Slave Training Story for Significant Other

May 28, 2024
Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster.

I have an idea for a story, but the background is important. It is a gift I am writing for my S/O, as an anniversary gift. We have dated for years, and in the past two we started a long term sexual role play based on a master and slave relationship. It is hard to do everything we would like to do though, and so I want to start writing our fantasies for her to read.

The basic plot is this: It is a new world order storyline, with a dominant male caste. Inspiration would be Sabu’s Sex Arcade series and the Maledom Empire series. The story would focus on a slave brothel in this word, with a particular emphasis on each individual new slave and their training and use by the brothel. My S/O, Erica, will fill the role of chief slave who assists in training. IRL, she is a switch, so I think this is a way to give her both.

I’d like to help write this myself, but I would also love ideas for later chapters and the world. Erica is a big fan of slave play, noncon, and humiliation. In the alternative I would also 1. Accept help in the form of joint authorship; 2. Be willing to commission a story (not as romantic, but I want to give her something really good); and 3. Just accept feedback and ideas for storylines or world building.

Thanks y’all!
World building is simple. Take an existing world that you and your wife are fans of, and change just enough to make it your own. It happens every day in fiction and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Insert your new world order into Firefly or Bladerunner or Dungeons and Dragons or any world you know well. I just had a blast dabbling in Skyrim for a fun story. When you imagine characters and locations you know, future story lines reveal themselves.

Another setting idea is something I used in D&D quite a bit. Keep it all in one town or city. Don't worry about a world. Create your Gotham. Using worlds with limited transportation and technology simplifies your story like you can't imagine. When you can't pick up a phone or climb in your Toyota, the world shrinks.

As for the writing, I always encourage people to write their own. No one will care about your story as much as you. Fact.
Download the freeware version of Grammarly, upgrade to MSWord365 and give it a try. But keep it simple at first. Don't dive into your 'big personal story' right off, start small.

Your wife arrives home exhausted (happens in my home with regularity). She showers and eats a quick bite. After 30 minutes, she exits the bedroom and hugs you. "Babe, I can't switch my brain off after a busy day. Can you help me?" (Again a regular thing). Write about how you get her relaxed and ready to sleep.

It's simple and short and sexy. Be descriptive but don't forget the dialogue. This can be done in 2500 words or less. Fans here will appreciate a good, loving husband/wife story. Good luck. I'll volunteer to give whatever you do, a read and offer polite critique.