Sleep my darling, sleep

Purrde Flower

I see you!
Jul 18, 2002
Sleep. A required past time for most people. I wish I could sleep much better. I wish I could sleep atnight without the aid of a sleeping pill. For some reason I sleep much better durring the day than at night. It is almost impossible for me to go to sleep before 4am for some reason unless I take a pill.

I had thought it was because my kids are away at their fathers until the end of this summer. I think about holding them in my arms. I think out it so much that my stomach and arms hurt with the need to wrap them around them and just hold them there.

But then I remebered. I had this problem before they even left. I have always had this problem. Sleep is something i really need. I become very stressed out, easily aggrivated and extreemely moody with lack of sleep.

How do you get to sleep? I used to be able to think of Snoopy and Spiderman to go to sleep. I used to think about Spiderman flying through my mind and casting his webs around my problems and taking them away. Snoopy was always a safe and funny thing for me to think about.
Sorry to hear of your ansomnia.

To get to sleep, I enjoy laying on the bed with the covers tossed aside. My bare skin exposed to the cool air. Relaxing on my back, my mind drifts over the possiblities of the company of a special person. As my body cools and my mind settles into curves of my lover, I pull the sheets and blanket over me, roll over and drift off into a delicious dream.
My method of falling asleep is to see pictures on the inside of my eyelids.

I also do Yogic relaxation exersizes.

If all that fails I make alphabetical, animals, boys names, girls names.......that usually bores me to sleep. :)
I like music. some nice acoustic stuff or even some good symphony tunes. it relaxes me. I have trouble sleeping too. Late niggts are the only time i have to myslef and i really need to have my alone time. most nights im lucky if i get five hours.