving her a kiss. "Hey Lana what's up?"

"Not much.. yet." She replied, smiling knowingly. "I was thinking we could go to the creek. If you're not busy."

"Sure, I really didn't have anything to do out here anyway. Just trying to keep from being bored." he told her as he hoped over the fence.

"Race ya.." she whispered, kissing him on the lips before she turned and ran, at human speeds, across the field.

Clark smiled and chased her. He let her stay just ahead of him, he could have easily passed her but he needed to maintain his secret and he was enjoying the view. He would occasionally catch up and grab her around the waist.

Once at the creek Lana danced away from Clark and reached up. Pealing her T-shirt off. Moments later her jeans and shoes joined her top on the sand.

Clark was beyond speechless as he saw Lana strip, revealing nothing underneath. "Uhmmm... Lana... what are you doing?"

"Skinny dipping.. Haven't you ever skinny dipped before Clark?" Lana said, wondering if Clark had ever dipped his skinny before. Which wasn't quite the same as nude swimming.. but it was done while naked...
Skinny Dipping

"No." Clark replied almost immediately. He then started looking around. "What if someone comes by and catches you?"

"They'll probably stand and gawk.. just like you.." she said, walking up to him and slipping her hands up under his shirt. "Skinny dip with me Clark?"

"Uhm Lana I don't think I... I mean we should be doing that." He said trying to focus , but god she was beautiful. And she was standing there in front of him in all her glory. He felt his cock begin to harden and lengthen.

Pushing her hands upwards, Lana ignored Clark's protests, and peeled Clarks shirt off his wonderfully delicious chest. Dropping it on top of her clothes she kissed his nipples. Flicking her tongue out and tasting him.

Clark's eyes widened and if it were possible would have bugged out of his head by now. He couldn't believe this was happening. "Lana...don't you think this is kind of fast?"

He really wasn't protesting, in fact he liked what she was doing. But it did seem sudden to him, plus he just didn't think he was ready for this.

"Nope," she whispered, her hands sliding down his wonderfully hot chest, and working at removing his belt. Once that was out of the way, her deft fingers nimbly unbuttoned his pants and snaked inside.
Skinny Dipping

"Lana!" he said in shock. Up until that point he was starting to close his eyes and just enjoy it. But when she slid her hand inside of his pants and then his boxer he just reacted. He grabbed her at the wrist. "Lana I love you, but I can't do this. At least not yet." he told her as he started to remove her hand. Of course he didn't say how much he really wanted to do it. But he wanted everything to be just right, and this wasn't it to him.

Even as her hand was pushed back, Lana pushed downwards, forcing his jeans and boxers down to his knees. "You say no. But I think he says. 'Yes, please..' " Lana murmured. "I'm skinny dipping."

Stepping back Lana's gaze took in Clark’s manhood, appreciative of the way he looked. "Join me...." Walking backwards she moved into the water.

Clark rubbed his fore head as he watched her move into the water. He stood there with his pants half down his legs and shirt on the ground, and was sporting a big hardon. "Well maybe the cool water will help calm me down." he thought to himself and then after looking around finished removing his pants and then joined her in the water.

Snickering to herself Lana slipped under water and swam over to Clark. Sliding up his body she was tempted to take his cock into her mouth and truly taste him, but she wanted this to last. So instead she rose up out of the water and snaked her arms around his neck, as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling their naked bodies together as she kissed him.
Skinny Dipping

So much for the idea of the cool water helping him. In fact even as he returned Lana's kiss and found his hands wrapping around her slim waist he felt himself rising to the occasion again. Only this time he was trapped between his body and hers instead of just a pair of jeans.

Moaning against his lips Lana ground her hips against Clark's raging erection, pushing against it. God she wanted him inside. So deep inside.

Clark just stood there motionless as he held her and kissed her. He wondered what it would be like inside of Lana, to sheath himself in her. And it was taking every ounce of his will power to keep from doing just that.

