Six Ways To Sunday


Literotica Guru
Aug 6, 2010
Jonathan tossed his felt hat on his desk as he shut the door behind him. His name had been printed on the distorted glass three years prior. Already seven years into the Depression and he hadn’t so much as anything lighter than a nickle leaving his pocket. But rich men and women wanted things and such people had deep pockets. That’s not to say times were always easy but sometimes a man had to drum up his own business.

The women were always the best customers. They often had nowhere else to go either because the cops were corrupt, they didn’t care or a case had just turned cold. Some were willing to pay a lot, and the poorer ones in various other ways in order to have their breadwinner returned home to them. Without an income the family would be lost for jobs in the city were impossible to come by. He’d chosen the right racket to join.

Before he sat down behind his desk he removed his revolver, placing it inside the top drawer. The holster joined its partner moments later. It hadn’t been used today, or ever. The more he stayed in the shadows the better off he was. The way they portrayed his occupation in those detective noir films just weren’t accurate. But he wasn’t about to downplay the heroism or womanizing features Dick Tracy portrayed.

One more appointment laid ahead of him before he’d end the day. Leaning forward he heard over the phone that his appointment had arrived. It was another disappearing persons case. If the police couldn’t solve them they were almost impossible but there was always hope. Jonathan returned his answer over the closed wire to send the girl on in. Within minutes he’d find out if it was worth his time and effort to take on what she was seeking.
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Tess sat, face as white as a ghost apart from the tears streaking down her face. Her hand shook as it held a handkerchief in it and she tried to comprehend the disappearance of her father. The murder of her father. Though of course the police could not tell her so for they had found nothing, but Tess knew.

Knowing that she could not sit by and do nothing she had reached out and an associate of her father had provided her with a phone number. Calling the phone number she had spoken with tears in her voice and she had been given an appointment. A time and a date to hopefully talk to someone who could help her. She was there at the time and date and she was shown into a room.

She smiled at the man sitting behind the desk and walked in and sat down on the chair on the other side of the desk looking up at the man and saw he was staring back at her. "Hello, my name is Tess and I need some help in finding my father."
Every day was a slow day and every disaster brought new hope. At least as far as money was concerned. His soul had been wrecked a long time ago. Jonathan received notification that someone, a missing person opportunity would be coming later in the day. When the police give up hope people suddenly become desperate. They also start finding money they never knew they had even in these depressing times.

Jonathan made it on time for the meeting today which wasn’t rare but neither was it common. As he went through a list of people, and a few minor filings he was ready for the missing persons. A Tess or something.

As she came into the room he didn’t stand or even try to get up. All he offered her was an obligatory smile as she took the chair across from his desk. After she laid out her problem he answered, “Tell me anything you can about him and what you think might’ve happened. And how you intend to pay.”
Tess reached into her bag taking out a photo and sliding it over across the desk so he could see. "He has not been seen in a few days, three, four, I dont know how many exactly." She sat back looking across the desk at him. "He never was..." she started then paused. "Well he never did things the way you should, if you know what I mean." She offered, knowing full well that all of his life her father had had nothing but disregard for the law. "And he owes people money and he said they would take him if he didnt get it back, and..." She reached up wiping away a tear as it rolled down her cheek.

"I have money, not a lot though. But I will do anything to get him back." Tess looked up at the man across the desk who still had not moved, not even to look at the photo. "Can you help me?"
Three or four days coupled with the fact that he was involved in something he shouldn’t have been told him all he needed to know. The guy probably wasn’t going to be found until his captors wanted to be found. Or maybe the guy skipped off with whatever was left. Either way he was gone. But that didn’t mean Jonathan wasn’t going to say no to one more pay day even if it were a little light.

“It’ll take money,” Jonathan spoke at last, leaning forward a little against the desk. “It’ll take a lot to find a missing person especially if the police have already passed on him. You’re going to need to bring more than what you have. Unless you have something else to offer.”
Tess sat there in the chair watching him, she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes and she composed herself. "Well I dont have a lot. I mean I have some jewelry but not a lot. Would you take those? What else would you take?" She felt herself starting to sound a little desperate. "What would you need to find my father?"

Sitting up she looked over at him watching as he looked down at the photo she had placed on his desk.
Jonathan listened as the girl went over her pleas one more time. It was clear she didn’t have enough and that she wouldn’t be able to get more. In his mind he told himself that he should’ve just sent her on her way since she wasn’t going to be able to do anything for him. But then a thought crossed his mind. If a guy was like that then he probably wasn’t going to be found but he could take her money and whatever else she had.

“You,” he spoke. “I want you here twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening until your missing person is found. It’ll also take whatever you brought with you.”

His eyes wandered over her but spent a little more time trying to guess where more valuable might be hidden. But he didn’t look too long before addressing Tess once more, “If you want to agree to it then take off everything you have now and bend over my desk. If you don’t, you can leave through the same door you entered.”
It took her a few seconds to understand what he was asking and she looked around the small office, through the walls she could hear others outside but the blinds were closed so she could not see anyone.

Still though she was shaking as she stood, slipping her jacket off she put it over the back of her chair. She looked down at him as her hands went up undoing the buttons on her shirt and she pulled that off too feeling the cool air on her bare skin as she reached down undoing her jeans. Everything she took off she placed over the back of the chair and once she was naked she looked down putting her hands on the desk she moved down onto her elbows bending over it looking over the desk at him.
Jonathan sat back as he watched the girl beginning to offer herself to him bit by bit. Each piece of clothing fell from her body as he sat still until she was finished. He was surprised that she had gone through with it. An attempted slap or storming out of the room, that was what he expected. But this girl seemed to want this guy back.

Once she had bent down, looking toward him Jonathan moved around behind her. Placing a hand on top of her ass he now stood close enough so that she could feel the fabric of his pants brushing against her thighs. Then as his hand withdrew the sound of a loosened belt followed by that of a zipper came as those pants fell to the floor and the feel of fabric turned to flesh. Both the shirt and pants were tossed onto the chair he’d left behind and his shoes off to the side.

He retained his position behind her, his hand slipping between her thighs. But that lasted only long enough for his cock to rub against her skin. His hands moved to her hips as his dick slipped between her legs.
She could not stop herself from shaking, even as she laid over the desk and she felt the cold against her skin. She turned her head so as she could watch him and even though she knew he would she still gasped just a little when he got up. He moved out of her view but then she felt his hand and she screwed her eyes shut tight as she felt his hand on her.

She gasped out loud when he pushed into her, she had been expecting it but it was still shocking that he just slid all the way into her and she pushed her hips were digging into the edge of the desk and Tess just laid there gripping onto the edges of it as she felt him moving in and out of her.