Skinny chicks are cheaper dates

Bob_Bytchin said:
Unless you're going to a buffet.

I am a definite money loser at a buffet. But I try real hard to fit in...I just haven't mustered the fine art of inhaling slabs of fat yet. ;)
You say that, but chances are the fat girl is dieting and that the thin girl has a high enough metabolism that she'll wolf down three whole fucking steaks.

When the new Pizza Hut with extra large buffet opened. I had nightmares of getting chased by cankles (calf + ankles).

There were some big women there.
Re: Re: Skinny chicks are cheaper dates

Mia62 said:
I am a definite money loser at a buffet. But I try real hard to fit in...I just haven't mustered the fine art of inhaling slabs of fat yet. ;)

Stick with me, kid. I'll have you scarfing straight butter before summer's over.
Or you could look at the idea that big girls are better fucks, and so the money for the date is well spent. :)

Re: Re: Re: Skinny chicks are cheaper dates

Nora said:
Stick with me, kid. I'll have you scarfing straight butter before summer's over.

Only if it is smack dab in the middle of two graham wafers. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Skinny chicks are cheaper dates

Mia62 said:
Only if it is smack dab in the middle of two graham wafers. :)

That works. Add some chocolate and you've got a fat-fest worthy of the gods.

*smooches Ruby*
sheath said:
Or you could look at the idea that big girls are better fucks, and so the money for the date is well spent. :)


YEAH!!! I want to be on Sheath's team!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Skinny chicks are cheaper dates

Rubyfruit said:

mmmmmmmm *smiles*

wanna come over for some egg salad sammiches? LOL
A Bob_Bytchin thread! That's not the godforsaken "thread killa" thread! Sweet!

sweet soft kiss said:
I never have had trouble out eating any man...

Skinny or not...:)
I've never had any trouble outeating or eating out any woman. :p

teddybear4play said:
A Bob_Bytchin thread! That's not the godforsaken "thread killa" thread! Sweet!

I've never had any trouble outeating or eating out any woman. :p