Moving one hand from around his neck, Lana snaked it down between her bodies, Touching him. Stroking him.

"Lana... we shouldn't be doing this." he said as he moved closer and closer to the center of the creek. Soon he would be supporting both of them up above the water. But that was the least of his worries as Lana's hand on his cock was driving him insane. He could already feel his balls tightening. Having her masturbate him was a lot different then when he did it himself.

"All I'm doing is touching and swimming with you Clark. I've touched you before. We've kissed before. We've swam before. We're just wearing less.."

Stroking his cock Lana marveled at how thick and long he was. So wonderfully thick. Her thumb rubbed across the head, teasing his cock's helmet even as her hips rubbed against his shaft and balls.
Skinny Dipping

Clark had to close his eyes and concentrate, she was making him feel so good. The only reason he didn't explode in her hand already was the fact that he was worried about being caught. "If someone catches us you know they'll think we were up to more." He some how managed to say

"Really? What else would we be up to?" Lana asked, before she slid under water and took the head of his cock into her mouth.

"That was it Clark's eyes shot open wider then ever and he felt himself explode. He couldn't do anything to stop it even if he wanted to, her mouth was just so warm and it felt so good, even though just the head of his cock was in her mouth. Course that was the furthest he had ever gotten.

Lana gagged at first, as the sudden rush of warm fluid exploded into her mouth, coating her tongue and tonsils before she managed to swallow, and swallow.
Skinny Dipping

Bursting from the water Lana inhaled, finally getting a breath of air. She was kinda disappointed he hadn't lasted longer. But he had a very, interesting, taste. "Fuck me Clark.." she murmured into his ear, her hard nipples brushing his naked chest. "Fuck me on the beach.."

"Mmmmmmmmm" he moaned as he tried to recover from his orgasm. He doubted he had the strength at that time to move them to the beach. But then as his mind cleared he shook his head. "I can't do that Lana. As much as I want to, and believe me I do. I respect you to much to for that." he said trying to explain. He wasn't interested n just a quick wham bam thank you ma'am affair. He wanted Lana for the long run, but that also meant he wanted her to succeed in whatever she wanted to do with her life. If they did this now, he had no doubt it would be wonderful, but it could keep her from doing the things she wanted to do in life.

Slipping away from him Lana made her way to the beach, her tight sweet ass swaying as she walked out of the water.

From the other side of the Creek came several sounds. Including dogs.. and voices. In a flash Lana was grabbing her clothes and running.

Clark heard the dogs and voices and quickly swam out of the creek. He could have gotten out of there at superspeed, but that would leave Lana in a lurch. So he decided to just do what she did, get out grab his clothes and run. Besides if need be he could probably get the dogs off her trail.
Looking for Clark

Walking up to the Kent House Lana turned over a Salad she’d made to Martha. The cucumber salad she knew Clark Loved. The one with her own special Ingredients.

With the news that Clark had gone to the field to check some Cattle Lana headed out that way to see if he had plans yet for this weekend. Maybe he could come over and help her study for Chemistry on Wednesday night.
Clark Kent

Clark didn't know how far he had gotten he was just trying to get away from the dogs and voices. They were probably a search party still looking around for the killer of that cheerleader. Loosing them would have have been an wasy enough manner if it wasn't that he was naked and running through the forest, and the fact he wasn't using his speed since he was trying to keep track of Lana.

However at some point, probably because he had so many things going on in his head, especially when he was trying to figure out what had gotten into Lana. He lost track of her. He looked around for a bit but never found her, so he got dressed, and then made his way back home.

As he crossed the field were the cattle was grazing he saw Lana there, so he made his way over to her. "Lana I'm glad you made it back alright, but how did you get back here so fast?" he asked her as he gave her a kiss, something he was finding he liked doing more and more. As he pulled away from the kiss he saw that she was completely dry. "How'd you dry your hair so fast?" He asked as he ran his hand through his damp hair.
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